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on 06-May-2021 (Thu)

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impact accuracy.
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Detect faces with ML Kit on Android | Google Developers
p in mind the above accuracy requirements and ensure that the subject's face occupies as much of the image as possible. Also see tips to improve real-time performance. Poor image focus can also <span>impact accuracy. If you don't get acceptable results, ask the user to recapture the image. The orientation of a face relative to the camera can also affect what facial features ML Kit detects. See Face

Example of face contours
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Detect faces with ML Kit on Android | Google Developers
float rightEyeOpenProb = face.getRightEyeOpenProbability(); } // If face tracking was enabled: if (face.getTrackingId() != null) { int id = face.getTrackingId(); } } FaceDetectionActivity.java <span>Example of face contours When you have face contour detection enabled, you get a list of points for each facial feature that was detected. These points represent the shape of the feature. See Face Detection Con

Example of face - Пример лица, пробую бубо. А также алгоритм для иноязычных сайтов.
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Parent (intermediate) annotation

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Example of face contours

Original toplevel document

Detect faces with ML Kit on Android | Google Developers
float rightEyeOpenProb = face.getRightEyeOpenProbability(); } // If face tracking was enabled: if (face.getTrackingId() != null) { int id = face.getTrackingId(); } } FaceDetectionActivity.java <span>Example of face contours When you have face contour detection enabled, you get a list of points for each facial feature that was detected. These points represent the shape of the feature. See Face Detection Con

Article 6394185125132

Ответ из реддита

TL DR; Конечно используйте Buboflash :-) Загрузите PDF-файлы и начните их обрабатывать, для меня это основной вариант использования. Существует также веб-расширение Chrome, позволяющее создавать аннотации во время просмотра. Вам также не нужно отказываться от Supermemo. Buboflash может создавать Supermemo-читаемый файл импорта XML с помощью карточек и, насколько это позволяет Supermemo, также настраивать данные начальных повторов на основе повторов Buboflash. Таким образом, даже если вы уже делаете повторы в Buboflash, данные могут быть использованы в Supermemo - в определенной степени. Если вы хотите передать данные повторов другим способом, из Supermemo в Buboflash, сообщите мне, мы что-нибудь придумаем. Более длинный ответ Я согласен с тем, что алгоритм Supermemo превосходит алгоритм Anki. Замечательная особенность интервального повторения заключается в том, что это намного лучше, чем вообще не выполнять никакого алгоритмического планирования, что вы по

для меня это основной вариант использования
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Ответ из реддита
TL DR; Конечно используйте Buboflash :-) Загрузите PDF-файлы и начните их обрабатывать, для меня это основной вариант использования. Существует также веб-расширение Chrome, позволяющее создавать аннотации во время просмотра. Вам также не нужно отказываться от Supermemo. Buboflash может создавать Supermemo-читаемый ф

аннотации во время просмотра.
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Ответ из реддита
L DR; Конечно используйте Buboflash :-) Загрузите PDF-файлы и начните их обрабатывать, для меня это основной вариант использования. Существует также веб-расширение Chrome, позволяющее создавать <span>аннотации во время просмотра. Вам также не нужно отказываться от Supermemo. Buboflash может создавать Supermemo-читаемый файл импорта XML с помощью карточек и, насколько это позволяет Supermemo, также настраивать да

также настраивать данные начальных повторов на основе повторов Buboflash. Таким образом, даже если вы уже делаете повторы в Buboflash, данные могут быть использованы в Supermemo - в определенной степени.
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Ответ из реддита
ннотации во время просмотра. Вам также не нужно отказываться от Supermemo. Buboflash может создавать Supermemo-читаемый файл импорта XML с помощью карточек и, насколько это позволяет Supermemo, <span>также настраивать данные начальных повторов на основе повторов Buboflash. Таким образом, даже если вы уже делаете повторы в Buboflash, данные могут быть использованы в Supermemo - в определенной степени. Если вы хотите передать данные повторов другим способом, из Supermemo в Buboflash, сообщите мне, мы что-нибудь придумаем. Более длинный ответ Я согласен с тем, что алгоритм Supermemo пр

чем вообще не выполнять никакого алгоритмического планирования, что вы получаете потрясающее улучшение в ваших исследованиях, даже когда вы начинаете с Anki.
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Ответ из реддита
ь придумаем. Более длинный ответ Я согласен с тем, что алгоритм Supermemo превосходит алгоритм Anki. Замечательная особенность интервального повторения заключается в том, что это намного лучше, <span>чем вообще не выполнять никакого алгоритмического планирования, что вы получаете потрясающее улучшение в ваших исследованиях, даже когда вы начинаете с Anki. Тогда Supermemo может дать вам еще больше, но относительное улучшение гораздо менее выражено, чем первоначальное улучшение, которое привело к использованию интервального повторения. Ank

гораздо менее выражено, чем первоначальное улучшение,
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Ответ из реддита
лгоритмического планирования, что вы получаете потрясающее улучшение в ваших исследованиях, даже когда вы начинаете с Anki. Тогда Supermemo может дать вам еще больше, но относительное улучшение <span>гораздо менее выражено, чем первоначальное улучшение, которое привело к использованию интервального повторения. Anki имеет репутацию программы, которая используется для подготовки к экзаменам, тогда как Supermemo позиционирует себя для сох

которая используется для подготовки к экзаменам, тогда как Supermemo позиционирует себя для сохранения знаний на всю жизнь, как и Buboflash.
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Ответ из реддита
т дать вам еще больше, но относительное улучшение гораздо менее выражено, чем первоначальное улучшение, которое привело к использованию интервального повторения. Anki имеет репутацию программы, <span>которая используется для подготовки к экзаменам, тогда как Supermemo позиционирует себя для сохранения знаний на всю жизнь, как и Buboflash. В дополнение к алгоритму планирования, обе программы делают упор на организацию больших коллекций карточек, Supermemo имеет «дерево знаний», а Buboflash имеет сложный поиск. Оба пытаютс

упор на организацию больших коллекций карточек, Supermemo имеет «дерево знаний», а Buboflash имеет сложный поиск.
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Ответ из реддита
используется для подготовки к экзаменам, тогда как Supermemo позиционирует себя для сохранения знаний на всю жизнь, как и Buboflash. В дополнение к алгоритму планирования, обе программы делают <span>упор на организацию больших коллекций карточек, Supermemo имеет «дерево знаний», а Buboflash имеет сложный поиск. Оба пытаются сохранить источник знаний в базе данных, а не просто разделить его на голые карточки (элементы в SM). Вот почему я также добавил PDF-файлы, чтобы ваши источники были под ру

сохранить источник знаний
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Ответ из реддита
flash. В дополнение к алгоритму планирования, обе программы делают упор на организацию больших коллекций карточек, Supermemo имеет «дерево знаний», а Buboflash имеет сложный поиск. Оба пытаются <span>сохранить источник знаний в базе данных, а не просто разделить его на голые карточки (элементы в SM). Вот почему я также добавил PDF-файлы, чтобы ваши источники были под рукой. Мне трудно оценить, где сейчас нах

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Ответ из реддита
ь, как и Buboflash. В дополнение к алгоритму планирования, обе программы делают упор на организацию больших коллекций карточек, Supermemo имеет «дерево знаний», а Buboflash имеет сложный поиск. <span>Оба пытаются сохранить источник знаний в базе данных, а не просто разделить его на голые карточки (элементы в SM). Вот почему я также добавил PDF-файлы, чтобы ваши источники были под рукой.

источники были под рукой.
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Ответ из реддита
uboflash имеет сложный поиск. Оба пытаются сохранить источник знаний в базе данных, а не просто разделить его на голые карточки (элементы в SM). Вот почему я также добавил PDF-файлы, чтобы ваши <span>источники были под рукой. Мне трудно оценить, где сейчас находится Buboflash с точки зрения чистого алгоритма планирования, не только из-за очевидного конфликта интересов, но и потому, что трудно заметить разниц

Мне трудно оценить, где сейчас находится Buboflash с точки зрения чистого алгоритма планирования,
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Ответ из реддита
ск. Оба пытаются сохранить источник знаний в базе данных, а не просто разделить его на голые карточки (элементы в SM). Вот почему я также добавил PDF-файлы, чтобы ваши источники были под рукой. <span>Мне трудно оценить, где сейчас находится Buboflash с точки зрения чистого алгоритма планирования, не только из-за очевидного конфликта интересов, но и потому, что трудно заметить разницу, как я объясню в следующем абзаце. Когда что-то легко заметить, я без проблем могу сказать, что,

что, например, я считаю, что мои поисковые запросы лучше, чем у Supermemo, а у Supermemo дерево знаний лучше, но сейчас я работаю над чем-то похожим
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Ответ из реддита
ланирования, не только из-за очевидного конфликта интересов, но и потому, что трудно заметить разницу, как я объясню в следующем абзаце. Когда что-то легко заметить, я без проблем могу сказать, <span>что, например, я считаю, что мои поисковые запросы лучше, чем у Supermemo, а у Supermemo дерево знаний лучше, но сейчас я работаю над чем-то похожим :-) https://buboflash.eu/ public-urls / quran / full-text - нажмите кнопку в виде дерева. Я планирую снова улучшить алгоритм очень скоро, когда я закончу с редактором разделения звука.

нажмите кнопку в виде дерева.
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Ответ из реддита
я считаю, что мои поисковые запросы лучше, чем у Supermemo, а у Supermemo дерево знаний лучше, но сейчас я работаю над чем-то похожим :-) https://buboflash.eu/ public-urls / quran / full-text - <span>нажмите кнопку в виде дерева. Я планирую снова улучшить алгоритм очень скоро, когда я закончу с редактором разделения звука. Теперь у меня достаточно данных пользователей, чтобы внести некоторые изменения в алгоритм

когда я закончу с редактором разделения звука. Теперь у меня достаточно данных пользователей, чтобы внести некоторые изменения в алгоритм, и некоторые дополнительные данные будут доступны пользователям.
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Ответ из реддита
во знаний лучше, но сейчас я работаю над чем-то похожим :-) https://buboflash.eu/ public-urls / quran / full-text - нажмите кнопку в виде дерева. Я планирую снова улучшить алгоритм очень скоро, <span>когда я закончу с редактором разделения звука. Теперь у меня достаточно данных пользователей, чтобы внести некоторые изменения в алгоритм, и некоторые дополнительные данные будут доступны пользователям. Эти данные будут выражены на языке Supermemo, поэтому у нас будет матрица оптимальных факторов и т. Д. Люди могут сравнивать себя :-) Сложность сравнения алгоритмов возникает из-за отно

вы обязательно полагаетесь на модель
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Ответ из реддита
сть сравнения алгоритмов возникает из-за относительно небольшого количества имеющихся у вас наблюдений. Я считаю, что если вы пытаетесь * смоделировать * обучение для оценки производительности, <span>вы обязательно полагаетесь на модель человеческой памяти, а не на реальную человеческую память, чтобы получить результат: «Я забыл» или «Я вспомнил». Если у вас есть исторические данные и вы хотите знать, что произошло бы,

Если у вас есть исторические данные и вы хотите знать, что произошло бы, если бы вы немного изменили алгоритм планирования, вам придется прибегнуть к «модели»
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Ответ из реддита
ь * обучение для оценки производительности, вы обязательно полагаетесь на модель человеческой памяти, а не на реальную человеческую память, чтобы получить результат: «Я забыл» или «Я вспомнил». <span>Если у вас есть исторические данные и вы хотите знать, что произошло бы, если бы вы немного изменили алгоритм планирования, вам придется прибегнуть к «модели». Да, ваш измененный алгоритм может предписывать интервал, скажем, 78 дней вместо 60 дней, но как узнать, как он изменяет вероятность отзыва пользователем-человеком? Если вы «вычисляете»

но как узнать, как он изменяет вероятность отзыва пользователем-человеком?
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Ответ из реддита
что произошло бы, если бы вы немного изменили алгоритм планирования, вам придется прибегнуть к «модели». Да, ваш измененный алгоритм может предписывать интервал, скажем, 78 дней вместо 60 дней, <span>но как узнать, как он изменяет вероятность отзыва пользователем-человеком? Если вы «вычисляете» это, вы полагаетесь на модель. Если вы хотите правильно заниматься своей наукой, вам нужно настроить алгоритм в существующей программе для некоторых пользователей и

и дождаться фактического результата. Если вы хотите поиграть с моделями человеческой памяти, вы можете скачать около гигабайта данных от создателей Mnemosyne.
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Ответ из реддита
еловеком? Если вы «вычисляете» это, вы полагаетесь на модель. Если вы хотите правильно заниматься своей наукой, вам нужно настроить алгоритм в существующей программе для некоторых пользователей <span>и дождаться фактического результата. Если вы хотите поиграть с моделями человеческой памяти, вы можете скачать около гигабайта данных от создателей Mnemosyne. Но, как я уже сказал, это всего лишь исторические данные, и они дают очень мало информации о том, что бы сделали пользователи, если бы алгоритм был другим. Я надеюсь, что смогу опублико

очень мало информации
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Ответ из реддита
а. Если вы хотите поиграть с моделями человеческой памяти, вы можете скачать около гигабайта данных от создателей Mnemosyne. Но, как я уже сказал, это всего лишь исторические данные, и они дают <span>очень мало информации о том, что бы сделали пользователи, если бы алгоритм был другим. Я надеюсь, что смогу опубликовать некоторые надежные измерения производительности, свободные от этих методологических не

я всегда говорил,
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Ответ из реддита
вязанных с использованием моделирования, и без объединения фактических наблюдаемых данных (интервалы, оценки) и параметров, полученных из модели («факторы» и «индексы» в Supermemo). Кроме того, <span>я всегда говорил, что будет важно связать составление расписания с оценками и кривыми подразумеваемого забывания с содержимым карточки. Все заметили, что некоторые темы (например, французский) для них сл

важно связать
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Ответ из реддита
делирования, и без объединения фактических наблюдаемых данных (интервалы, оценки) и параметров, полученных из модели («факторы» и «индексы» в Supermemo). Кроме того, я всегда говорил, что будет <span>важно связать составление расписания с оценками и кривыми подразумеваемого забывания с содержимым карточки. Все заметили, что некоторые темы (например, французский) для них сложнее, чем другие (напри

с содержимым карточки.
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Ответ из реддита
араметров, полученных из модели («факторы» и «индексы» в Supermemo). Кроме того, я всегда говорил, что будет важно связать составление расписания с оценками и кривыми подразумеваемого забывания <span>с содержимым карточки. Все заметили, что некоторые темы (например, французский) для них сложнее, чем другие (например, английский или вероятность и статистика). Такие вещи, как вероятность и статистика, также

может быть хорошим предиктором производительности для других. Как насчет изменения уже установленного интервала для них, даже если они не повторяются и не оцениваются в данный момент?
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рточки могут научить вас отдельным шагам по получению данной формулы или научить вас значениям отдельных частей данной формулы. Очевидно, что ваша производительность на одной карточке из группы <span>может быть хорошим предиктором производительности для других. Как насчет изменения уже установленного интервала для них, даже если они не повторяются и не оцениваются в данный момент? Buboflash пока нет, я не пытаюсь использовать такое семантическое содержимое карточек для планирования. Как и Supermemo, но - в отличие от меня - я не уверен, что у них есть планы на эт

я не пытаюсь использовать такое семантическое
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Ответ из реддита
хорошим предиктором производительности для других. Как насчет изменения уже установленного интервала для них, даже если они не повторяются и не оцениваются в данный момент? Buboflash пока нет, <span>я не пытаюсь использовать такое семантическое содержимое карточек для планирования. Как и Supermemo, но - в отличие от меня - я не уверен, что у них есть планы на это, они всегда подчеркивали свою алгебраическую модель забывания. Я

но - в отличие от меня - я не уверен, что у них есть планы на это, они всегда подчеркивали свою алгебраическую модель
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Ответ из реддита
для них, даже если они не повторяются и не оцениваются в данный момент? Buboflash пока нет, я не пытаюсь использовать такое семантическое содержимое карточек для планирования. Как и Supermemo, <span>но - в отличие от меня - я не уверен, что у них есть планы на это, они всегда подчеркивали свою алгебраическую модель забывания. Я сказал, что интервалы для инкрементального чтения Supermemo совершенно произвольны, потому что здесь нет вопросов и ответов, которые вы даете и можете оценивать. Вы просто

Я сказал, что интервалы для инкрементального чтения Supermemo совершенно произвольны,
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Ответ из реддита
нтическое содержимое карточек для планирования. Как и Supermemo, но - в отличие от меня - я не уверен, что у них есть планы на это, они всегда подчеркивали свою алгебраическую модель забывания. <span>Я сказал, что интервалы для инкрементального чтения Supermemo совершенно произвольны, потому что здесь нет вопросов и ответов, которые вы даете и можете оценивать. Вы просто пассивно читаете отрывки. Поскольку у вас нет обратной связи для алгоритма, как для карточек / пр

