Newborn Growth Parameters
• At birth = 3.0‐3.5kg (avg)
• Normal to lose up to 10% of birth weight in first 4‐7 days
o BUT should return to birth weight no later than 10‐14 days
• Doubles birth weight by 4‐6 months; triples birth weight by 1 year
• Quadruples birth weight by [...] years
#ir #peds
Newborn Growth Parameters
• At birth = 3.0‐3.5kg (avg)
• Normal to lose up to 10% of birth weight in first 4‐7 days
o BUT should return to birth weight no later than 10‐14 days
• Doubles birth weight by 4‐6 months; triples birth weight by 1 year
• Quadruples birth weight by [...] years
#ir #peds
Newborn Growth Parameters
• At birth = 3.0‐3.5kg (avg)
• Normal to lose up to 10% of birth weight in first 4‐7 days
o BUT should return to birth weight no later than 10‐14 days
• Doubles birth weight by 4‐6 months; triples birth weight by 1 year
• Quadruples birth weight by [...] years
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Parent (intermediate) annotation
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• Normal to lose up to 10% of birth weight in first 4‐7 days
o BUT should return to birth weight no later than 10‐14 days
• Doubles birth weight by 4‐6 months; triples birth weight by 1 year
• Quadruples birth weight by <span>2 years<span><body><html>
Original toplevel document
Growth 14yo ♂ with weight of 67 kg, height 150cm.
Calculate BMI: 29.8 kg/m 2 4 complications of obesity: HTN, dyslipidemia, OSA, SCFE, nonEtOH fatty liver 3 tests to perform for obesity: lipids, GLUC, HbA1c, ALT/AST, liver U/S
<span>Newborn Growth Parameters
• At birth = 3.0‐3.5kg (avg)
• Normal to lose up to 10% of birth weight in first 4‐7 days
o BUT should return to birth weight no later than 10‐14 days
• Doubles birth weight by 4‐6 months; triples birth weight by 1 year
• Quadruples birth weight by 2 years
Head Circumference
• At birth = 35cm (avg)
o <32cm small head = small brain until proven otherwise
• May be inaccurate at birth due to caput succedaneum, moldin
not learned
measured difficulty
37% [default]
last interval [days]
repetition number in this series
memorised on
scheduled repetition
scheduled repetition interval
last repetition or drill
No repetitions
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