Topic ID 1387149528332

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Message ID 1387149528332, posted by agwilson27 on 17:51, Thursday, September 8, 2016
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Galatians 3:24 - do the Gentiles, at least according to Stendahl, not require the law as a Paidagogus. This would clarify the role of the Paidagogus in Jewish life. Does the Paidagogus lead to faith in Christ. Through understanding of the Law and therefore Christ and the Father - and not through the understanding of their self-conscious sin. Does the law multiply sin?

Message ID 1387149790476, posted by agwilson27 on 17:52, Thursday, September 8, 2016
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Stendahl p. 95

Message ID 1387150314764, posted by agwilson27 on 17:55, Thursday, September 8, 2016
replying to messages [IDs]: 1387149790476 | users notified: agwilson27 | tags:
here in Gal. 3:24 the "us" in question would be Jews?