которые вы даете и можете оценивать. Вы просто пассивно читаете отрывки. Поскольку у вас нет обратной связи
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Ответ из реддита
это, они всегда подчеркивали свою алгебраическую модель забывания. Я сказал, что интервалы для инкрементального чтения Supermemo совершенно произвольны, потому что здесь нет вопросов и ответов, <span>которые вы даете и можете оценивать. Вы просто пассивно читаете отрывки. Поскольку у вас нет обратной связи для алгоритма, как для карточек / предметов («запомнил» - интервал мог быть больше, «забыл» - интервал должен был быть короче), все, что вы можете сделать, это разработать некоторые эвр

все, что вы можете сделать, это разработать некоторые эвристики на основе насколько далеко вы продвинулись по статье и насколько велика ваша тема / аннотация.
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Ответ из реддита
осто пассивно читаете отрывки. Поскольку у вас нет обратной связи для алгоритма, как для карточек / предметов («запомнил» - интервал мог быть больше, «забыл» - интервал должен был быть короче), <span>все, что вы можете сделать, это разработать некоторые эвристики на основе насколько далеко вы продвинулись по статье и насколько велика ваша тема / аннотация. Вот почему в Buboflash я не претендую на то, чтобы установить интервал для инкрементального чтения, пользователь решает, сколько или сколько текста он хочет обработать в любой день. Я н

ользователь решает, сколько или сколько текста он хочет обработать в любой день.
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Ответ из реддита
основе насколько далеко вы продвинулись по статье и насколько велика ваша тема / аннотация. Вот почему в Buboflash я не претендую на то, чтобы установить интервал для инкрементального чтения, п<span>ользователь решает, сколько или сколько текста он хочет обработать в любой день. Я никогда не говорил, что планирование флэш-карт / элементов в Supermemo (или Anki, или Buboflash) произвольно - это не так, у него есть самооценка пользователей как обратная связь с ал

Я никогда не говорил, что планирование флэш-карт / элементов в Supermemo (или Anki, или Buboflash) произвольно - это не так, у него есть самооценка пользователей как обратная связь
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Ответ из реддита
аннотация. Вот почему в Buboflash я не претендую на то, чтобы установить интервал для инкрементального чтения, пользователь решает, сколько или сколько текста он хочет обработать в любой день. <span>Я никогда не говорил, что планирование флэш-карт / элементов в Supermemo (или Anki, или Buboflash) произвольно - это не так, у него есть самооценка пользователей как обратная связь с алгоритмом. Еще одна интересная тема - насколько далеко вы можете продвинуть чисто алгебраическую модель забывания, стиль Supermemo, по одному элементу / повторению за раз, с входными

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Ответ из реддита
и можете оценивать. Вы просто пассивно читаете отрывки. Поскольку у вас нет обратной связи для алгоритма, как для карточек / предметов («запомнил» - интервал мог быть больше, «забыл» - интервал <span>должен был быть короче), все, что вы можете сделать, это разработать некоторые эвристики на основе насколько далеко вы продвинулись по статье и насколько велика ваша тема / аннотация. Вот поче

насколько далеко вы можете продвинуть чисто алгебраическую
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Ответ из реддита
анирование флэш-карт / элементов в Supermemo (или Anki, или Buboflash) произвольно - это не так, у него есть самооценка пользователей как обратная связь с алгоритмом. Еще одна интересная тема - <span>насколько далеко вы можете продвинуть чисто алгебраическую модель забывания, стиль Supermemo, по одному элементу / повторению за раз, с входными данными только для оценок, без семантического содержания? Пользователи сообщают в Интернете, что он

Face Detection Concepts

Концепции обнаружения лица

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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
) Overview Android iOS Colophon Terms & Privacy Table of contents Face orientation Landmarks Contours Classification Minimum Face Size Next Steps Home Products ML Kit Guides Rate and review <span>Face Detection Concepts bookmark Table of contents Face orientation Landmarks Contours Classification Minimum Face Size Next Steps Face detection locates human faces in visual media such as digital images or v

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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
eps Home Products ML Kit Guides Rate and review Face Detection Concepts bookmark Table of contents Face orientation Landmarks Contours Classification Minimum Face Size Next Steps Face detection <span>locates human faces in visual media such as digital images or video. When a face is detected it has an associated position, size, and orientation; and it can be searched for landmarks such as t

locates - 3) найти, показать местонахождение (чего-л.)
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Parent (intermediate) annotation

Open it

Original toplevel document

Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
eps Home Products ML Kit Guides Rate and review Face Detection Concepts bookmark Table of contents Face orientation Landmarks Contours Classification Minimum Face Size Next Steps Face detection <span>locates human faces in visual media such as digital images or video. When a face is detected it has an associated position, size, and orientation; and it can be searched for landmarks such as t

Face tracking
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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
ssociated position, size, and orientation; and it can be searched for landmarks such as the eyes and nose. Here are some of the terms that we use regarding the face detection feature of ML Kit: <span>Face tracking extends face detection to video sequences. Any face that appears in a video for any length of time can be tracked from frame to frame. This means a face detected in consecutive video fr

isn't a form of face recognition; face tracking only
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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
t appears in a video for any length of time can be tracked from frame to frame. This means a face detected in consecutive video frames can be identified as being the same person. Note that this <span>isn't a form of face recognition; face tracking only makes inferences based on the position and motion of the faces in a video sequence. A landmark is a point of interest within a face. The left eye, right eye, and base of the nose are al

A landmark is a point of interest within a face.

Ориентир - это точка интереса в лице.

1. [wı`ðın] n редк.
находящийся внутри (конверта, пакета и т. п.)

the within complaint — прилагаемая (к письму) жалоба
revolt from within — протест внутри страны

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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
n be identified as being the same person. Note that this isn't a form of face recognition; face tracking only makes inferences based on the position and motion of the faces in a video sequence. <span>A landmark is a point of interest within a face. The left eye, right eye, and base of the nose are all examples of landmarks. ML Kit provides the ability to find landmarks on a detected face. A contour is a set of points that follow t

ML Kit provides the ability
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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
based on the position and motion of the faces in a video sequence. A landmark is a point of interest within a face. The left eye, right eye, and base of the nose are all examples of landmarks. <span>ML Kit provides the ability to find landmarks on a detected face. A contour is a set of points that follow the shape of a facial feature. ML Kit provides the ability to find the contours of a face. Classification

that follow the shape of a facial feature.

которые следуют форме черты лица.

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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
terest within a face. The left eye, right eye, and base of the nose are all examples of landmarks. ML Kit provides the ability to find landmarks on a detected face. A contour is a set of points <span>that follow the shape of a facial feature. ML Kit provides the ability to find the contours of a face. Classification determines whether a certain facial characteristic is present. For example, a face can be classified by whethe

Classification determines whether a certain facial characteristic is present.

Классификация определяет, присутствует ли определенная характеристика лица.

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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
it provides the ability to find landmarks on a detected face. A contour is a set of points that follow the shape of a facial feature. ML Kit provides the ability to find the contours of a face. <span>Classification determines whether a certain facial characteristic is present. For example, a face can be classified by whether its eyes are open or closed, or if the face is smiling or not. Face orientation The following terms describe the angle a face is oriente

its eyes are open or closed,
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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
ature. ML Kit provides the ability to find the contours of a face. Classification determines whether a certain facial characteristic is present. For example, a face can be classified by whether <span>its eyes are open or closed, or if the face is smiling or not. Face orientation The following terms describe the angle a face is oriented with respect to the camera: Euler X: A face with a positive Euler X angle is

the angle a face is oriented with respect to the camera:

Угол лицо ориентировано относительно камеры:

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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
n facial characteristic is present. For example, a face can be classified by whether its eyes are open or closed, or if the face is smiling or not. Face orientation The following terms describe <span>the angle a face is oriented with respect to the camera: Euler X: A face with a positive Euler X angle is facing upward. Euler Y: A face with a positive Euler Y angle is looking to the right of the camera, or looking to the left if negative.

A landmark is a point of interest within a face.

Ориентир - это точка интереса в лице.

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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
doesn't report the Euler X, Euler Y or Euler Z angle of a detected face when LANDMARK_MODE_NONE, CONTOUR_MODE_ALL, CLASSIFICATION_MODE_NONE and PERFORMANCE_MODE_FASTare set together. Landmarks <span>A landmark is a point of interest within a face. The left eye, right eye, and nose base are all examples of landmarks. ML Kit detects faces without looking for landmarks. Landmark detection is an optional step that is disabled by defa

Landmark detection is an optional step that is disabled by default.
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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
et together. Landmarks A landmark is a point of interest within a face. The left eye, right eye, and nose base are all examples of landmarks. ML Kit detects faces without looking for landmarks. <span>Landmark detection is an optional step that is disabled by default. The following table summarizes all of the landmarks that can be detected given the Euler Y angle of an associated face: Euler Y angle Detectable landmarks < -36 degrees left eye, lef

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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
and PERFORMANCE_MODE_FASTare set together. Landmarks A landmark is a point of interest within a face. The left eye, right eye, and nose base are all examples of landmarks. ML Kit detects faces <span>without looking for landmarks. Landmark detection is an optional step that is disabled by default. The following table summarizes all of the landmarks that can be detected given the Euler Y ang

all of the landmarks
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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
d nose base are all examples of landmarks. ML Kit detects faces without looking for landmarks. Landmark detection is an optional step that is disabled by default. The following table summarizes <span>all of the landmarks that can be detected given the Euler Y angle of an associated face: Euler Y angle Detectable landmarks < -36 degrees left eye, left mouth, left ear, nose base, left cheek -36 degrees


[ʧi:k] n
1. щека

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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
ler Y angle Detectable landmarks < -36 degrees left eye, left mouth, left ear, nose base, left cheek -36 degrees to -12 degrees left mouth, nose base, bottom mouth, right eye, left eye, left <span>cheek, left ear tip -12 degrees to 12 degrees right eye, left eye, nose base, left cheek, right cheek, left mouth, right mouth, bottom mouth 12 degrees to 36 degrees right mouth, nose base, b

includes its associated position in the image.
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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
36 degrees right mouth, nose base, bottom mouth, left eye, right eye, right cheek, right ear tip > 36 degrees right eye, right mouth, right ear, nose base, right cheek Each detected landmark <span>includes its associated position in the image. Contours A contour is a set of points that represent the shape of a facial feature. The following image illustrates how these points map to a face. Click the image to enlarge it: Each f


4. спец. вызванный, обусловленный (чем-л.), связанный (с чем-л.)

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Parent (intermediate) annotation

Open it
includes its associated position in the image.

Original toplevel document

Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
36 degrees right mouth, nose base, bottom mouth, left eye, right eye, right cheek, right ear tip > 36 degrees right eye, right mouth, right ear, nose base, right cheek Each detected landmark <span>includes its associated position in the image. Contours A contour is a set of points that represent the shape of a facial feature. The following image illustrates how these points map to a face. Click the image to enlarge it: Each f

feature contour that ML Kit detects is represented by a fixed
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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
he image. Contours A contour is a set of points that represent the shape of a facial feature. The following image illustrates how these points map to a face. Click the image to enlarge it: Each <span>feature contour that ML Kit detects is represented by a fixed number of points: Face oval 36 points Upper lip (top) 11 points Left eyebrow (top) 5 points Upper lip (bottom) 9 points Left eyebrow (bottom) 5 points Lower lip (top) 9 points Right eye


[`aıbraʊ] n

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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
hese points map to a face. Click the image to enlarge it: Each feature contour that ML Kit detects is represented by a fixed number of points: Face oval 36 points Upper lip (top) 11 points Left <span>eyebrow (top) 5 points Upper lip (bottom) 9 points Left eyebrow (bottom) 5 points Lower lip (top) 9 points Right eyebrow (top) 5 points Lower lip (bottom) 9 points Right eyebrow (bottom) 5 poin

Left eye
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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
Upper lip (bottom) 9 points Left eyebrow (bottom) 5 points Lower lip (top) 9 points Right eyebrow (top) 5 points Lower lip (bottom) 9 points Right eyebrow (bottom) 5 points Nose bridge 2 points <span>Left eye 16 points Nose bottom 3 points Right eye 16 points Left cheek (center) 1 point Right cheek (center) 1 points When you get all of a face's contours at once, you get an array of 133 point

16 points
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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
(bottom) 9 points Left eyebrow (bottom) 5 points Lower lip (top) 9 points Right eyebrow (top) 5 points Lower lip (bottom) 9 points Right eyebrow (bottom) 5 points Nose bridge 2 points Left eye <span>16 points Nose bottom 3 points Right eye 16 points Left cheek (center) 1 point Right cheek (center) 1 points When you get all of a face's contours at once, you get an array of 133 points, which m

which map to feature contours as shown below:
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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
t eye 16 points Nose bottom 3 points Right eye 16 points Left cheek (center) 1 point Right cheek (center) 1 points When you get all of a face's contours at once, you get an array of 133 points, <span>which map to feature contours as shown below: Indexes of feature contours 0-35 Face oval 36-40 Left eyebrow (top) 41-45 Left eyebrow (bottom) 46-50 Right eyebrow (top) 51-55 Right eyebrow (bottom) 56-71 Left eye 72-87 Right eye 88-

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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
ch map to feature contours as shown below: Indexes of feature contours 0-35 Face oval 36-40 Left eyebrow (top) 41-45 Left eyebrow (bottom) 46-50 Right eyebrow (top) 51-55 Right eyebrow (bottom) <span>56-71 Left eye 72-87 Right eye 88-96 Upper lip (bottom) 97-105 Lower lip (top) 106-116 Upper lip (top) 117-125 Lower lip (bottom) 126, 127 Nose bridge 128-130 Nose bottom (note that the cente

facial characteristic is present.
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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
126, 127 Nose bridge 128-130 Nose bottom (note that the center point is at index 128) 131 Left cheek (center) 132 Right cheek (center) Classification Classification determines whether a certain <span>facial characteristic is present. ML Kit currently supports two classifications: eyes open and smiling. Classification is a certainty value. It indicates the confidence that a facial characteristic is present. For examp

currently supports two
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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
(note that the center point is at index 128) 131 Left cheek (center) 132 Right cheek (center) Classification Classification determines whether a certain facial characteristic is present. ML Kit <span>currently supports two classifications: eyes open and smiling. Classification is a certainty value. It indicates the confidence that a facial characteristic is present. For example, a value of 0.7 or more for

is a certainty value.
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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
cheek (center) Classification Classification determines whether a certain facial characteristic is present. ML Kit currently supports two classifications: eyes open and smiling. Classification <span>is a certainty value. It indicates the confidence that a facial characteristic is present. For example, a value of 0.7 or more for the smiling classification indicates that it's likely that a person is smili

rely upon landmark detection.

Оба эти классификации полагаются на обнаружение знака.

да, я прав!!!

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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
ce that a facial characteristic is present. For example, a value of 0.7 or more for the smiling classification indicates that it's likely that a person is smiling. Both of these classifications <span>rely upon landmark detection. Also note that the classifications "eyes open" and "smiling" only work for frontal faces, i.e., faces with a small Euler Y angle (between -18 and 18 degrees). Minimum Face Size The mini

only work for frontal faces, i.e., faces with a small Euler Y angle (between -18 and 18 degrees).
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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
ling classification indicates that it's likely that a person is smiling. Both of these classifications rely upon landmark detection. Also note that the classifications "eyes open" and "smiling" <span>only work for frontal faces, i.e., faces with a small Euler Y angle (between -18 and 18 degrees). Minimum Face Size The minimum face size is the desired face size, expressed as the ratio of the width of the head to the width of the image. For example, the value of 0.1 means that the

as the ratio of the width of the head to the width of the image.
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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
open" and "smiling" only work for frontal faces, i.e., faces with a small Euler Y angle (between -18 and 18 degrees). Minimum Face Size The minimum face size is the desired face size, expressed <span>as the ratio of the width of the head to the width of the image. For example, the value of 0.1 means that the smallest face to search for is roughly 10% of the width of the image being searched. The minimum face size is a performance vs. accuracy tra

The minimum face size is the desired face size, expressed as the ratio of the width of the head to the width of the image. For example, the value of 0.1 means that the smallest face to search for is roughly 10% of the width of the image being searched.

Минимальный размер лица - это желаемый размер лица, выраженный в качестве соотношения ширины головы до ширины изображения. Например, значение 0,1 означает, что наименьшее лицо для поиска составляет примерно 10% от ширины искали изображения.

