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Flashcard 7629863783692

#DAG #causal #edx
the most important take-home message: we need expert knowledge to determine if we should adjust for a variable. The statistical criteria are [...] to characterize confounding and confounders.

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the most important take-home message: we need expert knowledge to determine if we should adjust for a variable. The statistical criteria are insufficient to characterize confounding and confounders.

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Flashcard 7629866405132


Predictive customer scores

The company develops analytics—often using several types of machine-learning algorithms—to understand and track what is influencing customer satisfaction and business performance, and to detect specific events in customer [...].


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cs—often using several types of machine-learning algorithms—to understand and track what is influencing customer satisfaction and business performance, and to detect specific events in customer <span>journeys. <span>

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Flashcard 7629867453708


Predictive customer scores

The company develops analytics—often using several types of machine-learning algorithms—to understand and track what is [...] customer satisfaction and business performance, and to detect specific events in customer journeys.


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Predictive customer scores The company develops analytics—often using several types of machine-learning algorithms—to understand and track what is influencing customer satisfaction and business performance, and to detect specific events in customer journeys.

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Flashcard 7629868502284


Predictive customer scores

The company develops analytics—often using several types of machine-learning algorithms—to understand and track what is influencing customer satisfaction and business [...], and to detect specific events in customer journeys.


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Predictive customer scores The company develops analytics—often using several types of machine-learning algorithms—to understand and track what is influencing customer satisfaction and business <span>performance, and to detect specific events in customer journeys. <span>

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#causality #has-images #statistics
A common type of non-causal association that makes total association not causation is confounding association
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We refer to the flow of association along directed paths as causal association. A common type of non-causal association that makes total association not causation is confounding association. In the graph in Figure 3.20, we depict the confounding association in red and the causal association in blue

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Flashcard 7629871910156

#causality #has-images #statistics

Consider the following general kind of path, where → · · · → denotes a directed path: 𝑇 → · · · → 𝑍 ← · · · ← 𝑌 . [...] on 𝑍 , or any descendant of 𝑍 in a path like this, will induce collider bias

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Consider the following general kind of path, where → · · · → denotes a directed path: 𝑇 → · · · → 𝑍 ← · · · ← 𝑌 . Conditioning on 𝑍 , or any descendant of 𝑍 in a path like this, will induce collider bias

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Flashcard 7629873220876

#DAG #causal #edx

Two sources of bias:

- common cause ([...])

- conditioning on common effect (selection bias)


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Two sources of bias: - common cause (confounding) - conditioning on common effect (selection bias)

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Flashcard 7629874269452

#DAG #causal #edx

Two sources of [...]:

- common cause (confounding)

- conditioning on common effect (selection bias)


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Two sources of bias: - common cause (confounding) - conditioning on common effect (selection bias)

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Flashcard 7629876890892

Why use a survey to ask customers about their experiences when data about customer interactions can be used to predict both [...] and the likelihood that a customer will remain loyal, bolt, or even increase business?

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Why use a survey to ask customers about their experiences when data about customer interactions can be used to predict both satisfaction and the likelihood that a customer will remain loyal, bolt, or even increase business?

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Flashcard 7629879250188

#causality #has-images #statistics

If we condition on a descendant of 𝑇 that isn’t a mediator, it could [...] a path from 𝑇 to 𝑌 that was blocked by a collider. For example, this is the case with conditioning on 𝑍 in Figure 4.13. This induces non-causal association between 𝑇 and 𝑌 , which biases the estimate of the causal effect

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If we condition on a descendant of 𝑇 that isn’t a mediator, it could unblock a path from 𝑇 to 𝑌 that was blocked by a collider. For example, this is the case with conditioning on 𝑍 in Figure 4.13. This induces non-causal association between 𝑇 and 𝑌 , which biase

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Flashcard 7629880560908

#causality #statistics

𝔼[𝑌 | do(𝑡), 𝑍 = 𝑧] vs 𝔼[𝑌 | 𝑍 = 𝑧]

𝔼[𝑌 | 𝑍 = 𝑧] simply refers to the expected value in the (pre-intervention) population where individuals take whatever treatment they would [...] take ( 𝑇 ). This distinction will become important when we get to counterfactuals...


