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Flashcard 1611287366924

[...] ratios measure the ability of a company to meet future short-term financial obligations.
Liquidity ratios

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Subject 5. Uses and Analysis of the Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet Ratios Liquidity ratios measure the ability of a company to meet future short-term financial obligations from current assets and, more importantly, cash flows. Each of the following ratios takes a slightly different view of cash or near-cash items. Current Ratio is a measure of the number of dollars of current assets available to

Flashcard 1611290512652

[...] is a measure of the number of dollars of current assets available to meet current obligations.
Current Ratio

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Subject 5. Uses and Analysis of the Balance Sheet
tios measure the ability of a company to meet future short-term financial obligations from current assets and, more importantly, cash flows. Each of the following ratios takes a slightly different view of cash or near-cash items. <span>Current Ratio is a measure of the number of dollars of current assets available to meet current obligations. It is the best-known liquidity measure. A current ratio of less than 1 indicates the company has negative working capital. Quick Rati

Flashcard 1611295231244

A current ratio of less than 1 indicates the company has [...]
negative working capital.

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Subject 5. Uses and Analysis of the Balance Sheet
the following ratios takes a slightly different view of cash or near-cash items. Current Ratio is a measure of the number of dollars of current assets available to meet current obligations. It is the best-known liquidity measure. <span>A current ratio of less than 1 indicates the company has negative working capital. Quick Ratio (Acid-Test Ratio) eliminates less liquid assets, such as inventory and pre-paid expenses, from the current ratio. If inve

Flashcard 1611305454860

#balance-sheet-analysis #has-images
Quick Ratio (Acid-Test Ratio) = [...]

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Subject 5. Uses and Analysis of the Balance Sheet
of dollars of current assets available to meet current obligations. It is the best-known liquidity measure. A current ratio of less than 1 indicates the company has negative working capital. <span>Quick Ratio (Acid-Test Ratio) eliminates less liquid assets, such as inventory and pre-paid expenses, from the current ratio. If inventory is not moving, the quick ratio is a better indicator of cash and near-cash items that will be available to meet current obligations. Cash Ratio is the most conservative liquidity ratio, determined by eliminating receivables from the quick ratio. As with the elimination of

Flashcard 1611308600588

[...] is the most conservative liquidity ratio.
Cash Ratio

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Subject 5. Uses and Analysis of the Balance Sheet
ory and pre-paid expenses, from the current ratio. If inventory is not moving, the quick ratio is a better indicator of cash and near-cash items that will be available to meet current obligations. <span>Cash Ratio is the most conservative liquidity ratio, determined by eliminating receivables from the quick ratio. As with the elimination of inventory in the quick ratio, there is no guarantee that the receivables will be collected.

Flashcard 1611318037772

Higher debt-equity ratio indicates [...]

higher financial risk.

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Subject 5. Uses and Analysis of the Balance Sheet
13; Solvency ratios measure a company's ability to meet long-term and other obligations. Long-Term Debt-Equity Ratio is an indicator of the degree of protection available to the creditors in the event of insolvency of a company. <span>Higher debt-equity ratio indicates higher financial risk. Debt-Equity Ratio includes short-term debt in the numerator. The total debt inclu

Flashcard 1611320397068

#balance-sheet-analysis #has-images
Long-Term Debt-Equity Ratio = [...]

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Subject 5. Uses and Analysis of the Balance Sheet
ory in the quick ratio, there is no guarantee that the receivables will be collected. Solvency ratios measure a company's ability to meet long-term and other obligations. <span>Long-Term Debt-Equity Ratio is an indicator of the degree of protection available to the creditors in the event of insolvency of a company. Higher debt-equity ratio indicates higher financial risk. Debt-Equity Ratio includes short-term debt in the numerator. The total debt inclu

Flashcard 1611322756364

[...] includes short-term debt in the numerator.

Debt-Equity Ratio

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Subject 5. Uses and Analysis of the Balance Sheet
rm Debt-Equity Ratio is an indicator of the degree of protection available to the creditors in the event of insolvency of a company. Higher debt-equity ratio indicates higher financial risk. <span>Debt-Equity Ratio includes short-term debt in the numerator. The total debt includes all liabilities, including non-interest-bearing debt such as accounts payables, accrued expenses, and deferre

Flashcard 1611325115660

#balance-sheet-analysis #has-images
Debt-Equity Ratio = [...]

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Subject 5. Uses and Analysis of the Balance Sheet
rm Debt-Equity Ratio is an indicator of the degree of protection available to the creditors in the event of insolvency of a company. Higher debt-equity ratio indicates higher financial risk. <span>Debt-Equity Ratio includes short-term debt in the numerator. The total debt includes all liabilities, including non-interest-bearing debt such as accounts payables, accrued expenses, and deferre

Flashcard 1611329834252

#balance-sheet-analysis #has-images
Total Debt Ratio =

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Subject 5. Uses and Analysis of the Balance Sheet
ilities, including non-interest-bearing debt such as accounts payables, accrued expenses, and deferred taxes. This ratio is especially useful in analyzing a company with substantial financing from short-term borrowing. <span>Total Debt Ratio = Financial Leverage Ratio = Financial statement analysis aims to investigate a company's financial condition and operating performance. Using financial rati

Flashcard 1611332193548

#balance-sheet-analysis #has-images
Financial Leverage Ratio =

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Subject 5. Uses and Analysis of the Balance Sheet
ing debt such as accounts payables, accrued expenses, and deferred taxes. This ratio is especially useful in analyzing a company with substantial financing from short-term borrowing. Total Debt Ratio = <span>Financial Leverage Ratio = Financial statement analysis aims to investigate a company's financial condition and operating performance. Using financial ratios helps to examine relationships among indi

