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In mathematics, the elasticity or point elasticity of a positive differentiable function f of a positive variable (positive input, positive output)[1] at point a is defined as[2] using logarithms

meaning in words: it is the ratio of the infinitesimal change of the logarithm of a function with respect to the infinitesimal change of the logarithm of the argument.
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meaning in words: It is thus the ratio of the relative (percentage) change in the function's output with respect to the relative change in its input , for infinitesimal changes from a point .
<span>In mathematics, the elasticity or point elasticity of a positive differentiable function f of a positive variable (positive input, positive output)[1] at point a is defined as[2] using logarithms
meaning in words: it is the ratio of the infinitesimal change of the logarithm of a function with respect to the infinitesimal change of the logarithm of the argument.
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Elasticity of a function
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<span>In mathematics, the elasticity or point elasticity of a positive differentiable function f of a positive variable (positive input, positive output)[1] at point a is defined as[2]
or equivalently
It is thus the ratio of the relative (percentage) change in the function's output with respect to the relative change in its input , for infinitesimal changes from a point . Equivalently, it is the ratio of the infinitesimal change of the logarithm of a function with respect to the infinitesimal change of the logarithm of the argument.
The elasticity of a function is a constant if and only if the function has the form for a constant .
The elasticity at a point is the limit of the arc elasticity between two points as Summary
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