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単語帳オプション (Deck Options) Last-modified: 2015-12-17 (木) 21:39:27

原文 = http://ankisrs.net/docs/dev/manual.html#deckoptions[imagelink]


単語帳オプションを表示するには、単語帳 (Decks) 画面から単語帳を選択し、画面下の オプション (Options) をクリックしてください。

Anki は複数の単語帳でオプションを共有することができ、これによりたくさんの単語帳のオプションを一度に簡単に変更することができます。複数の単語帳のオプションが一つの オプショングループ (options group)としてグループ化されます。デフォルトでは、すべての新たに作成した単語帳は同じオプショングループを使用し、旧バージョンの Anki からインポートした単語帳は独立したオプショングループを使用します。ある単語帳の設定のみを変更し、他の単語帳の設定は変更したくない場合は、右上の歯車アイコンをクリックして新しいオプショングループを追加してください。

十分に理解したオプションのみを変更するようにしてください。不適切なオプション設定は Anki の学習効率を低下させます。



新規カード [imagelink]


学習ステップ (Steps) は〔新規に学習するカードの〕学習の反復回数と、反復の間隔を設定します。学習ステップがどのように働くかの概要を知るには、学習 (learning) を参照してください。

1 日 (1440 分) を超えるステップもサポートされています。必要なら例えば、復習カードになる前に 10 分, 1 日, 3 日, そして 7 日といったスケジュールを定義することもできます。〔その方法:スペースを空けて「10 1440 4320 10080」と入力〕


ほかに学習するものがなければ、Anki はデフォルトでは 20 分早くカードを表示します。先読みする時間の長さは 設定 〔訳注:[ツール]>[設定]>[基本]タブ>[先取り学習の限度]〕で変更できます。知っておくべきなのは、この場合に 期限切れ カウントの値は単語帳〔一覧〕画面と学習画面〔各単語帳の冒頭画面〕では異なっているということです。単語帳〔一覧〕画面では先読みにより表示されるカードはカウントされませんが、学習画面〔各単語帳の冒頭画面〕ではカウントされます。これにより、どの単語帳に注意を払うべきかを〔訳注:単語帳〔一覧〕画面を見たときに〕知ることができます。


Anki は、小さいステップ〔例.5分〕と日をまたぐステップとでは異なった取り扱いをします。小さいステップでは、カードはその間隔が過ぎるとすぐに表示され、他の復習カードよりも優先されます。これにより設定した間隔に近い間隔を空けてカードに回答することができます。一方、日をまたぐ学習カードは復習カード同様、日ごとにスケジュールされます。翌日に学習に戻った際、日をまたぐ学習カードが最初に表示されることはありません。そうしてしまうと、復習セッションの前半が、やる気を失わせるぐらい難しくなってしまうおそれがあるからです。その代わりに、学習カードは復習が完了した後に表示されます。内部的な取り扱い方により、これらのカードは学習中カウントではなく復習カウントに含まれます。


学習ステップの一例としては、1967年に提唱された Pimsleurの学習間隔 [imagelink] というものがあります。この学習間隔は 5秒, 25秒, 2分, 10分, 1時間, 5時間, 1日, ... です。この学習ステップは間隔が短すぎて非効率との声もありますが、カスタマイズ時の参考にしてみるのもよいでしょう。

順番 (Order) は 新規カードを単語帳にランダムに追加するか、順序付けして追加するかを調整します。このオプションを変更した場合、Anki は現在のオプショングループを用いて単語帳を再度並べ直します。ランダムモードには注意点があります:たくさんの新規カードを復習した後に、更に新規カードを追加すると、新しく追加したマテリアルは統計的にそれ以前のカードよりも頻

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ノートタイプ「Incremental Reading」を更新しました。

アドオンなしでAnki で Incremental Reading を実現するノートタイプです。




  • アドオンが必要ありません
  • テキストをインポートし、読み、削除し、切り抜き、編集することができます。
  • 学習スクリーンで切り抜きのプレ編集ができます。
  • リーディングをTwitterやFacebookに共有することができます。
  • リーディングをEvernoteやPocketに保存することができます
  • Quick Add: ノートを追加するためには、Title フィールド以外は要求されません
Anki の設定



通常のAnki カードを保存するためのデッキの他に、Incremental Reading 用のデッキを最低2つ用意することを推奨します。

Study Options:

New Cards tab:

Steps: 1440

こうすることにより、特定のカードを翌日に再び読みたい場合、Bad をクリックすることができます。また、同じカードを1日に2回読むことがなくなります。

New cards/day: デフォルトよりも大幅に多く


Starting ease: 優先度に応じて


Review tab:

