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#biology #gcse #resp

Anaerobic respiration can also take place in yeast, where glucose is broken down to create ethanol, [...] and energy.

carbon dioxide

#biology #gcse #resp

Anaerobic respiration can also take place in yeast, where glucose is broken down to create ethanol, [...] and energy.


#biology #gcse #resp

Anaerobic respiration can also take place in yeast, where glucose is broken down to create ethanol, [...] and energy.

carbon dioxide
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Anaerobic respiration can also take place in yeast, where glucose is broken down to create ethanol, carbon dioxide and energy.

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Cellular Respiration
flowing through, therefore anaerobic respiration has to take place. In order to get rid of the cramp, more oxygen is needed in the body so that the body can switch back to aerobic respiration. <span>Anaerobic respiration can also take place in yeast, where glucose is broken down to create ethanol, carbon dioxide and energy. Glucose → Ethanol + Carbon Dioxide + Energy Anaerobic respiration in yeast cells is called fermentation and has economic importance in the manufacture of bread and alcoholic drinks [ima


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