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on 28-Jul-2016 (Thu)

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Flashcard 1376036982028

民事,法律所未規定者,依習慣;無習慣者,依法理。 解析: 1.民事法之適用順序,以法律→習慣→法理為其順序。學者認為本條亦構成法官於成文法有漏洞 時,不得拒絕審判之依據。 2.所謂習慣,必須具有「多年之慣行」及「法之確信」為其要件,故又稱習慣法;所謂法理則例 如「外國法」或「已修正但尚未施行之法律」等等。實務上亦常有援引已修正但尚未施行法律之 立法理由,作為法理裁判之例。 3.另外,於我國法下,判例則係具有拘束力之實質法源。判決違背判例者,乃判決違背法令,得 上訴第三審,並構成民事訴訟法第 496 條第 1 項第一款聲請再審之事由。 相關實務見解: 21 上字 3253 判例: 「民事法律所未規定者方依習慣,承租人未得出租人承諾,將租賃物全部轉租於他人者,出租人 得終止契約,法律既有明文規定,當事人自無主張應依相反習慣之餘地。
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Flashcard 1376038030604

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第 1 條 ★

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第 2 條 ★ 民事所適用之習慣,以不背於公共秩序或善良風俗者為限。 解析: 1.本條所稱「習慣」之意義:學者認為本條所謂習慣應採廣義解釋,可分為「習慣法」以及「事 實上習慣」,與民法第 1 條不同。例如民法第 207 條第 2 項所稱之「商業上另有習慣者」即屬事 實上之習慣。此時,該習慣因法律之明文規定而應優先適用 1 。 2.依本條規定,無論「習慣法」以及「事實上習慣」,均不得違背公序良俗。 相關實務見解: 30 上字 191 判例: 「現行法上並無認不動產之近鄰有先買權之規定,即使有此習慣,亦於經濟之流通、地方之發達, 均有障礙,不能予以法之效力。
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Flashcard 1376040914188

#cases #illegality #judicial-review #public
Prohibits delegation to another agency.
Lavender v Minister of Housing and Local Government [1970] 1 WLR 1231

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Lavender v Minister of Housing and Local Government [1970] 1 WLR 1231 Facts: the Minister of Housing and Local Government refused Lavender’s application for planning permission to develop land for use as a quarry, after hearing objections from the Minister

Original toplevel document (pdf)

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An Overview of the Ten Stages (par 1), p1
#culadasa #overview #tmi
An overview of the ten stages: The entire process of training the mind unfolds through Ten Stages. Each Stage has its own distinct characteristics, challenges to overcome, and specific techniques for working through those challenges. The Stages mark gradual improvements in your abilities. As you make progress, there will also be Four Milestone Achievements that divide the Ten Stages into four distinct parts. These are especially significant transition points in your practice where mastery of certain skills takes your meditation to a whole new level.
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An Overview of the Ten Stages (par 2), p1
#culadasa #overview #tmi
The Stages and Milestones, considered together, form a broad map to help you figure our where you are and how best to continue. Yet, because each person is unique, the route your spiritual journey takes will always be at least slightly different from that of somebody else. For this reason, we will also talk about how the process unfolds, how fast or slow you may experience progress, and about what kind of attitude to have. The point isn't to force your experience to match something you have read. Instead, use this book as a guide for working with and understanding your own experiences - no matter what forms they take.
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Genetic disease, chp 2, par1
#chp2 #module1 #pathophysiology #ppd7 #su810
Mechanisms of cellular and tissue dysfunction in genetic diseases are as varied as the organs they affect. To some extent, these mechanisms are similar to those that occur in nonheritable disorders. For example, a fracture resulting from decreased bone density in osteoporosis heals in much the same way as one caused by a defective collagen gene in osteogenesis imperfecta, and the response to coronary atherosclerosis in most individuals does not depend on whether they have inherited a defective low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor. Thus, the pathophysiologic principles that distinguish genetic disease focus not so much on the affected organ system as on the mechanisms of mutation, inheritance, and molecular pathways from genotype to phenotype.
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#lecture1 #neurobiologi #su802
The histological studies of Cajal, Golgi, and a host of successors led to the consensus that the cells of the nervous system can be divided into two broad categories: nerve cells, or neurons, and supporting glial cells (also called neuroglia, or simply glia). Nerve cells are specialized for electrical signaling over long distances. Understanding this process represents one of the more dramatic success stories in modern biology and is the subject of Unit I. In contrast to nerve cells, glial cells support rather than generate electrical signals. They also serve additional functions in the developing and adult brain. Perhaps most important, glia are essential contributors to repair of the damaged nervous system, acting as stem cells in some brain regions, promoting regrowth of damaged neurons in regions where regeneration can usefully occur, and preventing regeneration in other regions where uncontrolled regrowth might do more harm than good.
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