Interval modifier: 優先度に応じて


Maximum interval: 優先度に応じて

この設定をデフォルトのままにすると、いつまでたっても読み終わらないかもしれません。私は高い優先度のデッキの設定を 7 days 低い優先度のデッキの設定を 30 days にしています。

Lapses tab:

Steps: 1440

こうすることにより、カードを翌日に見たい場合はBadを押すことで可能になります。また、同じカードを1日に2度見ることがなくなり、Empty カードにわずらわされることが少なくなります。

Leech action: Tag Only

Incremental Reading でBad を押すことは、思い出せなかったことを意味しません。したがって、Leech したカードをサスペンドする意味はありません。



Reading カードはメインのリーディングを表示します。一部分を読んで、切り抜きを保存することが出来ます。カードを離れる前に、すでに読んだ部分を切り抜いてください。そうすることにより、次回煩わされることがありません。
もしExtract フィールドが全て埋まっていれば、または、Reading が空でかつExtract が一つでもあれば、Reading カードはExtract カードとして表示されます。
もしReading, Extract 及びPostponed フィールドが全てからであれば、Anki はお祝いメッセージとTwitter、Facebook、Evernote とPocketののボタンのある特別なスクリーンを表示します。


Extract カードはリーディングからの切り抜きを表示します。学習スクリーン上で切り抜きを見直し、プレ編集をすることが出来ます。
Cloze カードを作るには、切り抜きの一部分をカットし、新たなClozeカードに貼り付けます。



Title フィールドは唯一、ノートを追加するために要求されるフィールドです。しかし、読み始めるためには、リーディングをReading フィールドに貼り付ける必要があります。もしReading が空であれば、Anki はTitle をキーワードとしたGoogle検索へのリンクを表示します。もしSource フィールドにURLがあれば、AnkiはそのURLへのリンクを表示します。


Source フィールドはリーディングのURLを保存するためのフィールドです。


Postponed はReading を読み終えた後に読みたい切り抜きを保存するためのフィールドです。Supermemo の、難しい部分を後回しにする機能を真似たものです。Anki はこのフィールドの内容を、Reading フィールドが空になった後、Reading カードに表示します。


Extract フィールドは切り抜きを保存しておくためのフィールドです。Anki はこのフィールドの内容をExtract カードに表示します。


Reading フィールドはリーディングを保存するためのフィールドです。ノートタイプはあなたがどこまで読んだかを記憶しないため、読み終わったところまで切り取っておくことを推奨します。


Original はオプショナルですが、リーディングの元の状態を保存しておくためのフィールドです。


HTML ノートを保存するには、Ankiwebから追加すると可能です。
AnkiMobile では表示に不具合があることがありました。一つのノートに大量のデータがあることが原因かもしれません。
HTML ノートは、スタイリングが非常に重要な場合を除き、使わないことを推奨します。HTML ノートの編集は、Anki では快適ではありません。

