Approach to Developmental History
-History of presenting illness
-Perinatal history (TORCH inf's)
-Past medical history
-Hearing, vision, sleep, feeding
-Developmental history (-start asking from several age groups lower than current age; observe child)
-Family history (developmental delay, learning disabilities
metabolic/genetic conditions
-Social history (typical day, language spoken at home, other children at home, daycare/preschool, child maltx/CAS, income, etc)
physical exam
•Weight, height and head circumference at 50th percentile (want to know if macro/microcephaly, any dysmoprhic ft's
make sure to undress & look at skin)
•Low, posteriorly rotated ears but no other dysmorphic features or unusual birth marks
•Normal general and neurologic examinations
Significant delay (at least two standard deviations below the mean with standardized tests) in at least two developmental domains from the following:
Gross or fine motor
Speech/ language
Social/ personal
Activities of Daily Living
-Child must be less than 5 years old
Causes of GDD/ID