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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
dmark detection. Also note that the classifications "eyes open" and "smiling" only work for frontal faces, i.e., faces with a small Euler Y angle (between -18 and 18 degrees). Minimum Face Size <span>The minimum face size is the desired face size, expressed as the ratio of the width of the head to the width of the image. For example, the value of 0.1 means that the smallest face to search for is roughly 10% of the width of the image being searched. The minimum face size is a performance vs. accuracy trade-off: setting the minimum size smaller lets the detector find smaller faces but detection will take longer; setting it larger mi

he minimum face size is not a hard limit; the detector may find faces slightly smaller than specified.
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Face Detection Concepts | ML Kit | Google Developers
vs. accuracy trade-off: setting the minimum size smaller lets the detector find smaller faces but detection will take longer; setting it larger might exclude smaller faces but will run faster. T<span>he minimum face size is not a hard limit; the detector may find faces slightly smaller than specified. Next Steps Use face detection in your iOS or Android app: iOS Android Rate and review Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribut

// If landmark detection was enabled (mouth, ears, eyes, cheeks, and
// nose available)

правильно только 5 штук! и на другой официальной странице, а может этой же указано, что openeye и smiling определяются именно по лэндмаркам - ориентирам. и еще указано, что это дополнительная операция. которая не выполняется по дефолту. поэтому может быть лучше mobilefacenet? я думаю нужно попробовать и то и то, главное по порядку

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Detect faces with ML Kit on Android | Google Developers
ce in faces) { val bounds = face.boundingBox val rotY = face.headEulerAngleY // Head is rotated to the right rotY degrees val rotZ = face.headEulerAngleZ // Head is tilted sideways rotZ degrees <span>// If landmark detection was enabled (mouth, ears, eyes, cheeks, and // nose available): val leftEar = face.getLandmark(FaceLandmark.LEFT_EAR) leftEar?.let { val leftEarPos = leftEar.position } // If contour detection was enabled: val leftEyeContour = face.getContour(FaceC

в распознавании образов.
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Интерактивная наука | 1 • 2016 компьютеры с большим количеством процессоров. Основная область применения нейрокомпьютеров заключалась в распознавании образов. В настоящее время используются три подхода [4] к созданию нейросетей: аппаратный, программ

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без внутреннего не может длиться долго.
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й или иной степени обрести счастье и удовлетворение. Второй путь — это путь духовного развития, и он позволяет достичь счастья внутреннего. Однако эти два подхода не равноценны. Внешнее счастье <span>без внутреннего не может длиться долго. Если жизнь рисуется вам в чёрных красках, если вашему сердцу чего-то недостает, в <span>

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Счастье — Википедия
м, социальном, экономическом и логическом аспектах учит практическому пути достижения индивидуальной счастливой жизни. В этой связи показательна следующая цитата: К счастью можно прийти двумя пу<span>тями. Первый путь — внешний. Приобретая лучшее жилище, лучшую одежду, более приятных друзей, мы можем в той или иной степени обрести счастье и удовлетворение. Второй путь — это путь духовного развития, и он позволяет достичь счастья внутреннего. Однако эти два подхода не равноценны. Внешнее счастье без внутреннего не может длиться долго. Если жизнь рисуется вам в чёрных красках, если вашему сердцу чего-то недостает, вы не будете счастливы, какой бы роскошью себя ни окружили. Но если вы достигли внутреннего спокойствия, то можете обрести счастье даже в самых тяжелых условиях. — Далай-лама XIV [4] Арис

существенно удалено от глаз, чем изображение на мониторе - проектор для повседневной работы в общем предпочтительнее практически любого монитора,
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Из-за того, что изображение формируемое проектором существенно удалено от глаз, чем изображение на мониторе - проектор для повседневной работы в общем предпочтительнее практически любого монитора, если прочие условия равны.

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Проектор вместо монитора. [1] - Конференция iXBT.com
ать бесконечно и поэтому ничего никогда не выбрать. Различных мнений много. Может ошибаюсь, но пока ситуация выглядит примерно так: 1. Главное - минимальное негативное воздействие на зрение. 2. <span>Из-за того, что изображение формируемое проектором существенно удалено от глаз, чем изображение на мониторе - проектор для повседневной работы в общем предпочтительнее практически любого монитора, если прочие условия равны. Пока не учитываем возможное негативное воздействие длительного шума проектора, способы защиты от шума. И не рассматриваем всякие ещё специфические случаи бесшумных проекторов. 3. Так на

It’s an important capability
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Unknown title
ss Detection with Google ML Kit Cristiano Breuel Feb 2·6 min read Liveness detection is the ability to differentiate between a live person and a static image of a person, given a set of photos. <span>It’s an important capability to have when you want to use facial biometrics for authentication, in order to prevent an attacker from fooling the system with a photo of the user. Several vendors provide good impleme

It’s an important capability
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Unknown title
ss Detection with Google ML Kit Cristiano Breuel Feb 2·6 min read Liveness detection is the ability to differentiate between a live person and a static image of a person, given a set of photos. <span>It’s an important capability to have when you want to use facial biometrics for authentication, in order to prevent an attacker from fooling the system with a photo of the user. Several vendors provide good impleme

Article 6394339790092

Implementing Liveness Detection with Google ML Kit
#has-images #из_ридер_мода

Implementing Liveness Detection with Google ML Kit Google ML Kit (CC BY 4.0) Liveness detection is the ability to differentiate between a live person and a static image of a person, given a set of photos. It’s an important capability to have when you want to use facial biometrics for authentication, in order to prevent an attacker from fooling the system with a photo of the user. Several vendors provide good implementation of liveness detection as commercial software. Depending on the application and volume of usage, though, their cost can quickly become prohibitive. Out of curiosity, and for fun, I wondered how hard it would be to build your own solution from freely available components. There are several ways to approach the problem. The one I chose consists of the following broad steps: Detect a face and its landmarks (reference points like corners of the eyes, nose, mouth etc.) in an image Do that for a series of images (frames), and use differences between frame

Article 6394352110860

Внедрение обнаружения живучести с помощью Google ML Kit

https://towardsdatascience.com/implementing-liveness-detection-with-google-ml-kit-5e8c9f6dba45 Внедрение обнаружения живучести с помощью Google ML Kit Комплект Google ML ( CC BY 4.0 ) Обнаружение живости - это способность различать живого человека и статичное изображение человека по набору фотографий. Это важная возможность, если вы хотите использовать биометрические данные лица для аутентификации, чтобы злоумышленник не обманул систему с помощью фотографии пользователя. Некоторые поставщики предоставляют хорошую реализацию определения живучести в качестве коммерческого программного обеспечения. Однако в зависимости от приложения и объема использования их стоимость может быстро стать непомерно высокой. Из любопытства и ради развлечения я подумал, насколько сложно будет создать собственное решение из свободно доступных компонентов. Есть несколько способов подойти к проблеме. Тот, который я выбрал, состоит из следующих широких шагов:

живого человека и статичное изображение человека по набору фотографий.
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Внедрение обнаружения живучести с помощью Google ML Kit
nting-liveness-detection-with-google-ml-kit-5e8c9f6dba45 Внедрение обнаружения живучести с помощью Google ML Kit Комплект Google ML ( CC BY 4.0 ) Обнаружение живости - это способность различать <span>живого человека и статичное изображение человека по набору фотографий. Это важная возможность, если вы хотите использовать биометрические данные лица для аутентификации, чтобы злоумышленник не обманул систему с помощью фотографии пользователя. Некоторые по

насколько сложно будет создать собственное решение из свободно доступных компонентов.
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Внедрение обнаружения живучести с помощью Google ML Kit
коммерческого программного обеспечения. Однако в зависимости от приложения и объема использования их стоимость может быстро стать непомерно высокой. Из любопытства и ради развлечения я подумал, <span>насколько сложно будет создать собственное решение из свободно доступных компонентов. Есть несколько способов подойти к проблеме. Тот, который я выбрал, состоит из следующих широких шагов: Обнаружение лица и его ориентиров (опорных точек, таких как уголки глаз, носа, рта

свободно доступную реализацию. Лучшее, что я смог найти, - это Google ML Kit Face Detection ,
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Внедрение обнаружения живучести с помощью Google ML Kit
ема, требующая десятилетий исследований . Текущий уровень техники включает обучение глубоких нейронных сетей, что требует больших наборов данных и вычислительной мощности, поэтому я стал искать <span>свободно доступную реализацию. Лучшее, что я смог найти, - это Google ML Kit Face Detection , который можно использовать бесплатно и который доступен для мобильных устройств Android и iOS (часть «бесплатно в использовании» немного сложна - см. Примечание в конце сообщения). Я по

и начал небольшое исследование того, можно ли построить на его основе систему определения живучести.
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Внедрение обнаружения живучести с помощью Google ML Kit
торый можно использовать бесплатно и который доступен для мобильных устройств Android и iOS (часть «бесплатно в использовании» немного сложна - см. Примечание в конце сообщения). Я пошел дальше <span>и начал небольшое исследование того, можно ли построить на его основе систему определения живучести. Настройка эксперимента Первым шагом было запустить пример приложения ML Kit , добавив журналирование для сбора следующих частей информации из выходных данных API: Ограничительная рамка

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Внедрение обнаружения живучести с помощью Google ML Kit
дальше и начал небольшое исследование того, можно ли построить на его основе систему определения живучести. Настройка эксперимента Первым шагом было запустить пример приложения ML Kit , добавив <span>журналирование для сбора следующих частей информации из выходных данных API: Ограничительная рамка Контурные точки Углы Эйлера Вероятность улыбки при открытии левого и правого глаза Я провел всего два

лыбки при открытии левого и правого глаза
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Внедрение обнаружения живучести с помощью Google ML Kit
гом было запустить пример приложения ML Kit , добавив журналирование для сбора следующих частей информации из выходных данных API: Ограничительная рамка Контурные точки Углы Эйлера Вероятность у<span>лыбки при открытии левого и правого глаза Я провел всего два теста: один - с моим настоящим лицом перед камерой, другой - нацелив камеру на мою фотографию на экране моего ноутбука. В дальнейшем я назову эти два эксперимента «жи

Затем я загрузил их в блокнот с еще несколькими уловками по извлечению данных Python.
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Внедрение обнаружения живучести с помощью Google ML Kit
та «живыми» и «не живыми». Для этого исследования я просто сохранил журналы в текстовые файлы и сделал несколько попыток grep / sed, чтобы перенести данные, которые я хотел, в файлы CSV и JSON. <span>Затем я загрузил их в блокнот с еще несколькими уловками по извлечению данных Python. Первая попытка: различия в точках контура Моя первая идея заключалась в том, чтобы посмотреть на разницу в координатах одной и той же точки контура на разных кадрах. Гипотеза заключалас

Нет никаких гарантий относительно поддержки или обязательств.
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Внедрение обнаружения живучести с помощью Google ML Kit
Kit предоставляется Google, очевидно, как «бесплатный для использования», но он не является открытым исходным кодом, и я не смог найти действительную лицензию - ближе всего к ним эти условия . <span>Нет никаких гарантий относительно поддержки или обязательств. И, поскольку это продукт Google, вероятность его устаревания асимптотически приближается к 100% - особенно для такого бесплатного и нишевого предложения, как это. Тем не менее, поскольк

в автономном режиме,
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Внедрение обнаружения живучести с помощью Google ML Kit
ия асимптотически приближается к 100% - особенно для такого бесплатного и нишевого предложения, как это. Тем не менее, поскольку это загружаемая библиотека, которая выполняет всю свою обработку <span>в автономном режиме, а не онлайн-сервис, зависящий от инфраструктуры Google, есть разумный шанс, что вы сможете продолжать использовать ее в течение некоторого времени, даже если они перестанут ее обновлять

был бы рад, если бы вы могли поделиться своими результатами в комментариях!
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Внедрение обнаружения живучести с помощью Google ML Kit
пытаний для нескольких типов стратегий эксплуатации. Я бы, наверное, тоже поискал дополнительные проверки, например, текстурные алгоритмы. Если вы в конечном итоге реализуете что-то подобное, я <span>был бы рад, если бы вы могли поделиться своими результатами в комментариях! Примечание о лицензии ML Kit (или ее отсутствии) ML Kit предоставляется Google, очевидно, как «бесплатный для использования», но он не является открытым исходным кодом, и я не смог найт

есть большой смысл,
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Внедрение обнаружения живучести с помощью Google ML Kit
ные отклонения подтверждают это: В прямом эфире: левый глаз 0,158587 , правый глаз 0,154239 улыбается 0,006452 Не живые: левый глаз 0,022749 , правый глаз 0,003405 , улыбающийся 0,022245 В этом <span>есть большой смысл, поскольку мигание - один из наиболее распространенных маркеров, используемых для определения живучести. Некоторые системы даже явно просят пользователя моргнуть, но в данном случае это

даже явно просят пользователя моргнуть, но в данном случае это не кажется необходимым - я сознательно не пытался моргать, и даже когда я на самом деле не моргал,
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Внедрение обнаружения живучести с помощью Google ML Kit
правый глаз 0,003405 , улыбающийся 0,022245 В этом есть большой смысл, поскольку мигание - один из наиболее распространенных маркеров, используемых для определения живучести. Некоторые системы <span>даже явно просят пользователя моргнуть, но в данном случае это не кажется необходимым - я сознательно не пытался моргать, и даже когда я на самом деле не моргал, наблюдались видимые колебания вероятности, назначенной алгоритму. мои глаза открыты. Заключение Похоже, реализация определения живучести с помощью ML Kit может быть осуществима! Я нашел

но открытие глаз - это практически плоская линия для неживого и американские горки для живого случая.
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Внедрение обнаружения живучести с помощью Google ML Kit
з и улыбки для живого случая А для неживого случая: Вероятность открытых глаз и улыбки для неживого случая Джекпот! Вероятность улыбки не сильно меняется (похоже, у меня хорошее лицо в покере), <span>но открытие глаз - это практически плоская линия для неживого и американские горки для живого случая. Стандартные отклонения подтверждают это: В прямом эфире: левый глаз 0,158587 , правый глаз 0,154239 улыбается 0,006452 Не живые: левый глаз 0,022749 , правый глаз 0,003405 , улыбающийся

Article 6394384878860


Обнаружение моргания на Android с помощью API распознавания лиц Firebase ML Kit Это руководство является 10-й частью серии ML Kit для мобильных разработчиков . Если вы не совсем в курсе, можете начать здесь: Представляем Firebase ML Kit Face Detection API API обнаружения лиц ML Kit - это один из API, который я исключил из серии ML Kit (до сих пор), в основном потому, что я не смог найти подходящий вариант использования этого API. Но недавно, когда я начал работать над AfterShoot , я понял, что этот API можно использовать для эффективного обнаружения морганий на изображении, о чем и будет этот блог! API распознавания лиц в основном принимает изображение и сканирует его на предмет присутствующих человеческих лиц, что отличается от распознавания лиц (при котором Большой Брат печально наблюдает за вами, пока вы спите). Это также API на устройстве, что означает, что все выводы машинного обучения происходят на вашем устройстве, и никакие личные данные н

10-й частью
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Обнаружение моргания на Android с помощью API распознавания лиц Firebase ML Kit Это руководство является 10-й частью серии ML Kit для мобильных разработчиков . Если вы не совсем в курсе, можете начать здесь: Представляем Firebase ML Kit Face Detection API API обнаружения лиц ML Kit - это один из API,

что я не смог найти подходящий вариант использования этого API.
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м в курсе, можете начать здесь: Представляем Firebase ML Kit Face Detection API API обнаружения лиц ML Kit - это один из API, который я исключил из серии ML Kit (до сих пор), в основном потому, <span>что я не смог найти подходящий вариант использования этого API. Но недавно, когда я начал работать над AfterShoot , я понял, что этот API можно использовать для эффективного обнаружения морганий на изображении, о чем и будет этот блог! API распознав

для эффективного обнаружения морганий на изображении, о чем и будет этот блог!
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Kit (до сих пор), в основном потому, что я не смог найти подходящий вариант использования этого API. Но недавно, когда я начал работать над AfterShoot , я понял, что этот API можно использовать <span>для эффективного обнаружения морганий на изображении, о чем и будет этот блог! API распознавания лиц в основном принимает изображение и сканирует его на предмет присутствующих человеческих лиц, что отличается от распознавания лиц (при котором Большой Брат печально

что отличается от распознавания лиц
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для эффективного обнаружения морганий на изображении, о чем и будет этот блог! API распознавания лиц в основном принимает изображение и сканирует его на предмет присутствующих человеческих лиц, <span>что отличается от распознавания лиц (при котором Большой Брат печально наблюдает за вами, пока вы спите). Это также API на устройстве, что означает, что все выводы машинного обучения происходят на вашем устройстве, и ника

на вашем устройстве, и никакие личные данные не отправляются стороннему поставщику.
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что отличается от распознавания лиц (при котором Большой Брат печально наблюдает за вами, пока вы спите). Это также API на устройстве, что означает, что все выводы машинного обучения происходят <span>на вашем устройстве, и никакие личные данные не отправляются стороннему поставщику. Для каждого обнаруженного лица API возвращает следующие параметры: Координаты прямоугольной рамки вокруг этой грани Координаты прямоугольной рамки вокруг глаз, носа и рта для этого лица

лица API возвращает следующие параметры:
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также API на устройстве, что означает, что все выводы машинного обучения происходят на вашем устройстве, и никакие личные данные не отправляются стороннему поставщику. Для каждого обнаруженного <span>лица API возвращает следующие параметры: Координаты прямоугольной рамки вокруг этой грани Координаты прямоугольной рамки вокруг глаз, носа и рта для этого лица. Вероятность того, что лицо на фотографии улыбается Вероятность то

Координаты прямоугольной рамки

#я вот оно что! координаты идут именно прямоугольной рамки! то есть у меня есть и высота и длина глаза!

