The Empathic Muscle Spirals
#The-Empathic-Muscle-spirals #The-Healthy-Narcissist #empathic-powers #law-2 #the-law-of-narcissism #the-laws-of-human-nature #the-narcissistic-spectrum
You must try to run counter to these developments and create empathic energy. Each side of the spectrum has its peculiar momentum. Deep narcissism tends to sink you deeper, as your connection to reality lessens and you are unable to really develop your work or your relationships. Empathy does the opposite. As you increasingly turn your attention outward, you get constant positive feedback. People want to be around you more. You develop your empathic muscle; your work improves; without trying, you gain the attention that all humans thrive on. Empathy creates its own upward, positive momentum.