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𝔼[𝑌 | do(𝑡), 𝑍 = 𝑧] vs 𝔼[𝑌 | 𝑍 = 𝑧] 𝔼[𝑌 | 𝑍 = 𝑧] simply refers to the expected value in the (pre-intervention) population where individuals take whatever treatment they would normally take ( 𝑇 ). This distinction will become important when we get to counterfactuals...

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Flashcard 7629883182348

#causality #statistics
If all the paths between two nodes 𝑋 and 𝑌 are [...], then we say that 𝑋 and 𝑌 are d-separated.

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If all the paths between two nodes 𝑋 and 𝑌 are blocked, then we say that 𝑋 and 𝑌 are d-separated.

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If you have a list of files, but you only want to delete files older the a certain date, for example, a maildir folder with 5 years worth of email, and you want to delete everything older then 2 years, then run the following command.

find . -type f -mtime +730 -maxdepth 1 -exec rm {} \;

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How to delete all files before a certain date in Linux
How to delete all files before a certain date in Linux Posted on: September 15, 2015 If you have a list of files, but you only want to delete files older the a certain date, for example, a maildir folder with 5 years worth of email, and you want to delete everything older then 2 years, then run the following command. find . -type f -mtime +XXX -maxdepth 1 -exec rm {} \; The syntax of this is as follows. find – the command that finds the files . – the dot signifies the current folder. You can change this to something like /home/someuser/mail/somedomain/

#deep-learning #keras #lstm #python #sequence

The choice of activation function depending on problem

Regression: Linear activation function, or linear , and the number of neurons matching the number of outputs. This is the default activation function used for neurons in the Dense layer.

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format that predictions will take. For example, below are some common predictive modeling problem types and the structure and standard activation function that you can use in the output layer: <span>Regression: Linear activation function, or linear , and the number of neurons matching the number of outputs. This is the default activation function used for neurons in the Dense layer. Binary Classification (2 class) : Logistic activation function, or sigmoid , and one neuron the output layer. Multiclass Classification (> 2 class) : Softmax activation function, or

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Flashcard 7629890522380

#causality #statistics
A potential outcome 𝑌(𝑡) is distinct from the [...] outcome 𝑌 in that not all potential outcomes are observed

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A potential outcome 𝑌(𝑡) is distinct from the observed outcome 𝑌 in that not all potential outcomes are observed

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Flashcard 7629891833100

#Shell #linux

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How to Force User to Change Password at Next Login in Linux User name: ravi # passwd --expire ravi

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How to Force User to Change Password at Next Login in Linux
User name: ravi # passwd --expire ravi How to Force User to Change Password at Next Login in Linux Using passwd Command To force a user to change his/her password, first of all the password must have expired and to cause a u

Flashcard 7629893668108

#causality #statistics
[...] assumption is asymmetric; “ 𝑋 is a cause of 𝑌 ” is not the same as saying “ 𝑌 is a cause of 𝑋
Causal edges

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Causal edges assumption is asymmetric; “ 𝑋 is a cause of 𝑌 ” is not the same as saying “ 𝑌 is a cause of 𝑋

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Flashcard 7629895503116

#causality #statistics
Whenever, do(𝑡) appears after the [...], it means that everything in that expression is in the post-intervention world where the intervention do(𝑡) occurs.
conditioning bar

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Whenever, do(𝑡) appears after the conditioning bar, it means that everything in that expression is in the post-intervention world where the intervention do(𝑡) occurs.

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Flashcard 7629896813836

#causality #statistics
Positivity is the condition that [...] of the data with different covariates have some probability of receiving any value of treatment
all subgroups

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Positivity is the condition that all subgroups of the data with different covariates have some probability of receiving any value of treatment

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