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ノートタイプ「Incremental Reading」を更新しました。 | Anki Lab
—Anki Lab Anki, Apple, 英語, インドネシア語, その他について。 ホーム Don’t know Japanese? 12月 7, 2014 Uncategorized 2件のコメント <span>ノートタイプ「Incremental Reading」を更新しました。 アドオンなしでAnki で Incremental Reading を実現するノートタイプです。 ダウンロード 以下のリンクよりダウンロードしてください https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/746685063 特徴 アドオンが必要ありません テキストをインポートし、読み、削除し、切り抜き、編集することができます。 学習スクリーンで切り抜きのプレ編集ができます。 リーディングをTwitterやFacebookに共有することができます。 リーディングをEvernoteやPocketに保存することができます Quick Add: ノートを追加するためには、Title フィールド以外は要求されません Anki の設定 用語は英語版に準拠しています。 Decks: 通常のAnki カードを保存するためのデッキの他に、Incremental Reading 用のデッキを最低2つ用意することを推奨します。 Study Options: New Cards tab: Steps: 1440 こうすることにより、特定のカードを翌日に再び読みたい場合、Bad をクリックすることができます。また、同じカードを1日に2回読むことがなくなります。 New cards/day: デフォルトよりも大幅に多く このノートタイプを使うと、切り抜きのたびに新規カードが生成されます。 Starting ease: 優先度に応じて デッキに高い優先度を設定したい場合は、デフォルトよりも低い設定が望ましいでしょう。私は高い優先度のデッキの設定を200%にしています。 Review tab: Interval modifier: 優先度に応じて デッキに高い優先度を設定したい場合は、デフォルトよりも低い設定が望ましいでしょう。私は高い優先度のデッキの設定を40%にしています。 Maximum interval: 優先度に応じて この設定をデフォルトのままにすると、いつまでたっても読み終わらないかもしれません。私は高い優先度のデッキの設定を 7 days 低い優先度のデッキの設定を 30 days にしています。 Lapses tab: Steps: 1440 こうすることにより、カードを翌日に見たい場合はBadを押すことで可能になります。また、同じカードを1日に2度見ることがなくなり、Empty カードにわずらわされることが少なくなります。 Leech action: Tag Only Incremental Reading でBad を押すことは、思い出せなかったことを意味しません。したがって、Leech したカードをサスペンドする意味はありません。 カード Reading Reading カードはメインのリーディングを表示します。一部分を読んで、切り抜きを保存することが出来ます。カードを離れる前に、すでに読んだ部分を切り抜いてください。そうすることにより、次回煩わされることがありません。 もしExtract フィールドが全て埋まっていれば、または、Reading が空でかつExtract が一つでもあれば、Reading カードはExtract カードとして表示されます。 もしReading, Extract 及びPostponed フィールドが全てからであれば、Anki はお祝いメッセージとTwitter、Facebook、Evernote とPocketののボタンのある特別なスクリーンを表示します。 Extract Extract カードはリーディングからの切り抜きを表示します。学習スクリーン上で切り抜きを見直し、プレ編集をすることが出来ます。 学習スクリーン上のプレ編集は保存されません。編集を保存するには、ノートの編集画面を開く必要があります。 Cloze カードを作るには、切り抜きの一部分をカットし、新たなClozeカードに貼り付けます。 フィールド Title Title フィールドは唯一、ノートを追加するために要求されるフィールドです。しかし、読み始めるためには、リーディングをReading フィールドに貼り付ける必要があります。もしReading が空であれば、Anki はTitle をキーワードとしたGoogle検索へのリンクを表示します。もしSource フィールドにURLがあれば、AnkiはそのURLへのリンクを表示します。 Source Source フィールドはリーディングのURLを保存するためのフィールドです。 Postponed Postponed はReading を読み終えた後に読みたい切り抜きを保存するためのフィールドです。Supermemo の、難しい部分を後回しにする機能を真似たものです。Anki はこのフィールドの内容を、Reading フィールドが空になった後、Reading カードに表示します。 Extract Extract フィールドは切り抜きを保存しておくためのフィールドです。Anki はこのフィールドの内容をExtract カードに表示します。 Reading Reading フィールドはリーディングを保存するためのフィールドです。ノートタイプはあなたがどこまで読んだかを記憶しないため、読み終わったところまで切り取っておくことを推奨します。 Original Original はオプショナルですが、リーディングの元の状態を保存しておくためのフィールドです。 注意点 HTML ノートを保存するには、Ankiwebから追加すると可能です。 AnkiMobile では表示に不具合があることがありました。一つのノートに大量のデータがあることが原因かもしれません。 HTML ノートは、スタイリングが非常に重要な場合を除き、使わないことを推奨します。HTML ノートの編集は、Anki では快適ではありません。 広告 Report this ad Report this ad Share this: Twitter Facebook Google いいね: いいね 読み込み中... 関連 Anki 用 Incremental Reading ノートタ

2013.02.09 根気も時間もないあなたが外国語習得の臨界点を越える一番ゆるいスタートアップの方法 語学の道具箱  止まっているものを動かすのは、動いているものを加速するよりも、大変である。









・無料である (開発費の寄付は募集してる;同じ理由でiPhone版は有料。しかも高い)



復習のタイミングを変えるだけで記憶の定着度は4倍になる 読書猿Classic: between / beyond readers [imagelink] [imagelink]




・画像、音声、動画、そしてLaTeXが使える。数式が使える。プリアンブル (preamble) を変更すれば、化学用や音楽用などのカスタムパッケージも導入できる。

・テンプレートにGoogle Text To Speechへのリンクを埋め込んでおけば、音声データを自分で用意しなくても、あとはカードを作るたびに発音するカードになる(やたら楽)

[sound:http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?ie=utf-8& tl=ar &q={{text:Front}}]
こういうのをテンプレートに入れておく。 赤字 部分のtr=**の、**を変えれば英語(tr=en)でも日本語(tr=ja)でも読んでくれる)。



[imagelink]AnkiMobile Flashcards [imagelink]

