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#ir #peds
Learning Disorders
Syllabus: Rimrodt et al. Learning Disabilities and School Failure. Pediatrics in
Review. 2011;32(8):315.
Byrd R. School Failure: Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention in Primary Care
Pediatrics. Pediatrics in Review. 2005;26(7):233.
• Represent a disability based on a descrepency between a person’s
intellectual ability and actual academic performance
• Further specificed into the particular area of academic function
o Mathematics disorder
o Reading disorder
o Disorder of reading expression
• Any child who has school problems and is suspected of having a
learning disability should be referred for a comprehensive
psychoeducational evaluation
• Accomodations can be made at school through the Identification,
Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC). The IPRC will:
o decide whether or not a student should be identified as exceptional
o identify the areas of a student’s exceptionality
o decide an appropriate placement for a student
o review identification and placement at least once per school year
• An IEP (Individual Education Plan) is developed (in consultation with
parents and the student) for each student who has been identified as
exceptional by the IPRC process. An IEP is a written plan that describes
the strengths and needs of the student, services established to meet
that student’s needs, and how these should be delivered
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‐injurious and aggressive behaviours o SSRIs, psychotropic drugs (e.g., Risperidone), anticonvulsants • Social skills training • Vocational counseling Note: Elimination diets and vitamins have no proven efficacy <span>Learning Disorders Syllabus: Rimrodt et al. Learning Disabilities and School Failure. Pediatrics in Review. 2011;32(8):315. Byrd R. School Failure: Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention in Primary Care Pediatrics. Pediatrics in Review. 2005;26(7):233. • Represent a disability based on a descrepency between a person’s intellectual ability and actual academic performance • Further specificed into the particular area of academic function affected: o Mathematics disorder o Reading disorder o Disorder of reading expression • Any child who has school problems and is suspected of having a learning disability should be referred for a comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation • Accomodations can be made at school through the Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC). The IPRC will: o decide whether or not a student should be identified as exceptional o identify the areas of a student’s exceptionality o decide an appropriate placement for a student o review identification and placement at least once per school year • An IEP (Individual Education Plan) is developed (in consultation with parents and the student) for each student who has been identified as exceptional by the IPRC process. An IEP is a written plan that describes the strengths and needs of the student, services established to meet that student’s needs, and how these should be delivered Bullying Syllabus: Lamb et al. Approach to Bullying and Victimization. Canadian Family Physician. 2009;55(4):356. Introduction • Defined as the use of pow


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