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In Linux, you have file, kevin.txt, how do you print out all the lines that do NOT have the word "test"?
grep -v test kevin.txt
^^ -v is short for --invert-match

In Linux, you have file, kevin.txt, how do you print out all the lines that do NOT have the word "test"?

In Linux, you have file, kevin.txt, how do you print out all the lines that do NOT have the word "test"?
grep -v test kevin.txt
^^ -v is short for --invert-match
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4. Basic Commands
the lines in which the word was found. grep -B <num> <pattern> <filename> prints out <num> of the lines that came B efore each of the lines in which the word was found. <span>grep -v <pattern> <filename> prints out only those lines that do not contain the word you are searching for. [ You may think that the -v option is no longer doing the same kind of t


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