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#ir #peds
A 14yo ♂ with 1y Hx of FTT. He is pale and has diffuse abdominal pain. What are tests you would do to narrow your differential?
CBC/Fe (occult inf, anemias, immune deficiency)
Celiac screen (tTG) - antibody test
U/A & culture (hydration status, inf, renal tubular acidosis)
renal function (lytes, BUN, cr)
Liver function (LFTs considered if signs of protein wasting or organomegaly)
Sweat test for CF
Metabolic/Endo tests PRN (TSH - hyperthyroidism)

#ir #peds
A 14yo ♂ with 1y Hx of FTT. He is pale and has diffuse abdominal pain. What are tests you would do to narrow your differential?

#ir #peds
A 14yo ♂ with 1y Hx of FTT. He is pale and has diffuse abdominal pain. What are tests you would do to narrow your differential?
CBC/Fe (occult inf, anemias, immune deficiency)
Celiac screen (tTG) - antibody test
U/A & culture (hydration status, inf, renal tubular acidosis)
renal function (lytes, BUN, cr)
Liver function (LFTs considered if signs of protein wasting or organomegaly)
Sweat test for CF
Metabolic/Endo tests PRN (TSH - hyperthyroidism)
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A 14yo ♂ with 1y Hx of FTT. He is pale and has diffuse abdominal pain. What are possible causes? What are 5 tests you would do to narrow your differential? DDx: non-organic, celiac, IBD, CF, T1DM, haematologic, malignancy, liver disease, obstructive uropathy Ix: CBC/Fe, celiac screen (tTGT), lytes, urea, Cr, TSH, U/A, Ca 2+ ,

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GROWTH Failure to Thrive: cross 2 %-tiles, wt <3%-tile, <80% ideal body wt A 14yo ♂ with 1y Hx of FTT. He is pale and has diffuse abdominal pain. What are possible causes? What are 5 tests you would do to narrow your differential? DDx: non-organic, celiac, IBD, CF, T1DM, haematologic, malignancy, liver disease, obstructive uropathy Ix: CBC/Fe, celiac screen (tTGT), lytes, urea, Cr, TSH, U/A, Ca 2+ , Vit ADE 14yo at 3 rd %ile weight + 10 th %ile height is not eating well. What are 3 possible causes? See above A full term baby presents with an eating


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