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ем устройстве, и никакие личные данные не отправляются стороннему поставщику. Для каждого обнаруженного лица API возвращает следующие параметры: Координаты прямоугольной рамки вокруг этой грани <span>Координаты прямоугольной рамки вокруг глаз, носа и рта для этого лица. Вероятность того, что лицо на фотографии улыбается Вероятность того, что глаза на этом лице открыты или закрыты Контур лица с изложением лица, гл

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т следующие параметры: Координаты прямоугольной рамки вокруг этой грани Координаты прямоугольной рамки вокруг глаз, носа и рта для этого лица. Вероятность того, что лицо на фотографии улыбается <span>Вероятность того, что глаза на этом лице открыты или закрыты Контур лица с изложением лица, глаз, носа и рта Вы можете узнать больше об API здесь: В этой позе блога мы рассмотрим, как мы можем испо

открыты или закрыты глаза человека, захваченного в режиме предварительного просмотра камеры.
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ты Контур лица с изложением лица, глаз, носа и рта Вы можете узнать больше об API здесь: В этой позе блога мы рассмотрим, как мы можем использовать эту библиотеку, чтобы в основном отслеживать, <span>открыты или закрыты глаза человека, захваченного в режиме предварительного просмотра камеры. Это можно использовать в системе мониторинга автомобиля, например, чтобы определить, чувствует ли водитель сонливость или отвлекается иным образом. Затем эта система может предупредить

чувствует ли водитель сонливость или отвлекается иным образом. Затем эта система может предупредить их, если их глаза закрыты на длительное время!
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ом отслеживать, открыты или закрыты глаза человека, захваченного в режиме предварительного просмотра камеры. Это можно использовать в системе мониторинга автомобиля, например, чтобы определить, <span>чувствует ли водитель сонливость или отвлекается иным образом. Затем эта система может предупредить их, если их глаза закрыты на длительное время! Прежде чем мы продолжим, вот несколько скриншотов из приложения: Шаг 1. Создайте новый проект Android Studio и добавьте необходимые зависимости. Во-первых, нам нужно создать новый проек

[unknown IMAGE 6394412928268] #has-images

вот несколько скриншотов из приложения:

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ер, чтобы определить, чувствует ли водитель сонливость или отвлекается иным образом. Затем эта система может предупредить их, если их глаза закрыты на длительное время! Прежде чем мы продолжим, <span>вот несколько скриншотов из приложения: Шаг 1. Создайте новый проект Android Studio и добавьте необходимые зависимости. Во-первых, нам нужно создать новый проект Android Studio и добавить к нему соответствующие зависимости. П

Первый простой - настройте Firebase в своем проекте.
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иложения: Шаг 1. Создайте новый проект Android Studio и добавьте необходимые зависимости. Во-первых, нам нужно создать новый проект Android Studio и добавить к нему соответствующие зависимости. <span>Первый простой - настройте Firebase в своем проекте. Вы можете найти хороший учебник здесь . Чтобы использовать этот API, вам необходимо добавить в свое приложение следующую зависимость: Вы также можете добавить в свой проект библиотеку к

Рекомендую использовать CameraX .
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этот API, вам необходимо добавить в свое приложение следующую зависимость: Вы также можете добавить в свой проект библиотеку камеры, чтобы легко интегрировать функции камеры в ваше приложение. <span>Рекомендую использовать CameraX . Я рассказывал об этом в своем более раннем блоге, и я настоятельно рекомендую вам прочитать его, прежде чем продолжить: Шаг 2: Создание базового макета и добавление предварительного про

базовый макет, который показывает предварительный просмотр камеры и текст, который сообщает нам, моргает человек или нет.
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более раннем блоге, и я настоятельно рекомендую вам прочитать его, прежде чем продолжить: Шаг 2: Создание базового макета и добавление предварительного просмотра камеры Затем нам нужно создать <span>базовый макет, который показывает предварительный просмотр камеры и текст, который сообщает нам, моргает человек или нет. Вот как это может выглядеть: Чтобы запустить предварительный просмотр автоматически, как только приложение запустится, вы можете снова прочитать мой блог на CameraX - я объясню, как это

выглядеть примерно так:
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апустить предварительный просмотр автоматически, как только приложение запустится, вы можете снова прочитать мой блог на CameraX - я объясню, как это сделать на шаге 4: Окончательный код должен <span>выглядеть примерно так: Шаг 3. Инициализируйте детектор лиц Firebase Прежде чем мы продолжим и начнем обнаруживать лица, нам нужно инициализировать детектор лиц Firebase. Теперь, поскольку это API на устройств

The final code should look something like this
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Unknown title
e app starts, you can again read my blog on CameraX — I explain how to do it in Step 4: CameraX: ‘The’ Machine Learning Camera Library for Android Making ML on Android easier heartbeat.fritz.ai <span>The final code should look something like this : Step 3: Initialize Firebase Face Detector Before we go ahead and start detecting faces, we need to initialize the Firebase Face Detector. Now since this is an on-device API, it runs w

поскольку это API на устройстве, он работает без активного подключения к Интернету и доступен бесплатно!
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ный код должен выглядеть примерно так: Шаг 3. Инициализируйте детектор лиц Firebase Прежде чем мы продолжим и начнем обнаруживать лица, нам нужно инициализировать детектор лиц Firebase. Теперь, <span>поскольку это API на устройстве, он работает без активного подключения к Интернету и доступен бесплатно! Чтобы инициализировать детектор, нам сначала нужно создать объект опций, который обрисовывает в общих чертах: Тип детектора, который мы собираемся использовать (быстрый или точный) Нужн

ип детектора, который мы собираемся использовать (быстрый
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стройстве, он работает без активного подключения к Интернету и доступен бесплатно! Чтобы инициализировать детектор, нам сначала нужно создать объект опций, который обрисовывает в общих чертах: Т<span>ип детектора, который мы собираемся использовать (быстрый или точный) Нужно ли нам определять черты лица (нос, глаза и рот) Следует ли отслеживать контуры лица или нет. И многое другое… Здесь вы можете найти все доступные варианты: В рамках эт

Нужно ли нам определять черты лица (нос, глаза и рот)
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н бесплатно! Чтобы инициализировать детектор, нам сначала нужно создать объект опций, который обрисовывает в общих чертах: Тип детектора, который мы собираемся использовать (быстрый или точный) <span>Нужно ли нам определять черты лица (нос, глаза и рот) Следует ли отслеживать контуры лица или нет. И многое другое… Здесь вы можете найти все доступные варианты: В рамках этого блога мы будем отслеживать черты лица (глаза) в ACCURATE режим

мы будем отслеживать черты лица (глаза) в ACCURATE
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ли точный) Нужно ли нам определять черты лица (нос, глаза и рот) Следует ли отслеживать контуры лица или нет. И многое другое… Здесь вы можете найти все доступные варианты: В рамках этого блога <span>мы будем отслеживать черты лица (глаза) в ACCURATE режиме. Код для этого будет выглядеть следующим образом: Примечание. Выбор FAST режима приведет к более быстрому выводу при запуске приложения, но также может дать неверные результаты п

при работе с изображениями с несколькими лицами
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ACCURATE режиме. Код для этого будет выглядеть следующим образом: Примечание. Выбор FAST режима приведет к более быстрому выводу при запуске приложения, но также может дать неверные результаты <span>при работе с изображениями с несколькими лицами на них! Шаг 4. Расширение анализатора изображений CameraX для обработки входящих кадров Далее нам нужно создать анализатор изображений, содержащий логику обработки входящих кадров камер

Далее нам нужно создать анализатор изображений, содержащий логику обработки входящих кадров камеры, код для которого Analyzer будет выглядеть примерно так:
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пуске приложения, но также может дать неверные результаты при работе с изображениями с несколькими лицами на них! Шаг 4. Расширение анализатора изображений CameraX для обработки входящих кадров <span>Далее нам нужно создать анализатор изображений, содержащий логику обработки входящих кадров камеры, код для которого Analyzer будет выглядеть примерно так: Приведенный выше код регистрирует особенности лиц, которые он обнаруживает. Позже мы расширим это, чтобы добавить поддержку обнаружения моргания на изображении. Шаг 5. Добавление логики

вы можете изменить startCamera() метод следующим образом:

Чтобы закончить, нам нужно обновить CameraX.bindToLifecycle() метод следующим образом:

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аг 5. Добавление логики обработки машинного обучения в предварительный просмотр камеры Чтобы предварительный просмотр камеры знал, что мы хотим выполнить логический вывод по захваченным кадрам, <span>вы можете изменить startCamera() метод следующим образом: Чтобы закончить, нам нужно обновить CameraX.bindToLifecycle() метод следующим образом: CameraX.bindToLifecycle ( это , предварительный просмотр , blinkDetector) После этого CameraX должен запустить анализ изображения, когда вы указываете его на разные лица, и вы должны ув

нам нужно использовать информацию, которую мы получаем от модели, чтобы позвонить и определить, моргает ли человек на картинке или нет.
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ия, когда вы указываете его на разные лица, и вы должны увидеть журналы, которые печатаются в вашем Android Studio Logcat Terminal. Шаг 6. Изменение приложения для определения моргания Наконец, <span>нам нужно использовать информацию, которую мы получаем от модели, чтобы позвонить и определить, моргает ли человек на картинке или нет. Ради этого блога я предполагаю, что человек моргает, если вероятность открытия любого из глаз меньше 0,4. Примечание: поскольку вероятность открытия глаза 0,5 означает, что модель на 50

если вероятность открытия любого из глаз меньше 0,4.
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нец, нам нужно использовать информацию, которую мы получаем от модели, чтобы позвонить и определить, моргает ли человек на картинке или нет. Ради этого блога я предполагаю, что человек моргает, <span>если вероятность открытия любого из глаз меньше 0,4. Примечание: поскольку вероятность открытия глаза 0,5 означает, что модель на 50% уверена в том, что глаза человека открыты, я пошел дальше и предположил, что если модель менее чем на 40

Благодаря появлению мобильного машинного обучения мы можем быстро добавлять сложные функции машинного обучения в наши приложения без написания какого-либо кода, специфичного для машинного обучения!
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оэкспериментировать с этим числом, чтобы увидеть, какое значение лучше всего подходит для вас! Затем мы напишем оператор if внутри нашего цикла, который проверяет и подтверждает это: Вот и все! <span>Благодаря появлению мобильного машинного обучения мы можем быстро добавлять сложные функции машинного обучения в наши приложения без написания какого-либо кода, специфичного для машинного обучения! Если вы заинтригованы этим и хотите начать заниматься машинным обучением в качестве разработчика мобильных устройств, этот блог может быть хорошим чтением: Или вот этот: Исходный код пр

Firebase is accessed through a number of different libraries, one for each Firebase product (for example: Realtime Database, Authentication, Analytics, or Cloud Storage). Flutter provides a set of Firebase plugins, which are collectively called FlutterFire.
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Add Firebase to your Flutter app
Flutter uses plugins to provide access to a wide range of platform-specific services, such as Firebase APIs. Plugins include platform-specific code to access services and APIs on each platform. <span>Firebase is accessed through a number of different libraries, one for each Firebase product (for example: Realtime Database, Authentication, Analytics, or Cloud Storage). Flutter provides a set of Firebase plugins, which are collectively called FlutterFire. Since Flutter is a multi-platform SDK, each FlutterFire plugin is applicable for both iOS and Android. So, if you add any FlutterFire plugin to your Flutter app, it will be used by both

Android – мощная платформа, поддерживаемая одной из крупнейших и наиболее влиятельных компаний в мире. Компания, которая находится в авангарде машинного обучения и считает себя «ИИ прежде всего».
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Введение в разработку TensorFlow Lite на Android - Советы по Андроид
> Разработка под Android не ограничивается симпатичными маленькими приложениями, которые делят счет в ресторанах (кажется, это всеобщая «гениальная идея приложения», или это только у меня?). <span>Android – мощная платформа, поддерживаемая одной из крупнейших и наиболее влиятельных компаний в мире. Компания, которая находится в авангарде машинного обучения и считает себя «ИИ прежде всего». Изучение TensorFlow Lite для Android позволяет разработчикам внедрять передовое машинное обучение в свои творения. Это значительно расширяет возможности приложения и вводит бесчисленное

TensorFlow – это «сквозная» (что означает «все-в-одном») платформа с открытым исходным кодом для машинного обучения от команды Google Brain.
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Введение в разработку TensorFlow Lite на Android - Советы по Андроид
е введение в машинное обучение, так что приступим! Что такое TensorFlow? Начнем с основ: что такое TensorFlow Lite? Чтобы ответить на этот вопрос, мы должны сначала взглянуть на TensorFlow сам. <span>TensorFlow – это «сквозная» (что означает «все-в-одном») платформа с открытым исходным кодом для машинного обучения от команды Google Brain. TensorFlow – это программная библиотека с открытым исходным кодом, которая позволяет решать задачи машинного обучения. Задача машинного обучения – это любая проблема, которая требует ра

TensorFlow Lite «Micro», с другой стороны, представляет собой версию специально для микроконтроллеров, которая недавно была объединена с uTensor от ARM.
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Введение в разработку TensorFlow Lite на Android - Советы по Андроид
означает, что он работает на самом мобильном устройстве) Tensor Flow на мобильные устройства. Анонсированный в 2017 году программный стек TFLite разработан специально для мобильной разработки. <span>TensorFlow Lite «Micro», с другой стороны, представляет собой версию специально для микроконтроллеров, которая недавно была объединена с uTensor от ARM. Некоторые разработчики теперь могут спросить, в чем разница между Комплект ML и TensorFlow Lite есть. Хотя определенно есть некоторое совпадение, TensorFlow Lite более низкоуровневый и

Хотя определенно есть некоторое совпадение, TensorFlow Lite более низкоуровневый и открытый. Что еще более важно: TensorFlow Lite запускается с самого устройства, тогда как ML Kit требует регистрации Firebase и активного подключения к Интернету. Несмотря на запутанную номенклатуру Google, обратите внимание, что ML Kit по-прежнему использует TensorFlow «под капотом».
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Введение в разработку TensorFlow Lite на Android - Советы по Андроид
версию специально для микроконтроллеров, которая недавно была объединена с uTensor от ARM. Некоторые разработчики теперь могут спросить, в чем разница между Комплект ML и TensorFlow Lite есть. <span>Хотя определенно есть некоторое совпадение, TensorFlow Lite более низкоуровневый и открытый. Что еще более важно: TensorFlow Lite запускается с самого устройства, тогда как ML Kit требует регистрации Firebase и активного подключения к Интернету. Несмотря на запутанную номенклатуру Google, обратите внимание, что ML Kit по-прежнему использует TensorFlow «под капотом». Firebase также является еще одним типом проекта Google Cloud Platform. См. Также: Создание приложения для распознавания лиц с помощью машинного обучения и Firebase ML Kit TensorFlow Lit

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google_ml_vision | Flutter Package
on and face detection. More... Readme Changelog Example Installing Versions Scores Google ML Kit Plugin # https://pub.dev/packages/google_ml_visionn) A Flutter plugin to use the capabilities of <span>on-device Google ML Kit Usage # To use this plugin, add google_ml_vision as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. Using an ML Vision Detector # 1. Create a GoogleVisionImage. # Create a GoogleV

On June 3, 2020, we started offering ML Kit's on-device APIs through a new standalone SDK. Cloud APIs, and custom model deployment will continue to be available via Firebase Machine Learning.
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Connexion : comptes Google
adim.tisse@gmail.com Vadim T vadim.tisse2@gmail.com All Brand accounts Add another account Sign out of all accounts Privacy Policy•Terms of Service Machine Learning help APIs Custom AutoML info <span>On June 3, 2020, we started offering ML Kit's on-device APIs through a new standalone SDK. Cloud APIs, and custom model deployment will continue to be available via Firebase Machine Learning. Dismiss Learn more All APIs cloud_queue Upgrade your project to Blaze to enable Cloud-based APIs Upgrade Text recognition Recognize and extract text from images Get started Image labeli

a bundled model

объединенная модель

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Detect faces with ML Kit on Android | Google Developers
Next steps You can use ML Kit to detect faces in images and video. See the ML Kit quickstart sample on GitHub for an example of this API in use. There are two ways to integrate face detection: <span>a bundled model which is part of your app and an unbundled model that depends on Google Play Services. The two models are the same. If you select the unbundled model your app will be smaller. Feature U

that depends on Google Play Services.
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Detect faces with ML Kit on Android | Google Developers
o. See the ML Kit quickstart sample on GitHub for an example of this API in use. There are two ways to integrate face detection: a bundled model which is part of your app and an unbundled model <span>that depends on Google Play Services. The two models are the same. If you select the unbundled model your app will be smaller. Feature Unbundled Bundled Implementation Model is dynamically downloaded via Google Play Service

unbundled model your app will be smaller.
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Detect faces with ML Kit on Android | Google Developers
e are two ways to integrate face detection: a bundled model which is part of your app and an unbundled model that depends on Google Play Services. The two models are the same. If you select the <span>unbundled model your app will be smaller. Feature Unbundled Bundled Implementation Model is dynamically downloaded via Google Play Services. Model is statically linked to your app at build time. App size No impact. About 16MB m

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Detect faces with ML Kit on Android | Google Developers
0.7' } For using model within Google Play Service: dependencies { // ... // Use this dependency to use dynamically downloaded model in Google Play Service implementation 'com.google.android.gms:<span>play-services-mlkit-face-detection:16.1.6' } If you choose to use the Google Play Service way : you can configure your app to automatically download the model to the device after your app is installed from

In an external audit the external auditor conducts an official examination of the financial statement of the audit client.
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Flashcard 6394627886348

In an external audit the external auditor conducts an official examination of the [...] of the audit client.
financial statement

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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In an external audit the external auditor conducts an official examination of the financial statement of the audit client.

