Principles of treatment of thyrotoxicosis
Non-specific measures are rest and sedation and in established thyrotoxicosis should be used only in conjunction with spe- cific measures, i.e. the use of antithyroid drugs, surgery and radioiodine.
Those in common use are carbimazole and propylthiouracil. Antithyroid drugs are used to restore the patient to a euthyroid state and to maintain this for a prolonged period in the hope that a permanent remission will occur, i.e. that production of thyroid-stimulating antibodies (TSH-RAb) will diminish or cease. Antithyroid drugs cannot cure a toxic nodule. The overactive thyroid tissue is autonomous and recurrence of the hyperthyroidism is certain when the drug is discontinued.
● Advantages. No surgery and no use of radioactive materials.
● Disadvantages. Treatment is prolonged and the failure rate is at least 50%. The duration of treatment may be tailored to the severity of the toxicity, with milder cases being treated for only 6 months and severe cases for 2 years before stopping therapy.
In diffuse toxic goitre and toxic nodular goitre with over- active internodular tissue, surgery cures by reducing the mass of overactive tissue by reducing the thyroid below a criti- cal mass. After subtotal thyroidectomy the patient should return to a euthyroid state, albeit after a variable period of hypothyroidism. There are however, the long-term risks of recurrence and eventual thyroid failure. In contrast total/ near total thyroidectomy accepts immediate thyroid failure and lifelong thyroxine replacement to eliminate the risk of recurrence and simplify follow-up. Operation may result in a reduction in TSH-RAb. In the autonomous toxic nodule, and in toxic nodular goitre with overactive autonomous toxic nodules, surgery cures by removing all the overactive thyroid tissue; this allows the suppressed normal tissue to function again.
● Advantages. The goitre is removed, the cure is rapid and the cure rate is high if surgery has been adequate.
● Disadvantages. Recurrence of thyrotoxicosis occurs in at least 5% of cases when subtotal thyroidectomy is carried out. There is a risk of permanent hypoparathyroidism and nerve injury. Young women tend to have a poorer cos- metic result from the scar. Every operation carries a risk, but with suitable prepara- tion and an experienced surgeon the mortality is negligible and the morbidity low.
Radioiodine destroys thyroid cells and, as in thyroidectomy, reduces the mass of functioning thyroid tissue to below a crit- ical level.
● Advantages. No surgery and no prolonged drug therapy.
● Disadvantages. Isotope facilities must be available. The patient must be quarantined while radiation levels are high and avoid pregnancy and close physical contact, par- ticularly with children. Eye signs may be aggravated. Choice of therapy Each case must be considered individually. Below are listed guiding principles on the most satisfactory treatment for a particular toxic goitre at a particular age; these must, how- ever, be modified according to the facilities available and the personality and wishes of the individual patient, business or family commitments and any other coexistent medical or sur- gical condition. Access to post-treatment care and availabil- ity of replacement thyroxine can be important considerations in resource-poor countries. In advising treatment, compliance, influenced by social and intellectual factors, is important; many patients cannot be trusted to take drugs regularly if they feel well, and indefi- nite follow-up, which is essential after radioiodine or subtotal thyroidectomy is a burden for all.
Most patients have an initial course of antithyroid drugs with radioiodine for relapse. Exceptions are those who refuse radi- ation, have large goitres, progressive eye signs or are pregnant.
Toxic nodular go