カテゴリ: 教育

価格: ¥2,200



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Den Gemeinden ist von der Staatsgewalt nur ein Teil der Verwaltung (als Teil der Vollzie- hung) übertragen. Die Organe der Gemeinde sind der Bürgermeister, der Gemeindevorstand und der Gemeinderat. Den Gemeinden sind nur bestimmte Angelegenheiten der Verwaltung als Teil der Staats- gewalt übertragen. Ihnen kommt keine Gesetzgebungskompetenz zu.
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cannot see any pdfs

2. Grundprinzipien der österreichischen Bundesverfassung Aus der Gesamtheit der Verfassungsrechtsordnung lassen sich sog Grundprinzipien der Bundesverfassung ableiten: das demokratische, das republikanische, das bundesstaatliche, und das rechtsstaatliche Prinzip, das verschiedentlich auch noch in ein gewaltenteilendes und liberales Prinzip unterteilt wird. Diese Grundprinzipien (oder: Baugesetze) sind als sol- che nicht ausdrücklich formuliert oder gekennzeichnet, sondern ergeben sich aus dem Ge- samtzusammenhang der Bundesverfassung. S
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Mit dem Beitritt Österreichs zur EU am 1.1.1995 erfuhr das demokratische Prinzip bedeuten- de Änderungen. So geht zB das sekundäre Unionsrecht nicht unmittelbar „vom (österreichi- schen) Volk“ aus, sondern wird von EU-Organen erzeugt (siehe LE 3).
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cannot see any pdfs

2013.03.10 決して後退しない学習ーAnkiを使うとどうして一生忘れないのか? 効果的な学習法など | 学校・教育 | 記憶術  
















復習のタイミングを変えるだけで記憶の定着度は4倍になる 読書猿Classic: between / beyond readers [imagelink] [imagelink]
1年の計はこれでいく→記憶の定着度を4倍にする〈記憶工程表〉の作り方 読書猿Classic: between / beyond readers [imagelink] [imagelink]



 だったらコンピュータに復習タイミングの管理を任せられないかとは、誰しも考えることだが、スペースド・リハーサルを取り入れた単語帳ソフトSuperMemoが1985年に商品化され、その後Ankiというオープンソースでマルチプラットフォーム(Windows、Mac osx Linux、FreeBSD、iPhone、Android、ノキアのMaemo(マエモ)で動く)のソフトが登場した。



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I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason.
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Summa Theologica
tice." Now Scripture, inspired of God, is no part of philosophical science, which has been built up by human reason. Therefore it is useful that besides philosophical science, there should be other knowledge, i.e. inspired of God. <span>I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared

Flashcard 1724343782668

I answer that, It was necessary for [...] that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason.
man's salvation

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

Open it
I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason.

Original toplevel document

Summa Theologica
tice." Now Scripture, inspired of God, is no part of philosophical science, which has been built up by human reason. Therefore it is useful that besides philosophical science, there should be other knowledge, i.e. inspired of God. <span>I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared

Flashcard 1724344831244

I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge [...] besides philosophical science built up by human reason.
revealed by God

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

Open it
I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason.

Original toplevel document

Summa Theologica
tice." Now Scripture, inspired of God, is no part of philosophical science, which has been built up by human reason. Therefore it is useful that besides philosophical science, there should be other knowledge, i.e. inspired of God. <span>I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared

Flashcard 1724345879820

I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides [...]
philosophical science built up by human reason.

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

Open it
I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason.

Original toplevel document

Summa Theologica
tice." Now Scripture, inspired of God, is no part of philosophical science, which has been built up by human reason. Therefore it is useful that besides philosophical science, there should be other knowledge, i.e. inspired of God. <span>I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared

Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" ( Is. 66:4). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end.
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Summa Theologica
philosophical science, there should be other knowledge, i.e. inspired of God. I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. <span>Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" (Is. 66:4). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God

I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" ( Is. 66:4 ). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation.
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Summa Theologica
tice." Now Scripture, inspired of God, is no part of philosophical science, which has been built up by human reason. Therefore it is useful that besides philosophical science, there should be other knowledge, i.e. inspired of God. <span>I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" (Is. 66:4). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation. Reply to Objection 1: Although those things which are beyond man's knowledge may not be sought for by man through his reason, nevertheless, once they are revealed by God, they mus

Flashcard 1724351122700

I answer that, I[...] Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" ( Is. 66:4 ). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation.
t was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason.