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The opinion expressed is addressed to shareholders and the audit report is signed by the respective audit engagement partner
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Flashcard 6394631818508

The opinion expressed is addressed to shareholders and the audit report is signed by the respective [...]
audit engagement partner

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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The opinion expressed is addressed to shareholders and the audit report is signed by the respective audit engagement partner

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The auditor expresses a reasonable level of assurance in the audit report and can never express an absolute level of assurance nor give a guarantee to the shareholders because there are inherent limitations of an audit. (Inherent limitations will be covered later )
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Flashcard 6394635226380

The auditor expresses a [...] level of assurance in the audit report and can never express an absolute level of assurance nor give a guarantee to the shareholders because there are inherent limitations of an audit. (Inherent limitations will be covered later )

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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The auditor expresses a reasonable level of assurance in the audit report and can never express an absolute level of assurance nor give a guarantee to the shareholders because there are inherent limitations of an audit.

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Flashcard 6394636274956

The auditor expresses a reasonable level of assurance in the audit report and can never express an [...] level of assurance nor give a guarantee to the shareholders because there are inherent limitations of an audit. (Inherent limitations will be covered later )

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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The auditor expresses a reasonable level of assurance in the audit report and can never express an absolute level of assurance nor give a guarantee to the shareholders because there are inherent limitations of an audit. (Inherent limitations will be covered later )

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Flashcard 6394637323532

The auditor expresses a reasonable level of assurance in the audit report and can never express an absolute level of assurance nor give a [...] to the shareholders because there are inherent limitations of an audit. (Inherent limitations will be covered later )

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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The auditor expresses a reasonable level of assurance in the audit report and can never express an absolute level of assurance nor give a guarantee to the shareholders because there are inherent limitations of an audit. (Inherent limitations will be covered later )

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Flashcard 6394638372108

The auditor expresses a reasonable level of assurance in the audit report and can never express an absolute level of assurance nor give a guarantee to the shareholders because there are [...] of an audit. (Inherent limitations will be covered later )
inherent limitations

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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> The auditor expresses a reasonable level of assurance in the audit report and can never express an absolute level of assurance nor give a guarantee to the shareholders because there are inherent limitations of an audit. (Inherent limitations will be covered later ) <span>

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An External Auditor examines/audits the F/S of the company and expresses an independent audit opinion on those accounts in the form of an Audit Report at the end of an Audit which is addressed to its Shareholders/Members.
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Flashcard 6394643090700

An External Auditor examines/audits the F/S of the company and expresses an [...] audit opinion on those accounts in the form of an Audit Report at the end of an Audit which is addressed to its Shareholders/Members.

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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An External Auditor examines/audits the F/S of the company and expresses an independent audit opinion on those accounts in the form of an Audit Report at the end of an Audit which is addressed to its Shareholders/Members.

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Flashcard 6394644663564

An External Auditor examines/audits the F/S of the company and expresses an independent audit opinion on those accounts in the form of an Audit Report at the end of an Audit which is addressed to its [...].

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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ernal Auditor examines/audits the F/S of the company and expresses an independent audit opinion on those accounts in the form of an Audit Report at the end of an Audit which is addressed to its <span>Shareholders/Members. <span>

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An External auditor complies with the code of ethics (Ethical guidelines) for professional accountants/auditors issued by International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).
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Flashcard 6394649120012

An External auditor complies with the code of [...] (Ethical guidelines) for professional accountants/auditors issued by International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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An External auditor complies with the code of ethics (Ethical guidelines) for professional accountants/auditors issued by International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).

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Flashcard 6394650692876

An External auditor complies with the code of ethics (Ethical guidelines) for professional accountants/auditors issued by [...] (IFAC).
International Federation of Accountants

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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An External auditor complies with the code of ethics (Ethical guidelines) for professional accountants/auditors issued by International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).

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An External auditor conducts an audit in accordance with the International Standards of Auditing (ISA) which determines the scope of an external audit
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Flashcard 6394655935756

An External auditor conducts an audit in accordance with the [...] (ISA) which determines the scope of an external audit
International Standards of Auditing

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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An External auditor conducts an audit in accordance with the International Standards of Auditing (ISA) which determines the scope of an external audit

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An External auditor examines/conducts an audit of F/S prepared by the management of the company. (Finance dept.) and approved by its Board of Directors (B.O.D)
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Flashcard 6394659081484

An External auditor examines/conducts an audit of F/S prepared by the [...] of the company. (Finance dept.) and approved by its Board of Directors (B.O.D)

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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An External auditor examines/conducts an audit of F/S prepared by the management of the company. (Finance dept.) and approved by its Board of Directors (B.O.D)

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Flashcard 6394661965068

An External auditor examines/conducts an audit of F/S prepared by the management of the company. (Finance dept.) and approved by its [...]
Board of Directors (B.O.D)

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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An External auditor examines/conducts an audit of F/S prepared by the management of the company. (Finance dept.) and approved by its Board of Directors (B.O.D)

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Scope of an external audit is determined by the auditor having regard of the following:

1. ISA (International Standards of Auditing)

2. I.F.R.S and I.A.S

3. Local Laws (Companies Act 2017) &

4. Scope defined by

(4-a) Professional bodies like ICAP & ACCA

(4-b) Terms of an audit engagement as per ISA 210

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Flashcard 6394666421516


Scope of an external audit is determined by the auditor having regard of the following:

1. [...]

2. I.F.R.S and I.A.S

3. Local Laws (Companies Act 2017) &

4. Scope defined by

(4-a) Professional bodies like ICAP & ACCA

(4-b) Terms of an audit engagement as per ISA 210

ISA (International Standards of Auditing)

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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Scope of an external audit is determined by the auditor having regard of the following: 1. ISA (International Standards of Auditing) 2. I.F.R.S and I.A.S 3. Local Laws (Companies Act 2017) & 4. Scope defined by (4-a) Professional bodies like ICAP & ACCA (4-b) Terms of an audit engagement as per ISA 210

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Flashcard 6394667994380


Scope of an external audit is determined by the auditor having regard of the following:

1. ISA (International Standards of Auditing)

2. [...]

3. Local Laws (Companies Act 2017) &

4. Scope defined by

(4-a) Professional bodies like ICAP & ACCA

(4-b) Terms of an audit engagement as per ISA 210

I.F.R.S and I.A.S

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Scope of an external audit is determined by the auditor having regard of the following: 1. ISA (International Standards of Auditing) 2. I.F.R.S and I.A.S 3. Local Laws (Companies Act 2017) & 4. Scope defined by (4-a) Professional bodies like ICAP & ACCA (4-b) Terms of an audit engagement as per ISA 210

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Flashcard 6394669567244


Scope of an external audit is determined by the auditor having regard of the following:

1. ISA (International Standards of Auditing)

2. I.F.R.S and I.A.S

3. [...] &

4. Scope defined by

(4-a) Professional bodies like ICAP & ACCA

(4-b) Terms of an audit engagement as per ISA 210

Local Laws (Companies Act 2017)

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Scope of an external audit is determined by the auditor having regard of the following: 1. ISA (International Standards of Auditing) 2. I.F.R.S and I.A.S 3. Local Laws (Companies Act 2017) & 4. Scope defined by (4-a) Professional bodies like ICAP & ACCA (4-b) Terms of an audit engagement as per ISA 210

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Flashcard 6394671140108


Scope of an external audit is determined by the auditor having regard of the following:

1. ISA (International Standards of Auditing)

2. I.F.R.S and I.A.S

3. Local Laws (Companies Act 2017) &

4. Scope defined by

(4-a) [...] like ICAP & ACCA

(4-b) Terms of an audit engagement as per ISA 210

Professional bodies

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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is determined by the auditor having regard of the following: 1. ISA (International Standards of Auditing) 2. I.F.R.S and I.A.S 3. Local Laws (Companies Act 2017) & 4. Scope defined by (4-a) <span>Professional bodies like ICAP & ACCA (4-b) Terms of an audit engagement as per ISA 210 <span>

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Flashcard 6394672712972


Scope of an external audit is determined by the auditor having regard of the following:

1. ISA (International Standards of Auditing)

2. I.F.R.S and I.A.S

3. Local Laws (Companies Act 2017) &

4. Scope defined by

(4-a) Professional bodies like ICAP & ACCA

(4-b) [...] as per ISA 210

Terms of an audit engagement

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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he following: 1. ISA (International Standards of Auditing) 2. I.F.R.S and I.A.S 3. Local Laws (Companies Act 2017) & 4. Scope defined by (4-a) Professional bodies like ICAP & ACCA (4-b) <span>Terms of an audit engagement as per ISA 210 <span>

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Scope of an Audit covers:

a) Only financial statements and not the whole annual report.

b) Scope of an Audit does not assure the efficiency and effectiveness of management and those charged with governance.

c) Audit does not assure the future viability of the entity.

d) Audit opinion does not cover an OPINION on the Internal Controls of the audit client, however, external auditor considers internal controls in order to design audit procedure to determine the audit risk and to express an opinion on the financial statement of the audit client.

e) Audit covers additional matters, only, if local laws and regulations require the auditor to do so.

f) Performing audit procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence (S.A.A.E) to verify the financial statements.

g) Evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management

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Flashcard 6394676645132


Scope of an Audit covers:

a) Only [...] and not the whole annual report.

b) Scope of an Audit does not assure the efficiency and effectiveness of management and those charged with governance.

c) Audit does not assure the future viability of the entity.

d) Audit opinion does not cover an OPINION on the Internal Controls of the audit client, however, external auditor considers internal controls in order to design audit procedure to determine the audit risk and to express an opinion on the financial statement of the audit client.

e) Audit covers additional matters, only, if local laws and regulations require the auditor to do so.

f) Performing audit procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence (S.A.A.E) to verify the financial statements.

g) Evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management

financial statements

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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Scope of an Audit covers: a) Only financial statements and not the whole annual report. b) Scope of an Audit does not assure the efficiency and effectiveness of management and those charged with governance. c) Audit does not assure the futu

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Flashcard 6394678217996


Scope of an Audit covers:

a) Only financial statements and not the whole annual report.

b) Scope of an Audit does not assure the efficiency and effectiveness of [...] and those charged with governance.

c) Audit does not assure the future viability of the entity.

d) Audit opinion does not cover an OPINION on the Internal Controls of the audit client, however, external auditor considers internal controls in order to design audit procedure to determine the audit risk and to express an opinion on the financial statement of the audit client.

e) Audit covers additional matters, only, if local laws and regulations require the auditor to do so.

f) Performing audit procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence (S.A.A.E) to verify the financial statements.

g) Evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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Scope of an Audit covers: a) Only financial statements and not the whole annual report. b) Scope of an Audit does not assure the efficiency and effectiveness of management and those charged with governance. c) Audit does not assure the future viability of the entity. d) Audit opinion does not cover an OPINION on the Internal Controls of the audit client,

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Flashcard 6394679790860


Scope of an Audit covers:

a) Only financial statements and not the whole annual report.

b) Scope of an Audit does not assure the efficiency and effectiveness of management and [...].

c) Audit does not assure the future viability of the entity.

d) Audit opinion does not cover an OPINION on the Internal Controls of the audit client, however, external auditor considers internal controls in order to design audit procedure to determine the audit risk and to express an opinion on the financial statement of the audit client.

e) Audit covers additional matters, only, if local laws and regulations require the auditor to do so.

f) Performing audit procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence (S.A.A.E) to verify the financial statements.

g) Evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management

those charged with governance

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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Scope of an Audit covers: a) Only financial statements and not the whole annual report. b) Scope of an Audit does not assure the efficiency and effectiveness of management and those charged with governance. c) Audit does not assure the future viability of the entity. d) Audit opinion does not cover an OPINION on the Internal Controls of the audit client, however, external auditor consider

Original toplevel document (pdf)

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Flashcard 6394681363724


Scope of an Audit covers:

a) Only financial statements and not the whole annual report.

b) Scope of an Audit does not assure the efficiency and effectiveness of management and those charged with governance.

c) Audit does not assure the [...] of the entity.

d) Audit opinion does not cover an OPINION on the Internal Controls of the audit client, however, external auditor considers internal controls in order to design audit procedure to determine the audit risk and to express an opinion on the financial statement of the audit client.

e) Audit covers additional matters, only, if local laws and regulations require the auditor to do so.

f) Performing audit procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence (S.A.A.E) to verify the financial statements.

g) Evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management

future viability

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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l statements and not the whole annual report. b) Scope of an Audit does not assure the efficiency and effectiveness of management and those charged with governance. c) Audit does not assure the <span>future viability of the entity. d) Audit opinion does not cover an OPINION on the Internal Controls of the audit client, however, external auditor considers internal controls in order to design audit pr

Original toplevel document (pdf)

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Flashcard 6394682936588


Scope of an Audit covers:

a) Only financial statements and not the whole annual report.

b) Scope of an Audit does not assure the efficiency and effectiveness of management and those charged with governance.

c) Audit does not assure the future viability of the entity.

d) Audit opinion does not cover an [...] on the Internal Controls of the audit client, however, external auditor considers internal controls in order to design audit procedure to determine the audit risk and to express an opinion on the financial statement of the audit client.

e) Audit covers additional matters, only, if local laws and regulations require the auditor to do so.

f) Performing audit procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence (S.A.A.E) to verify the financial statements.

g) Evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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does not assure the efficiency and effectiveness of management and those charged with governance. c) Audit does not assure the future viability of the entity. d) Audit opinion does not cover an <span>OPINION on the Internal Controls of the audit client, however, external auditor considers internal controls in order to design audit procedure to determine the audit risk and to express an opin

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Flashcard 6394684509452


Scope of an Audit covers:

a) Only financial statements and not the whole annual report.

b) Scope of an Audit does not assure the efficiency and effectiveness of management and those charged with governance.

c) Audit does not assure the future viability of the entity.

d) Audit opinion does not cover an OPINION on the Internal Controls of the audit client, however, external auditor considers internal controls in order to design [...] to determine the audit risk and to express an opinion on the financial statement of the audit client.

e) Audit covers additional matters, only, if local laws and regulations require the auditor to do so.

f) Performing audit procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence (S.A.A.E) to verify the financial statements.

g) Evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management

audit procedure

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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future viability of the entity. d) Audit opinion does not cover an OPINION on the Internal Controls of the audit client, however, external auditor considers internal controls in order to design <span>audit procedure to determine the audit risk and to express an opinion on the financial statement of the audit client. e) Audit covers additional matters, only, if local laws and regulations require the

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Flashcard 6394686082316


Scope of an Audit covers:

a) Only financial statements and not the whole annual report.

b) Scope of an Audit does not assure the efficiency and effectiveness of management and those charged with governance.

c) Audit does not assure the future viability of the entity.

d) Audit opinion does not cover an OPINION on the Internal Controls of the audit client, however, external auditor considers internal controls in order to design audit procedure to determine the [...] on the financial statement of the audit client.

e) Audit covers additional matters, only, if local laws and regulations require the auditor to do so.

f) Performing audit procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence (S.A.A.E) to verify the financial statements.

g) Evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management

audit risk and to express an opinion

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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) Audit opinion does not cover an OPINION on the Internal Controls of the audit client, however, external auditor considers internal controls in order to design audit procedure to determine the <span>audit risk and to express an opinion on the financial statement of the audit client. e) Audit covers additional matters, only, if local laws and regulations require the auditor to do so. f) Performing audit procedures to o

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Flashcard 6394687655180


Scope of an Audit covers:

a) Only financial statements and not the whole annual report.

b) Scope of an Audit does not assure the efficiency and effectiveness of management and those charged with governance.

c) Audit does not assure the future viability of the entity.

d) Audit opinion does not cover an OPINION on the Internal Controls of the audit client, however, external auditor considers internal controls in order to design audit procedure to determine the audit risk and to express an opinion on the financial statement of the audit client.

e) Audit covers additional matters, only, if [...] require the auditor to do so.

f) Performing audit procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence (S.A.A.E) to verify the financial statements.

g) Evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management

local laws and regulations

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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al controls in order to design audit procedure to determine the audit risk and to express an opinion on the financial statement of the audit client. e) Audit covers additional matters, only, if <span>local laws and regulations require the auditor to do so. f) Performing audit procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence (S.A.A.E) to verify the financial statements. g) Evaluating the appropriaten

