In Linux, if you have an executable, whose directory location is in the PATH env variable, what command lets you know what its full executable PATH is (e.g. that ls is /bin/ls)?
which ls
In Linux, if you have an executable, whose directory location is in the PATH env variable, what command lets you know what its full executable PATH is (e.g. that ls is /bin/ls)?
In Linux, if you have an executable, whose directory location is in the PATH env variable, what command lets you know what its full executable PATH is (e.g. that ls is /bin/ls)?
which ls
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4. Basic Commands H . [This is more often true of Solaris systems than LINUX.] Typing which <command> locates the one that your shell would execute. Try: which ls which cp mv rm which which which cranzgots <span>which is also useful in shell scripts to tell if there is a command at all, and hence check whether a particular package is installed, for example, which netscape . 4.19 The -- Option If a fi
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