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I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared fo

Original toplevel document

Summa Theologica
tice." Now Scripture, inspired of God, is no part of philosophical science, which has been built up by human reason. Therefore it is useful that besides philosophical science, there should be other knowledge, i.e. inspired of God. <span>I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" (Is. 66:4). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation. Reply to Objection 1: Although those things which are beyond man's knowledge may not be sought for by man through his reason, nevertheless, once they are revealed by God, they mus

Flashcard 1724352171276

I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. [...] "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" ( Is. 66:4 ). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation.
Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason:

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I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" ( Is. 66:4 ). But the end must first be known by men who are to dire

Original toplevel document

Summa Theologica
tice." Now Scripture, inspired of God, is no part of philosophical science, which has been built up by human reason. Therefore it is useful that besides philosophical science, there should be other knowledge, i.e. inspired of God. <span>I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" (Is. 66:4). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation. Reply to Objection 1: Although those things which are beyond man's knowledge may not be sought for by man through his reason, nevertheless, once they are revealed by God, they mus

Flashcard 1724353219852

I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" ( Is. 66:4 ). [...] Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation.
But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end.

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n reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" ( Is. 66:4 ). <span>But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God wh

Original toplevel document

Summa Theologica
tice." Now Scripture, inspired of God, is no part of philosophical science, which has been built up by human reason. Therefore it is useful that besides philosophical science, there should be other knowledge, i.e. inspired of God. <span>I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" (Is. 66:4). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation. Reply to Objection 1: Although those things which are beyond man's knowledge may not be sought for by man through his reason, nevertheless, once they are revealed by God, they mus

Flashcard 1724357414156

I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" ( Is. 66:4 ). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. [...] Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation.
Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth.

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ld have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. <span>Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was t

Original toplevel document

Summa Theologica
tice." Now Scripture, inspired of God, is no part of philosophical science, which has been built up by human reason. Therefore it is useful that besides philosophical science, there should be other knowledge, i.e. inspired of God. <span>I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" (Is. 66:4). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation. Reply to Objection 1: Although those things which are beyond man's knowledge may not be sought for by man through his reason, nevertheless, once they are revealed by God, they mus

Flashcard 1724358462732

I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" ( Is. 66:4 ). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about [...] it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation.
more fitly and more surely,

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known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about <span>more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacre

Original toplevel document

Summa Theologica
tice." Now Scripture, inspired of God, is no part of philosophical science, which has been built up by human reason. Therefore it is useful that besides philosophical science, there should be other knowledge, i.e. inspired of God. <span>I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" (Is. 66:4). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation. Reply to Objection 1: Although those things which are beyond man's knowledge may not be sought for by man through his reason, nevertheless, once they are revealed by God, they mus

Flashcard 1724359511308

I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" ( Is. 66:4 ). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught [...]. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation.
divine truths by divine revelation

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any errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught <span>divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation.<span><body><html>

Original toplevel document

Summa Theologica
tice." Now Scripture, inspired of God, is no part of philosophical science, which has been built up by human reason. Therefore it is useful that besides philosophical science, there should be other knowledge, i.e. inspired of God. <span>I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" (Is. 66:4). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation. Reply to Objection 1: Although those things which are beyond man's knowledge may not be sought for by man through his reason, nevertheless, once they are revealed by God, they mus

Flashcard 1724361084172

I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" ( Is. 66:4 ). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides [...] there should be a sacred science learned through revelation.
philosophical science built up by reason,

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides <span>philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation.<span><body><html>

Original toplevel document

Summa Theologica
tice." Now Scripture, inspired of God, is no part of philosophical science, which has been built up by human reason. Therefore it is useful that besides philosophical science, there should be other knowledge, i.e. inspired of God. <span>I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" (Is. 66:4). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation. Reply to Objection 1: Although those things which are beyond man's knowledge may not be sought for by man through his reason, nevertheless, once they are revealed by God, they mus

Flashcard 1724362132748

I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" ( Is. 66:4 ). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a [...]
sacred science learned through revelation.

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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tion of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a <span>sacred science learned through revelation.<span><body><html>

Original toplevel document

Summa Theologica
tice." Now Scripture, inspired of God, is no part of philosophical science, which has been built up by human reason. Therefore it is useful that besides philosophical science, there should be other knowledge, i.e. inspired of God. <span>I answer that, It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason: "The eye hath not seen, O God, besides Thee, what things Thou hast prepared for them that wait for Thee" (Is. 66:4). But the end must first be known by men who are to direct their thoughts and actions to the end. Hence it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation; because the truth about God such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few, and that after a long time, and with the admixture of many errors. Whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation. Reply to Objection 1: Although those things which are beyond man's knowledge may not be sought for by man through his reason, nevertheless, once they are revealed by God, they mus