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Flashcard 6394689228044


Scope of an Audit covers:

a) Only financial statements and not the whole annual report.

b) Scope of an Audit does not assure the efficiency and effectiveness of management and those charged with governance.

c) Audit does not assure the future viability of the entity.

d) Audit opinion does not cover an OPINION on the Internal Controls of the audit client, however, external auditor considers internal controls in order to design audit procedure to determine the audit risk and to express an opinion on the financial statement of the audit client.

e) Audit covers additional matters, only, if local laws and regulations require the auditor to do so.

f) Performing audit procedures to obtain [...] (S.A.A.E) to verify the financial statements.

g) Evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management

sufficient appropriate audit evidence

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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on on the financial statement of the audit client. e) Audit covers additional matters, only, if local laws and regulations require the auditor to do so. f) Performing audit procedures to obtain <span>sufficient appropriate audit evidence (S.A.A.E) to verify the financial statements. g) Evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management </sp

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Flashcard 6394690800908


Scope of an Audit covers:

a) Only financial statements and not the whole annual report.

b) Scope of an Audit does not assure the efficiency and effectiveness of management and those charged with governance.

c) Audit does not assure the future viability of the entity.

d) Audit opinion does not cover an OPINION on the Internal Controls of the audit client, however, external auditor considers internal controls in order to design audit procedure to determine the audit risk and to express an opinion on the financial statement of the audit client.

e) Audit covers additional matters, only, if local laws and regulations require the auditor to do so.

f) Performing audit procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence (S.A.A.E) to verify the financial statements.

g) Evaluating the [...] of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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laws and regulations require the auditor to do so. f) Performing audit procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence (S.A.A.E) to verify the financial statements. g) Evaluating the <span>appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management <span>

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Flashcard 6394692373772


Scope of an Audit covers:

a) Only financial statements and not the whole annual report.

b) Scope of an Audit does not assure the efficiency and effectiveness of management and those charged with governance.

c) Audit does not assure the future viability of the entity.

d) Audit opinion does not cover an OPINION on the Internal Controls of the audit client, however, external auditor considers internal controls in order to design audit procedure to determine the audit risk and to express an opinion on the financial statement of the audit client.

e) Audit covers additional matters, only, if local laws and regulations require the auditor to do so.

f) Performing audit procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence (S.A.A.E) to verify the financial statements.

g) Evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the [...] of accounting estimates made by management


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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) Performing audit procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence (S.A.A.E) to verify the financial statements. g) Evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the <span>reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management <span>

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Management Responsibilities

  1. Managing the business so as to achieve company objectives.
  2. Making key business strategies.
  3. Assessing business risks to those objectives being achieved.
  4. Safeguarding the company’s assets.
  5. Keeping and maintaining proper accounting records.
  6. Preparing company financial statements.
  7. Ensuring the company complies with the applicable laws and regulations.
statusnot read reprioritisations
last reprioritisation on suggested re-reading day
started reading on finished reading on


cannot see any pdfs

Flashcard 6394696305932


Management Responsibilities

  1. Managing the business so as to achieve [...].
  2. Making key business strategies.
  3. Assessing business risks to those objectives being achieved.
  4. Safeguarding the company’s assets.
  5. Keeping and maintaining proper accounting records.
  6. Preparing company financial statements.
  7. Ensuring the company complies with the applicable laws and regulations.
company objectives

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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Management Responsibilities Managing the business so as to achieve company objectives. Making key business strategies. Assessing business risks to those objectives being achieved. Safeguarding the company’s assets. Keeping and maintaining proper accounting records. Prepa

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Flashcard 6394697878796


Management Responsibilities

  1. Managing the business so as to achieve company objectives.
  2. Making key [...].
  3. Assessing business risks to those objectives being achieved.
  4. Safeguarding the company’s assets.
  5. Keeping and maintaining proper accounting records.
  6. Preparing company financial statements.
  7. Ensuring the company complies with the applicable laws and regulations.
business strategies

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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Management Responsibilities Managing the business so as to achieve company objectives. Making key business strategies. Assessing business risks to those objectives being achieved. Safeguarding the company’s assets. Keeping and maintaining proper accounting records. Preparing company financial statement

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Flashcard 6394699451660


Management Responsibilities

  1. Managing the business so as to achieve company objectives.
  2. Making key business strategies.
  3. Assessing [...] to those objectives being achieved.
  4. Safeguarding the company’s assets.
  5. Keeping and maintaining proper accounting records.
  6. Preparing company financial statements.
  7. Ensuring the company complies with the applicable laws and regulations.
business risks

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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Management Responsibilities Managing the business so as to achieve company objectives. Making key business strategies. Assessing business risks to those objectives being achieved. Safeguarding the company’s assets. Keeping and maintaining proper accounting records. Preparing company financial statements. Ensuring the company co

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Flashcard 6394701024524


Management Responsibilities

  1. Managing the business so as to achieve company objectives.
  2. Making key business strategies.
  3. Assessing business risks to those objectives being achieved.
  4. Safeguarding the [...].
  5. Keeping and maintaining proper accounting records.
  6. Preparing company financial statements.
  7. Ensuring the company complies with the applicable laws and regulations.
company’s assets

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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agement Responsibilities Managing the business so as to achieve company objectives. Making key business strategies. Assessing business risks to those objectives being achieved. Safeguarding the <span>company’s assets. Keeping and maintaining proper accounting records. Preparing company financial statements. Ensuring the company complies with the applicable laws and regulations. <span>

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Flashcard 6394702597388


Management Responsibilities

  1. Managing the business so as to achieve company objectives.
  2. Making key business strategies.
  3. Assessing business risks to those objectives being achieved.
  4. Safeguarding the company’s assets.
  5. Keeping and maintaining proper [...].
  6. Preparing company financial statements.
  7. Ensuring the company complies with the applicable laws and regulations.
accounting records

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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as to achieve company objectives. Making key business strategies. Assessing business risks to those objectives being achieved. Safeguarding the company’s assets. Keeping and maintaining proper <span>accounting records. Preparing company financial statements. Ensuring the company complies with the applicable laws and regulations. <span>

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Flashcard 6394704170252


Management Responsibilities

  1. Managing the business so as to achieve company objectives.
  2. Making key business strategies.
  3. Assessing business risks to those objectives being achieved.
  4. Safeguarding the company’s assets.
  5. Keeping and maintaining proper accounting records.
  6. Preparing company [...].
  7. Ensuring the company complies with the applicable laws and regulations.
financial statements

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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ing key business strategies. Assessing business risks to those objectives being achieved. Safeguarding the company’s assets. Keeping and maintaining proper accounting records. Preparing company <span>financial statements. Ensuring the company complies with the applicable laws and regulations. <span>

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Flashcard 6394705743116


Management Responsibilities

  1. Managing the business so as to achieve company objectives.
  2. Making key business strategies.
  3. Assessing business risks to those objectives being achieved.
  4. Safeguarding the company’s assets.
  5. Keeping and maintaining proper accounting records.
  6. Preparing company financial statements.
  7. Ensuring the company complies with the applicable [...].
laws and regulations

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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s being achieved. Safeguarding the company’s assets. Keeping and maintaining proper accounting records. Preparing company financial statements. Ensuring the company complies with the applicable <span>laws and regulations. <span>

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Internal Control It’s a process/ system by which an organization/ department should work, as it should work.
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last reprioritisation on suggested re-reading day
started reading on finished reading on


cannot see any pdfs

Flashcard 6394708888844

Internal Control It’s a process/ system by which an organization/ department should [...] work.
work, as it should

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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Internal Control It’s a process/ system by which an organization/ department should work, as it should work.

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Examples of Internal Control

1. Goods are inspected on arrival in the factory

2. Purchases are made only from authorized vendors / suppliers

3. Sales invoices should be sequentially pre-numbered & approved by authorized person.

4. Cash must be timely banked when received to minimize the risk of Theft / misappropriation of cash.

5. Timely reconciliation between physical cash and cash as per general ledger must be done

6. Timely reconciliation between physical stock and stock as per general ledger must be done

7. When goods are dispatched from the factory a document named Goods Dispatched Note must be prepared.

8. When goods are received from the factory a document named Goods Received Note must be prepared.

statusnot read reprioritisations
last reprioritisation on suggested re-reading day
started reading on finished reading on


cannot see any pdfs

Flashcard 6394712821004


Examples of Internal Control

1. Goods are [...] on arrival in the factory

2. Purchases are made only from authorized vendors / suppliers

3. Sales invoices should be sequentially pre-numbered & approved by authorized person.

4. Cash must be timely banked when received to minimize the risk of Theft / misappropriation of cash.

5. Timely reconciliation between physical cash and cash as per general ledger must be done

6. Timely reconciliation between physical stock and stock as per general ledger must be done

7. When goods are dispatched from the factory a document named Goods Dispatched Note must be prepared.

8. When goods are received from the factory a document named Goods Received Note must be prepared.


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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Examples of Internal Control 1. Goods are inspected on arrival in the factory 2. Purchases are made only from authorized vendors / suppliers 3. Sales invoices should be sequentially pre-numbered & approved by authorized person. 4. Ca

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Flashcard 6394714393868


Examples of Internal Control

1. Goods are inspected on arrival in the factory

2. Purchases are made only from [...] vendors / suppliers

3. Sales invoices should be sequentially pre-numbered & approved by authorized person.

4. Cash must be timely banked when received to minimize the risk of Theft / misappropriation of cash.

5. Timely reconciliation between physical cash and cash as per general ledger must be done

6. Timely reconciliation between physical stock and stock as per general ledger must be done

7. When goods are dispatched from the factory a document named Goods Dispatched Note must be prepared.

8. When goods are received from the factory a document named Goods Received Note must be prepared.


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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Examples of Internal Control 1. Goods are inspected on arrival in the factory 2. Purchases are made only from authorized vendors / suppliers 3. Sales invoices should be sequentially pre-numbered & approved by authorized person. 4. Cash must be timely banked when received to minimize the risk of Theft

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Flashcard 6394715966732


Examples of Internal Control

1. Goods are inspected on arrival in the factory

2. Purchases are made only from authorized vendors / suppliers

3. Sales invoices should be sequentially [...] by authorized person.

4. Cash must be timely banked when received to minimize the risk of Theft / misappropriation of cash.

5. Timely reconciliation between physical cash and cash as per general ledger must be done

6. Timely reconciliation between physical stock and stock as per general ledger must be done

7. When goods are dispatched from the factory a document named Goods Dispatched Note must be prepared.

8. When goods are received from the factory a document named Goods Received Note must be prepared.

pre-numbered & approved

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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span> Examples of Internal Control 1. Goods are inspected on arrival in the factory 2. Purchases are made only from authorized vendors / suppliers 3. Sales invoices should be sequentially pre-numbered & approved by authorized person. 4. Cash must be timely banked when received to minimize the risk of Theft / misappropriation of cash. 5. Timely reconciliation between physical cash and cash as pe

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Flashcard 6394717539596


Examples of Internal Control

1. Goods are inspected on arrival in the factory

2. Purchases are made only from authorized vendors / suppliers

3. Sales invoices should be sequentially pre-numbered & approved by authorized person.

4. Cash must be [...] when received to minimize the risk of Theft / misappropriation of cash.

5. Timely reconciliation between physical cash and cash as per general ledger must be done

6. Timely reconciliation between physical stock and stock as per general ledger must be done

7. When goods are dispatched from the factory a document named Goods Dispatched Note must be prepared.

8. When goods are received from the factory a document named Goods Received Note must be prepared.

timely banked

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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arrival in the factory 2. Purchases are made only from authorized vendors / suppliers 3. Sales invoices should be sequentially pre-numbered & approved by authorized person. 4. Cash must be <span>timely banked when received to minimize the risk of Theft / misappropriation of cash. 5. Timely reconciliation between physical cash and cash as per general ledger must be done 6. Timely reconciliati

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If you are using Cloud APIs via the ML Kit for Firebase SDK, no change is required at this time.
statusnot read reprioritisations
last reprioritisation on suggested re-reading day
started reading on finished reading on

Migration Guide | ML Kit | Google Developers
your other dependencies (direct or indirect) are newer than the ones expected by the old ML Kit for Firebase SDK. Examples of libraries for which this may happen are OkHttp and firebase-common. <span>If you are using Cloud APIs via the ML Kit for Firebase SDK, no change is required at this time. If you are using Custom Model Deployment, we recommend you upgrade to the latest version which allows running inferences directly on the TensorFlow Lite runtime. Rate and review Except

Flashcard 6394722520332


Examples of Internal Control

1. Goods are inspected on arrival in the factory

2. Purchases are made only from authorized vendors / suppliers

3. Sales invoices should be sequentially pre-numbered & approved by authorized person.

4. Cash must be timely banked when received to minimize the risk of Theft / misappropriation of cash.

5. Timely reconciliation between [...] and cash as per general ledger must be done

6. Timely reconciliation between physical stock and stock as per general ledger must be done

7. When goods are dispatched from the factory a document named Goods Dispatched Note must be prepared.

8. When goods are received from the factory a document named Goods Received Note must be prepared.

physical cash

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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entially pre-numbered & approved by authorized person. 4. Cash must be timely banked when received to minimize the risk of Theft / misappropriation of cash. 5. Timely reconciliation between <span>physical cash and cash as per general ledger must be done 6. Timely reconciliation between physical stock and stock as per general ledger must be done 7. When goods are dispatched from the factory a

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Flashcard 6394724093196


Examples of Internal Control

1. Goods are inspected on arrival in the factory

2. Purchases are made only from authorized vendors / suppliers

3. Sales invoices should be sequentially pre-numbered & approved by authorized person.

4. Cash must be timely banked when received to minimize the risk of Theft / misappropriation of cash.

5. Timely reconciliation between physical cash and c[...] must be done

6. Timely reconciliation between physical stock and stock as per general ledger must be done

7. When goods are dispatched from the factory a document named Goods Dispatched Note must be prepared.

8. When goods are received from the factory a document named Goods Received Note must be prepared.

ash as per general ledger

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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ed & approved by authorized person. 4. Cash must be timely banked when received to minimize the risk of Theft / misappropriation of cash. 5. Timely reconciliation between physical cash and c<span>ash as per general ledger must be done 6. Timely reconciliation between physical stock and stock as per general ledger must be done 7. When goods are dispatched from the factory a document named Goods Dispatched

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Flashcard 6394725666060


Examples of Internal Control

1. Goods are inspected on arrival in the factory

2. Purchases are made only from authorized vendors / suppliers

3. Sales invoices should be sequentially pre-numbered & approved by authorized person.

4. Cash must be timely banked when received to minimize the risk of Theft / misappropriation of cash.

5. Timely reconciliation between physical cash and cash as per general ledger must be done

6. Timely reconciliation between [...] and stock as per general ledger must be done

7. When goods are dispatched from the factory a document named Goods Dispatched Note must be prepared.

8. When goods are received from the factory a document named Goods Received Note must be prepared.

physical stock

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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en received to minimize the risk of Theft / misappropriation of cash. 5. Timely reconciliation between physical cash and cash as per general ledger must be done 6. Timely reconciliation between <span>physical stock and stock as per general ledger must be done 7. When goods are dispatched from the factory a document named Goods Dispatched Note must be prepared. 8. When goods are received from the f

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Flashcard 6394727238924


Examples of Internal Control

1. Goods are inspected on arrival in the factory

2. Purchases are made only from authorized vendors / suppliers

3. Sales invoices should be sequentially pre-numbered & approved by authorized person.

4. Cash must be timely banked when received to minimize the risk of Theft / misappropriation of cash.

5. Timely reconciliation between physical cash and cash as per general ledger must be done

6. Timely reconciliation between physical stock and [...] must be done

7. When goods are dispatched from the factory a document named Goods Dispatched Note must be prepared.

8. When goods are received from the factory a document named Goods Received Note must be prepared.

stock as per general ledger

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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mize the risk of Theft / misappropriation of cash. 5. Timely reconciliation between physical cash and cash as per general ledger must be done 6. Timely reconciliation between physical stock and <span>stock as per general ledger must be done 7. When goods are dispatched from the factory a document named Goods Dispatched Note must be prepared. 8. When goods are received from the factory a document named Goods Re

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Flashcard 6394728811788


Examples of Internal Control

1. Goods are inspected on arrival in the factory

2. Purchases are made only from authorized vendors / suppliers

3. Sales invoices should be sequentially pre-numbered & approved by authorized person.

4. Cash must be timely banked when received to minimize the risk of Theft / misappropriation of cash.

5. Timely reconciliation between physical cash and cash as per general ledger must be done

6. Timely reconciliation between physical stock and stock as per general ledger must be done

7. When goods are dispatched from the factory a document named [...] must be prepared.

8. When goods are received from the factory a document named Goods Received Note must be prepared.

Goods Dispatched Note

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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sh as per general ledger must be done 6. Timely reconciliation between physical stock and stock as per general ledger must be done 7. When goods are dispatched from the factory a document named <span>Goods Dispatched Note must be prepared. 8. When goods are received from the factory a document named Goods Received Note must be prepared. <span>

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Flashcard 6394730384652


Examples of Internal Control

1. Goods are inspected on arrival in the factory

2. Purchases are made only from authorized vendors / suppliers

3. Sales invoices should be sequentially pre-numbered & approved by authorized person.

4. Cash must be timely banked when received to minimize the risk of Theft / misappropriation of cash.

5. Timely reconciliation between physical cash and cash as per general ledger must be done

6. Timely reconciliation between physical stock and stock as per general ledger must be done

7. When goods are dispatched from the factory a document named Goods Dispatched Note must be prepared.

8. When goods are received from the factory a document named [...] must be prepared.

Goods Received Note

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r general ledger must be done 7. When goods are dispatched from the factory a document named Goods Dispatched Note must be prepared. 8. When goods are received from the factory a document named <span>Goods Received Note must be prepared. <span>

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Absolute level of assurance can NEVER be expressed in an External Audit because of inherent limitations of an audit that affect the auditor’s ability to detect Material Misstatements in the financial statements.
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Flashcard 6394733530380

Absolute level of assurance can NEVER be expressed in an External Audit because of [...] of an audit that affect the auditor’s ability to detect Material Misstatements in the financial statements.
inherent limitations

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Absolute level of assurance can NEVER be expressed in an External Audit because of inherent limitations of an audit that affect the auditor’s ability to detect Material Misstatements in the financial statements.

