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on 20-Nov-2018 (Tue)

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多阶段睡眠 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
助 、討論 ) 本文或章節需要更多可靠的醫學來源 來查證 ,或過於依賴第一手資料。 請協助覆核本文的內容並且添加適當的來源 。相關討論可能在討論頁中被找到。不可靠的來源或未添加來源的部分可能會被質疑並移除 。 [imagelink] [imagelink] 维基百科 中的醫療相关内容仅供参考,詳見醫學聲明 。如需专业意见请咨询专业人士。 多階段睡眠(Polyphasic sleep),<span>亦作多相睡眠或达芬奇 睡眠,是一种将人类习惯的单次睡眠过程分散成多个睡眠周期进行,以達成减少睡眠时间的睡眠方式。這種睡眠方式是由德意志帝國 科學家J.S.西曼斯基 在1918年研究動物的睡眠行為時發現,並發現人類亦有這種睡眠方式[1]。一般來說,成年人在24小時的日常生活階段可以分為工作和睡眠 (包括午睡 )兩部份,這種生活方式亦被稱為「二次式睡眠」(Biphasic sleep)。 然而,許多醫學研究者表明對身體健康的憂慮,特別是這種方式沒有機會進入深度睡眠 ,再到對腦 極重要

Background. Several theoretical explanations of ADHD in children have focused on executive functioning as the main explanatory neuropsychological domain for the disorder. In order to establish if these theoretical accounts are supported by research data for adults with ADHD, we compared neuropsychological executive functioning and non-executive functioning between adults with ADHD and normal controls in a meta-analytic design.
statusnot read reprioritisations
last reprioritisation on suggested re-reading day
started reading on finished reading on


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Flashcard 3606979415308

[default - edit me]

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill


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Flashcard 3606980463884

[default - edit me]
We found medium effect sizes both in executive functioning areas [verbal fluency (d=0 . 62), inhibition (d=0 . 64 and d=0 . 89), and set shifting (d= 0 . 65)] and in non- executive functioning domains [consistency of response (d=0 . 57), word reading (d=0 . 60) and color naming (d=0 . 62)].

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill


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