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Flashcard 6394735103244

Absolute level of assurance can NEVER be expressed in an External Audit because of inherent limitations of an audit that affect the auditor’s ability to detect [...] in the financial statements.
Material Misstatements

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Absolute level of assurance can NEVER be expressed in an External Audit because of inherent limitations of an audit that affect the auditor’s ability to detect Material Misstatements in the financial statements.

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It can also be said that the auditors can never certify that the accounts are correct, they can only express a reasonable assurance on the financial statements of the company. Reasonable assurance is a concept that there are no material misstatements in the financial statements taken as a whole.

What is Reasonable Assurance……?

Reasonable level of assurance is a high level of assurance but not an absolute level of assurance because of inherent limitations of an audit.

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Flashcard 6394739035404


It can also be said that the auditors can never certify that the accounts are correct, they can only express a [...] on the financial statements of the company. Reasonable assurance is a concept that there are no material misstatements in the financial statements taken as a whole.

What is Reasonable Assurance……?

Reasonable level of assurance is a high level of assurance but not an absolute level of assurance because of inherent limitations of an audit.

reasonable assurance

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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It can also be said that the auditors can never certify that the accounts are correct, they can only express a reasonable assurance on the financial statements of the company. Reasonable assurance is a concept that there are no material misstatements in the financial statements taken as a whole. What is Reasonable A

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Flashcard 6394740608268


It can also be said that the auditors can never certify that the accounts are correct, they can only express a reasonable assurance on the financial statements of the company. Reasonable assurance is a concept that there are no [...] in the financial statements taken as a whole.

What is Reasonable Assurance……?

Reasonable level of assurance is a high level of assurance but not an absolute level of assurance because of inherent limitations of an audit.

material misstatements

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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ors can never certify that the accounts are correct, they can only express a reasonable assurance on the financial statements of the company. Reasonable assurance is a concept that there are no <span>material misstatements in the financial statements taken as a whole. What is Reasonable Assurance……? Reasonable level of assurance is a high level of assurance but not an absolute level of assurance because o

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Flashcard 6394745851148

What is a reasonable level of assurance?
Reasonable level of assurance is a high level of assurance but not an absolute level of assurance because of inherent limitations of an audit.

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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the financial statements of the company. Reasonable assurance is a concept that there are no material misstatements in the financial statements taken as a whole. What is Reasonable Assurance……? <span>Reasonable level of assurance is a high level of assurance but not an absolute level of assurance because of inherent limitations of an audit. <span>

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These Inherent Limitations of an AUDIT are as follows:

External Auditors conduct examination on a test basis i.e. they work on a sample basis and do not check everything in the F/S.

The fact that most of the audit evidence is persuasive rather than conclusive. (audit evidence sometimes indicates what is probable, i.e. it’s not certain, ……………because most of the times evidence is based on estimates and judgments & intentions i.e. External Auditors evaluate the reasonableness of estimates made by the Management e.g.

o Provision for doubtful debts

o Provision for obsolete stock

o Provision for court case / lawsuit

o Provision for warranty

Auditors need to exercise judgment in all areas of the audit (e.g. include testing of provisions also to address Questions like

What to examine and how much procedures to perform based on the risk assessed during the audit).

Audit Report has its own limitation because of its technical language/wordings and standard format (ISA 700 Revised).

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started reading on finished reading on


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The flutter team now has the firebase_ml_vision package for Firebase ML Kit. Please consider trying to use firebase_ml_vision.
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mlkit | Flutter Package
he Firebase ML Kit. More... Readme Changelog Example Installing Versions Scores mlkit # A Flutter plugin to use the Firebase ML Kit. ⭐Only your star motivate me!⭐ this is not official package # <span>The flutter team now has the firebase_ml_vision package for Firebase ML Kit. Please consider trying to use firebase_ml_vision. Note: This plugin is still under development, and some APIs might not be available yet. Feedback and Pull Requests are most welcome! Features # Feature Android iOS Recognize text(on dev

Flashcard 6394754501900


These Inherent Limitations of an AUDIT are as follows:

External Auditors conduct examination on a test basis i.e. they work on a [...] and do not check everything in the F/S.

The fact that most of the audit evidence is persuasive rather than conclusive. (audit evidence sometimes indicates what is probable, i.e. it’s not certain, ……………because most of the times evidence is based on estimates and judgments & intentions i.e. External Auditors evaluate the reasonableness of estimates made by the Management e.g.

o Provision for doubtful debts

o Provision for obsolete stock

o Provision for court case / lawsuit

o Provision for warranty

Auditors need to exercise judgment in all areas of the audit (e.g. include testing of provisions also to address Questions like

What to examine and how much procedures to perform based on the risk assessed during the audit).

Audit Report has its own limitation because of its technical language/wordings and standard format (ISA 700 Revised).

sample basis

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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These Inherent Limitations of an AUDIT are as follows: External Auditors conduct examination on a test basis i.e. they work on a sample basis and do not check everything in the F/S. The fact that most of the audit evidence is persuasive rather than conclusive. (audit evidence sometimes indicates what is probable, i.e. it’s no

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Flashcard 6394756074764


These Inherent Limitations of an AUDIT are as follows:

External Auditors conduct examination on a test basis i.e. they work on a sample basis and do not check everything in the F/S.

The fact that most of the audit evidence is [...] rather than conclusive. (audit evidence sometimes indicates what is probable, i.e. it’s not certain, ……………because most of the times evidence is based on estimates and judgments & intentions i.e. External Auditors evaluate the reasonableness of estimates made by the Management e.g.

o Provision for doubtful debts

o Provision for obsolete stock

o Provision for court case / lawsuit

o Provision for warranty

Auditors need to exercise judgment in all areas of the audit (e.g. include testing of provisions also to address Questions like

What to examine and how much procedures to perform based on the risk assessed during the audit).

Audit Report has its own limitation because of its technical language/wordings and standard format (ISA 700 Revised).


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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AUDIT are as follows: External Auditors conduct examination on a test basis i.e. they work on a sample basis and do not check everything in the F/S. The fact that most of the audit evidence is <span>persuasive rather than conclusive. (audit evidence sometimes indicates what is probable, i.e. it’s not certain, ……………because most of the times evidence is based on estimates and judgments & in

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Flashcard 6394757647628


These Inherent Limitations of an AUDIT are as follows:

External Auditors conduct examination on a test basis i.e. they work on a sample basis and do not check everything in the F/S.

The fact that most of the audit evidence is persuasive rather than [...]. (audit evidence sometimes indicates what is probable, i.e. it’s not certain, ……………because most of the times evidence is based on estimates and judgments & intentions i.e. External Auditors evaluate the reasonableness of estimates made by the Management e.g.

o Provision for doubtful debts

o Provision for obsolete stock

o Provision for court case / lawsuit

o Provision for warranty

Auditors need to exercise judgment in all areas of the audit (e.g. include testing of provisions also to address Questions like

What to examine and how much procedures to perform based on the risk assessed during the audit).

Audit Report has its own limitation because of its technical language/wordings and standard format (ISA 700 Revised).


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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External Auditors conduct examination on a test basis i.e. they work on a sample basis and do not check everything in the F/S. The fact that most of the audit evidence is persuasive rather than <span>conclusive. (audit evidence sometimes indicates what is probable, i.e. it’s not certain, ……………because most of the times evidence is based on estimates and judgments & intentions i.e. External

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Flashcard 6394759220492


These Inherent Limitations of an AUDIT are as follows:

External Auditors conduct examination on a test basis i.e. they work on a sample basis and do not check everything in the F/S.

The fact that most of the audit evidence is persuasive rather than conclusive. (audit evidence sometimes indicates what is probable, i.e. it’s not certain, ……………because most of the times evidence is based on [...] i.e. External Auditors evaluate the reasonableness of estimates made by the Management e.g.

o Provision for doubtful debts

o Provision for obsolete stock

o Provision for court case / lawsuit

o Provision for warranty

Auditors need to exercise judgment in all areas of the audit (e.g. include testing of provisions also to address Questions like

What to examine and how much procedures to perform based on the risk assessed during the audit).

Audit Report has its own limitation because of its technical language/wordings and standard format (ISA 700 Revised).

estimates and judgments & intentions

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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most of the audit evidence is persuasive rather than conclusive. (audit evidence sometimes indicates what is probable, i.e. it’s not certain, ……………because most of the times evidence is based on <span>estimates and judgments & intentions i.e. External Auditors evaluate the reasonableness of estimates made by the Management e.g. o Provision for doubtful debts o Provision for obsolete stock o Provision for court case / la

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Flashcard 6394760793356


These Inherent Limitations of an AUDIT are as follows:

External Auditors conduct examination on a test basis i.e. they work on a sample basis and do not check everything in the F/S.

The fact that most of the audit evidence is persuasive rather than conclusive. (audit evidence sometimes indicates what is probable, i.e. it’s not certain, ……………because most of the times evidence is based on estimates and judgments & intentions i.e. External Auditors evaluate the reasonableness of estimates made by the Management e.g.

o Provision for doubtful debts

o Provision for obsolete stock

o Provision for court case / lawsuit

o Provision for warranty

Auditors need to exercise [...] in all areas of the audit (e.g. include testing of provisions also to address Questions like

What to examine and how much procedures to perform based on the risk assessed during the audit).

Audit Report has its own limitation because of its technical language/wordings and standard format (ISA 700 Revised).


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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ss of estimates made by the Management e.g. o Provision for doubtful debts o Provision for obsolete stock o Provision for court case / lawsuit o Provision for warranty Auditors need to exercise <span>judgment in all areas of the audit (e.g. include testing of provisions also to address Questions like What to examine and how much procedures to perform based on the risk assessed during the aud

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Flashcard 6394762366220


These Inherent Limitations of an AUDIT are as follows:

External Auditors conduct examination on a test basis i.e. they work on a sample basis and do not check everything in the F/S.

The fact that most of the audit evidence is persuasive rather than conclusive. (audit evidence sometimes indicates what is probable, i.e. it’s not certain, ……………because most of the times evidence is based on estimates and judgments & intentions i.e. External Auditors evaluate the reasonableness of estimates made by the Management e.g.

o Provision for doubtful debts

o Provision for obsolete stock

o Provision for court case / lawsuit

o Provision for warranty

Auditors need to exercise judgment in all areas of the audit (e.g. include testing of provisions also to address Questions like

What to examine and how much [...] to perform based on the risk assessed during the audit).

Audit Report has its own limitation because of its technical language/wordings and standard format (ISA 700 Revised).


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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e / lawsuit o Provision for warranty Auditors need to exercise judgment in all areas of the audit (e.g. include testing of provisions also to address Questions like What to examine and how much <span>procedures to perform based on the risk assessed during the audit). Audit Report has its own limitation because of its technical language/wordings and standard format (ISA 700 Revised). </s

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Flashcard 6394763939084


These Inherent Limitations of an AUDIT are as follows:

External Auditors conduct examination on a test basis i.e. they work on a sample basis and do not check everything in the F/S.

The fact that most of the audit evidence is persuasive rather than conclusive. (audit evidence sometimes indicates what is probable, i.e. it’s not certain, ……………because most of the times evidence is based on estimates and judgments & intentions i.e. External Auditors evaluate the reasonableness of estimates made by the Management e.g.

o Provision for doubtful debts

o Provision for obsolete stock

o Provision for court case / lawsuit

o Provision for warranty

Auditors need to exercise judgment in all areas of the audit (e.g. include testing of provisions also to address Questions like

What to examine and how much procedures to perform based on the risk assessed during the audit).

Audit Report has its own limitation because of its [...] and standard format (ISA 700 Revised).

technical language/wordings

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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of provisions also to address Questions like What to examine and how much procedures to perform based on the risk assessed during the audit). Audit Report has its own limitation because of its <span>technical language/wordings and standard format (ISA 700 Revised). <span>

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There are Inherent Limitations of an Accounting and Internal Control System operating at the audit client:

Examples are:

Management override of Internal Controls

Human error (typing mistakes).

Cost/benefit trade off (where it’s not cost feasible to implement controls)

Practice of fraud and intentional misrepresentation by the management is also an Inherent Limitation for the Audit. ( to be discussed in ISA 240 )

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Flashcard 6394767871244


There are Inherent Limitations of an Accounting and Internal Control System operating at the audit client:

Examples are:

[...] of Internal Controls

Human error (typing mistakes).

Cost/benefit trade off (where it’s not cost feasible to implement controls)

Practice of fraud and intentional misrepresentation by the management is also an Inherent Limitation for the Audit. ( to be discussed in ISA 240 )

Management override

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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There are Inherent Limitations of an Accounting and Internal Control System operating at the audit client: Examples are: Management override of Internal Controls Human error (typing mistakes). Cost/benefit trade off (where it’s not cost feasible to implement controls) Practice of fraud and intentional misrepresentation by th

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Flashcard 6394769444108


There are Inherent Limitations of an Accounting and Internal Control System operating at the audit client:

Examples are:

Management override of Internal Controls

[...] (typing mistakes).

Cost/benefit trade off (where it’s not cost feasible to implement controls)

Practice of fraud and intentional misrepresentation by the management is also an Inherent Limitation for the Audit. ( to be discussed in ISA 240 )

Human error

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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There are Inherent Limitations of an Accounting and Internal Control System operating at the audit client: Examples are: Management override of Internal Controls Human error (typing mistakes). Cost/benefit trade off (where it’s not cost feasible to implement controls) Practice of fraud and intentional misrepresentation by the management is also an Inherent

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Flashcard 6394771016972


There are Inherent Limitations of an Accounting and Internal Control System operating at the audit client:

Examples are:

Management override of Internal Controls

Human error (typing mistakes).

[...] (where it’s not cost feasible to implement controls)

Practice of fraud and intentional misrepresentation by the management is also an Inherent Limitation for the Audit. ( to be discussed in ISA 240 )

Cost/benefit trade off

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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There are Inherent Limitations of an Accounting and Internal Control System operating at the audit client: Examples are: Management override of Internal Controls Human error (typing mistakes). <span>Cost/benefit trade off (where it’s not cost feasible to implement controls) Practice of fraud and intentional misrepresentation by the management is also an Inherent Limitation for the Audit. ( to be discusse

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Flashcard 6394772589836


There are Inherent Limitations of an Accounting and Internal Control System operating at the audit client:

Examples are:

Management override of Internal Controls

Human error (typing mistakes).

Cost/benefit trade off (where it’s not cost feasible to implement controls)

[...] by the management is also an Inherent Limitation for the Audit. ( to be discussed in ISA 240 )

Practice of fraud and intentional misrepresentation

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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operating at the audit client: Examples are: Management override of Internal Controls Human error (typing mistakes). Cost/benefit trade off (where it’s not cost feasible to implement controls) <span>Practice of fraud and intentional misrepresentation by the management is also an Inherent Limitation for the Audit. ( to be discussed in ISA 240 ) <span>

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Further an audit opinion does not assure the future viability of the entity nor the efficiency or effectiveness with which management has conducted the affairs of the entity.
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Flashcard 6394776521996

Further an audit opinion does not assure the future [...] of the entity nor the efficiency or effectiveness with which management has conducted the affairs of the entity.

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Further an audit opinion does not assure the future viability of the entity nor the efficiency or effectiveness with which management has conducted the affairs of the entity.

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Flashcard 6394778094860

Further an audit opinion does not assure the future viability of the entity nor the [...] with which management has conducted the affairs of the entity.
efficiency or effectiveness

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Further an audit opinion does not assure the future viability of the entity nor the efficiency or effectiveness with which management has conducted the affairs of the entity.

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Other Limitations of Audit

Cost of the audit can be very high therefore most companies do not want an audit unless required by law or regulation

Audit causes disruption to the audit client as the audit client staff may be required to assist the auditor & also to provide various schedules and supporting documents, answer queries & questions raised by the auditor. This disruption is also an inherent limitation of an audit.

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Flashcard 6394782027020


Other Limitations of Audit

[...] of the audit can be very high therefore most companies do not want an audit unless required by law or regulation

Audit causes disruption to the audit client as the audit client staff may be required to assist the auditor & also to provide various schedules and supporting documents, answer queries & questions raised by the auditor. This disruption is also an inherent limitation of an audit.


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Other Limitations of Audit Cost of the audit can be very high therefore most companies do not want an audit unless required by law or regulation Audit causes disruption to the audit client as the audit client staff ma

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Flashcard 6394783599884


Other Limitations of Audit

Cost of the audit can be very high therefore most companies do not want an audit unless required by [...]

Audit causes disruption to the audit client as the audit client staff may be required to assist the auditor & also to provide various schedules and supporting documents, answer queries & questions raised by the auditor. This disruption is also an inherent limitation of an audit.

law or regulation

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Other Limitations of Audit Cost of the audit can be very high therefore most companies do not want an audit unless required by law or regulation Audit causes disruption to the audit client as the audit client staff may be required to assist the auditor & also to provide various schedules and supporting documents, answer quer

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Flashcard 6394785172748


Other Limitations of Audit

Cost of the audit can be very high therefore most companies do not want an audit unless required by law or regulation

Audit causes [...] to the audit client as the audit client staff may be required to assist the auditor & also to provide various schedules and supporting documents, answer queries & questions raised by the auditor. This disruption is also an inherent limitation of an audit.


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Other Limitations of Audit Cost of the audit can be very high therefore most companies do not want an audit unless required by law or regulation Audit causes disruption to the audit client as the audit client staff may be required to assist the auditor & also to provide various schedules and supporting documents, answer queries & questions rais

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Flashcard 6394786745612


Other Limitations of Audit

Cost of the audit can be very high therefore most companies do not want an audit unless required by law or regulation

Audit causes disruption to the audit client as the audit client staff may be required to [...] the auditor & also to provide various schedules and supporting documents, answer queries & questions raised by the auditor. This disruption is also an inherent limitation of an audit.


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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udit can be very high therefore most companies do not want an audit unless required by law or regulation Audit causes disruption to the audit client as the audit client staff may be required to <span>assist the auditor & also to provide various schedules and supporting documents, answer queries & questions raised by the auditor. This disruption is also an inherent limitation of an

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Professional Judgment (Meaning and importance)

It’s a mindset or thought process to be exercised by the auditor throughout the audit (start, during and end of the audit) and this professional judgment is essential on matters relating to items that involve estimates & judgment. This judgment is obtained by past experience of conducting various audits and by qualification obtained and it is better exercised by senior engagement audit team members. An external auditor must take informed decision about the course of action to be followed by him on the basis of relevant training, knowledge and experience (Training in the audit firm and performing audits for various clients), and keeping in view the guidance provided by auditing and accounting (IFRS) standards. Areas where professional judgment is exercised must be appropriately documented in the audit working papers.

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Flashcard 6394790677772


Professional Judgment (Meaning and importance)

It’s a mindset or thought process to be exercised by the auditor throughout the audit (start, during and end of the audit) and this professional judgment is essential on matters relating to items that involve [...]. This judgment is obtained by past experience of conducting various audits and by qualification obtained and it is better exercised by senior engagement audit team members. An external auditor must take informed decision about the course of action to be followed by him on the basis of relevant training, knowledge and experience (Training in the audit firm and performing audits for various clients), and keeping in view the guidance provided by auditing and accounting (IFRS) standards. Areas where professional judgment is exercised must be appropriately documented in the audit working papers.

estimates & judgment

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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or thought process to be exercised by the auditor throughout the audit (start, during and end of the audit) and this professional judgment is essential on matters relating to items that involve <span>estimates & judgment. This judgment is obtained by past experience of conducting various audits and by qualification obtained and it is better exercised by senior engagement audit team members. An external

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Flashcard 6394792250636


Professional Judgment (Meaning and importance)

It’s a mindset or thought process to be exercised by the auditor [...] the audit (start, during and end of the audit) and this professional judgment is essential on matters relating to items that involve estimates & judgment. This judgment is obtained by past experience of conducting various audits and by qualification obtained and it is better exercised by senior engagement audit team members. An external auditor must take informed decision about the course of action to be followed by him on the basis of relevant training, knowledge and experience (Training in the audit firm and performing audits for various clients), and keeping in view the guidance provided by auditing and accounting (IFRS) standards. Areas where professional judgment is exercised must be appropriately documented in the audit working papers.


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Professional Judgment (Meaning and importance) It’s a mindset or thought process to be exercised by the auditor throughout the audit (start, during and end of the audit) and this professional judgment is essential on matters relating to items that involve estimates & judgment. This judgment is obtained

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Flashcard 6394793823500


Professional Judgment (Meaning and importance)

It’s a mindset or thought process to be exercised by the auditor throughout the audit (start, during and end of the audit) and this professional judgment is essential on matters relating to items that involve estimates & judgment. This judgment is obtained by [...] of conducting various audits and by qualification obtained and it is better exercised by senior engagement audit team members. An external auditor must take informed decision about the course of action to be followed by him on the basis of relevant training, knowledge and experience (Training in the audit firm and performing audits for various clients), and keeping in view the guidance provided by auditing and accounting (IFRS) standards. Areas where professional judgment is exercised must be appropriately documented in the audit working papers.

past experience

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ghout the audit (start, during and end of the audit) and this professional judgment is essential on matters relating to items that involve estimates & judgment. This judgment is obtained by <span>past experience of conducting various audits and by qualification obtained and it is better exercised by senior engagement audit team members. An external auditor must take informed decision about the

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Flashcard 6394795396364


Professional Judgment (Meaning and importance)

It’s a mindset or thought process to be exercised by the auditor throughout the audit (start, during and end of the audit) and this professional judgment is essential on matters relating to items that involve estimates & judgment. This judgment is obtained by past experience of conducting various audits and by [...] obtained and it is better exercised by senior engagement audit team members. An external auditor must take informed decision about the course of action to be followed by him on the basis of relevant training, knowledge and experience (Training in the audit firm and performing audits for various clients), and keeping in view the guidance provided by auditing and accounting (IFRS) standards. Areas where professional judgment is exercised must be appropriately documented in the audit working papers.


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and this professional judgment is essential on matters relating to items that involve estimates & judgment. This judgment is obtained by past experience of conducting various audits and by <span>qualification obtained and it is better exercised by senior engagement audit team members. An external auditor must take informed decision about the course of action to be followed by him on the basi

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Flashcard 6394796969228


Professional Judgment (Meaning and importance)

It’s a mindset or thought process to be exercised by the auditor throughout the audit (start, during and end of the audit) and this professional judgment is essential on matters relating to items that involve estimates & judgment. This judgment is obtained by past experience of conducting various audits and by qualification obtained and it is better exercised by [...] audit team members. An external auditor must take informed decision about the course of action to be followed by him on the basis of relevant training, knowledge and experience (Training in the audit firm and performing audits for various clients), and keeping in view the guidance provided by auditing and accounting (IFRS) standards. Areas where professional judgment is exercised must be appropriately documented in the audit working papers.

senior engagement

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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rs relating to items that involve estimates & judgment. This judgment is obtained by past experience of conducting various audits and by qualification obtained and it is better exercised by <span>senior engagement audit team members. An external auditor must take informed decision about the course of action to be followed by him on the basis of relevant training, knowledge and experience (Trainin

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Flashcard 6394798542092


Professional Judgment (Meaning and importance)

It’s a mindset or thought process to be exercised by the auditor throughout the audit (start, during and end of the audit) and this professional judgment is essential on matters relating to items that involve estimates & judgment. This judgment is obtained by past experience of conducting various audits and by qualification obtained and it is better exercised by senior engagement audit team members. An external auditor must take informed decision about the course of action to be followed by him on the basis of [...], knowledge and experience (Training in the audit firm and performing audits for various clients), and keeping in view the guidance provided by auditing and accounting (IFRS) standards. Areas where professional judgment is exercised must be appropriately documented in the audit working papers.

relevant training

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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ion obtained and it is better exercised by senior engagement audit team members. An external auditor must take informed decision about the course of action to be followed by him on the basis of <span>relevant training, knowledge and experience (Training in the audit firm and performing audits for various clients), and keeping in view the guidance provided by auditing and accounting (IFRS) standards.

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Flashcard 6394800114956


Professional Judgment (Meaning and importance)

It’s a mindset or thought process to be exercised by the auditor throughout the audit (start, during and end of the audit) and this professional judgment is essential on matters relating to items that involve estimates & judgment. This judgment is obtained by past experience of conducting various audits and by qualification obtained and it is better exercised by senior engagement audit team members. An external auditor must take informed decision about the course of action to be followed by him on the basis of relevant training, [...] and experience (Training in the audit firm and performing audits for various clients), and keeping in view the guidance provided by auditing and accounting (IFRS) standards. Areas where professional judgment is exercised must be appropriately documented in the audit working papers.


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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is better exercised by senior engagement audit team members. An external auditor must take informed decision about the course of action to be followed by him on the basis of relevant training, <span>knowledge and experience (Training in the audit firm and performing audits for various clients), and keeping in view the guidance provided by auditing and accounting (IFRS) standards. Areas where

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Flashcard 6394801687820


Professional Judgment (Meaning and importance)

It’s a mindset or thought process to be exercised by the auditor throughout the audit (start, during and end of the audit) and this professional judgment is essential on matters relating to items that involve estimates & judgment. This judgment is obtained by past experience of conducting various audits and by qualification obtained and it is better exercised by senior engagement audit team members. An external auditor must take informed decision about the course of action to be followed by him on the basis of relevant training, knowledge and [...] (Training in the audit firm and performing audits for various clients), and keeping in view the guidance provided by auditing and accounting (IFRS) standards. Areas where professional judgment is exercised must be appropriately documented in the audit working papers.


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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rcised by senior engagement audit team members. An external auditor must take informed decision about the course of action to be followed by him on the basis of relevant training, knowledge and <span>experience (Training in the audit firm and performing audits for various clients), and keeping in view the guidance provided by auditing and accounting (IFRS) standards. Areas where professional j

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Flashcard 6394803260684


Professional Judgment (Meaning and importance)

It’s a mindset or thought process to be exercised by the auditor throughout the audit (start, during and end of the audit) and this professional judgment is essential on matters relating to items that involve estimates & judgment. This judgment is obtained by past experience of conducting various audits and by qualification obtained and it is better exercised by senior engagement audit team members. An external auditor must take informed decision about the course of action to be followed by him on the basis of relevant training, knowledge and experience (Training in the audit firm and performing audits for various clients), and keeping in view the guidance provided by [...] (IFRS) standards. Areas where professional judgment is exercised must be appropriately documented in the audit working papers.

auditing and accounting

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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followed by him on the basis of relevant training, knowledge and experience (Training in the audit firm and performing audits for various clients), and keeping in view the guidance provided by <span>auditing and accounting (IFRS) standards. Areas where professional judgment is exercised must be appropriately documented in the audit working papers. <span>

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Flashcard 6394804833548


Professional Judgment (Meaning and importance)

It’s a mindset or thought process to be exercised by the auditor throughout the audit (start, during and end of the audit) and this professional judgment is essential on matters relating to items that involve estimates & judgment. This judgment is obtained by past experience of conducting various audits and by qualification obtained and it is better exercised by senior engagement audit team members. An external auditor must take informed decision about the course of action to be followed by him on the basis of relevant training, knowledge and experience (Training in the audit firm and performing audits for various clients), and keeping in view the guidance provided by auditing and accounting (IFRS) standards. Areas where professional judgment is exercised must be [...] in the audit working papers.

appropriately documented

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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it firm and performing audits for various clients), and keeping in view the guidance provided by auditing and accounting (IFRS) standards. Areas where professional judgment is exercised must be <span>appropriately documented in the audit working papers. <span>

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Areas / matters where Professional Judgement is used by the External Auditor are :

1. When calculating materiality at the start of the audit

2. When audit risk is assessed

3. Nature, timing & extent of audit procedures to be performed to obtain audit evidence.

4. When evaluating whether S.A.A.E has been obtained & what further procedures are needed to achieve the overall objectives of the external audit.

5. When drawing conclusions based on the evidence obtained e.g. assessment of reasonableness of estimates made by management in preparing the accounts.

statusnot read reprioritisations
last reprioritisation on suggested re-reading day
started reading on finished reading on


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Flashcard 6394808765708


Areas / matters where Professional Judgement is used by the External Auditor are :

1. When calculating [...] at the start of the audit

2. When audit risk is assessed

3. Nature, timing & extent of audit procedures to be performed to obtain audit evidence.

4. When evaluating whether S.A.A.E has been obtained & what further procedures are needed to achieve the overall objectives of the external audit.

5. When drawing conclusions based on the evidence obtained e.g. assessment of reasonableness of estimates made by management in preparing the accounts.


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Areas / matters where Professional Judgement is used by the External Auditor are : 1. When calculating materiality at the start of the audit 2. When audit risk is assessed 3. Nature, timing & extent of audit procedures to be performed to obtain audit evidence. 4. When evaluating whether S.A.A.E

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Flashcard 6394810338572


Areas / matters where Professional Judgement is used by the External Auditor are :

1. When calculating materiality at the start of the audit

2. When [...] is assessed

3. Nature, timing & extent of audit procedures to be performed to obtain audit evidence.

4. When evaluating whether S.A.A.E has been obtained & what further procedures are needed to achieve the overall objectives of the external audit.

5. When drawing conclusions based on the evidence obtained e.g. assessment of reasonableness of estimates made by management in preparing the accounts.

audit risk

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Areas / matters where Professional Judgement is used by the External Auditor are : 1. When calculating materiality at the start of the audit 2. When audit risk is assessed 3. Nature, timing & extent of audit procedures to be performed to obtain audit evidence. 4. When evaluating whether S.A.A.E has been obtained & what further procedur

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Flashcard 6394811911436


Areas / matters where Professional Judgement is used by the External Auditor are :

1. When calculating materiality at the start of the audit

2. When audit risk is assessed

3. [...] of audit procedures to be performed to obtain audit evidence.

4. When evaluating whether S.A.A.E has been obtained & what further procedures are needed to achieve the overall objectives of the external audit.

5. When drawing conclusions based on the evidence obtained e.g. assessment of reasonableness of estimates made by management in preparing the accounts.

Nature, timing & extent

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Areas / matters where Professional Judgement is used by the External Auditor are : 1. When calculating materiality at the start of the audit 2. When audit risk is assessed 3. Nature, timing & extent of audit procedures to be performed to obtain audit evidence. 4. When evaluating whether S.A.A.E has been obtained & what further procedures are needed to achieve the overall object

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Flashcard 6394813484300


Areas / matters where Professional Judgement is used by the External Auditor are :

1. When calculating materiality at the start of the audit

2. When audit risk is assessed

3. Nature, timing & extent of audit procedures to be performed to obtain audit evidence.

4. When evaluating whether [...] has been obtained & what further procedures are needed to achieve the overall objectives of the external audit.

5. When drawing conclusions based on the evidence obtained e.g. assessment of reasonableness of estimates made by management in preparing the accounts.


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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ting materiality at the start of the audit 2. When audit risk is assessed 3. Nature, timing & extent of audit procedures to be performed to obtain audit evidence. 4. When evaluating whether <span>S.A.A.E has been obtained & what further procedures are needed to achieve the overall objectives of the external audit. 5. When drawing conclusions based on the evidence obtained e.g. asses

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Flashcard 6394815057164


Areas / matters where Professional Judgement is used by the External Auditor are :

1. When calculating materiality at the start of the audit

2. When audit risk is assessed

3. Nature, timing & extent of audit procedures to be performed to obtain audit evidence.

4. When evaluating whether S.A.A.E has been obtained & what [...] are needed to achieve the overall objectives of the external audit.

5. When drawing conclusions based on the evidence obtained e.g. assessment of reasonableness of estimates made by management in preparing the accounts.

further procedures

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audit 2. When audit risk is assessed 3. Nature, timing & extent of audit procedures to be performed to obtain audit evidence. 4. When evaluating whether S.A.A.E has been obtained & what <span>further procedures are needed to achieve the overall objectives of the external audit. 5. When drawing conclusions based on the evidence obtained e.g. assessment of reasonableness of estimates made by man

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Flashcard 6394816630028


Areas / matters where Professional Judgement is used by the External Auditor are :

1. When calculating materiality at the start of the audit

2. When audit risk is assessed

3. Nature, timing & extent of audit procedures to be performed to obtain audit evidence.

4. When evaluating whether S.A.A.E has been obtained & what further procedures are needed to achieve the overall objectives of the external audit.

5. When drawing conclusions based on the evidence obtained e.g. [...] made by management in preparing the accounts.

assessment of reasonableness of estimates

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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ether S.A.A.E has been obtained & what further procedures are needed to achieve the overall objectives of the external audit. 5. When drawing conclusions based on the evidence obtained e.g. <span>assessment of reasonableness of estimates made by management in preparing the accounts. <span>

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