Flashcard 1612732304652

How can you tell by ratios if a company has negative working capital?
A current ratio of less than 1

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Subject 5. Uses and Analysis of the Balance Sheet
the following ratios takes a slightly different view of cash or near-cash items. Current Ratio is a measure of the number of dollars of current assets available to meet current obligations. It is the best-known liquidity measure. <span>A current ratio of less than 1 indicates the company has negative working capital. Quick Ratio (Acid-Test Ratio) eliminates less liquid assets, such as inventory and pre-paid expenses, from the current ratio. If inve

Flashcard 1621333773580

What rates are included in the nominal rate of interest?
real risk-free


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The nominal risk-free rate of return includes both the real risk-free rate of return and the expected rate of inflation. A decrease in expected inflation rate would decrease the nominal risk-free rate of return, but would have no effect on the real risk-free rate of return.

Flashcard 1621336132876

A decrease in expected inflation rate would decrease the [...]
nominal risk-free rate of return

but would have no effect on the real risk-free rate of return.

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The nominal risk-free rate of return includes both the real risk-free rate of return and the expected rate of inflation. A decrease in expected inflation rate would decrease the nominal risk-free rate of return, but would have no effect on the real risk-free rate of return.

Flashcard 1621372046604

The [...] is the single-period interest rate for a completely risk-free security if no inflation were expected.

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Flashcard 1621380435212

Many countries have governmental short-term debt whose interest rate can be considered to represent the [...] interest rate in that country.
nominal risk-free

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Flashcard 1621382270220

What is Mexico's nominal risk-free interest rate?

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Flashcard 1621384891660

The [...] compensates investors for the risk of loss relative to an investment’s fair value if the investment needs to be converted to cash quickly.

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Flashcard 1621395901708

How many ways to quote interest rates for investments paying more than once a year?

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Flashcard 1621399571724

If a bank states that a particular CD pays a rate of 3% that compounds 4 times a year this is an example of what kind of rate?
Periodic interest rate

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Flashcard 1621401406732

[...], is the annual rate of interest that does not account for compounding within the year.
Stated annual interest rate

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Flashcard 1621405863180

Which is the annual interest rate quoted by financial institutions?
Stated annual interest rate

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Flashcard 1621407698188

The periodic interest rate multiplied by the number of compounding periods per year is equal to the [...]
Stated annual interest rate

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Flashcard 1621409533196

[...] is the annual rate of interest that takes full account of compounding within the year.
Effective annual rate (EAR)

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Flashcard 1621439941900

What is the difference between nominal risk-free rate and real risk-free rate of return?
The nominal one takes inflation into account

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The nominal risk-free rate of return includes both the real risk-free rate of return and the expected rate of inflation. A decrease in expected inflation rate would decrease the nominal risk-free rate of return, but would have no effect on the real risk-free rate of return.

Flashcard 1621961870604

Cual es el truco para calcular continuous compounding?
poner en C/Y 12 luego 2ND y ex

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Exhibit 2. Common Accounts Assets Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable, trade receivables Prepaid expenses Inventory Property, plant, and equipment Investment propert

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3.1. Financial Statement Elements and Accounts
ounting periods), and sales returns and allowances (an offset to revenue reflecting any cash refunds, credits on account, and discounts from sales prices given to customers who purchased defective or unsatisfactory items). <span>Exhibit 2. Common Accounts Assets Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable, trade receivables Prepaid expenses Inventory Property, plant, and equipment Investment property Intangible assets (patents, trademarks, licenses, copyright, goodwill) Financial assets, trading securities, investment securities Investments accounted for by the equity method Current and deferred tax assets [for banks, Loans (receivable)] Liabilities Accounts payable, trade payables Provisions or accrued liabilities Financial liabilities Current and deferred tax liabilities Reserves Unearned revenue Debt payable Bonds (payable) [for banks, Deposits] Owners’ Equity Capital, such as common stock par value Additional paid-in capital Retained earnings Other comprehensive income Minority interest Revenue Revenue, sales Gains Investment income (e.g., interest and dividends) Expense Cost of goods sold Selling, general, and administrative expenses “SG&A” (e.g., rent, utilities, salaries, advertising) Depreciation and amortization Interest expense Tax expense Losses For presentation purposes, assets are sometimes categorized as “current” or “non-current.” For example, Tesco (a large European retailer) prese

Flashcard 1621978123532

FV1 = [...]
PV(1 + r)  

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Flashcard 1621979958540

[...] is the amount of funds originally invested

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Flashcard 1621981793548

The interest earned each period on the original investment.
Simple interest

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Flashcard 1621984677132


The process of accumulating interest on interest.


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Flashcard 1621989395724


FVN = [...]

PV(1 + r)N

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Flashcard 1621992803596

We can add amounts of money only if [...]
they are indexed at the same point in time.

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Flashcard 1621996473612

With more than one compounding period per year, the future value formula can be expressed as

FVN = PV (1 + rs/m )mN

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Flashcard 1621998308620

The formula for the future value of a sum in N years with continuous compounding is

FVN = PV ersN

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Flashcard 1622000143628

[...] ≈ 2.7182818


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Flashcard 1622004862220

A [...] is a set of level never-ending sequential cash flows, with the first cash flow occurring one period from now.

a perpetual annuity,

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Flashcard 1622006172940

An [...] is a finite set of level sequential cash flows.

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Flashcard 1622010629388

An [...] has a first cash flow that occurs immediately (indexed at t = 0).

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Flashcard 1622020853004

For a given discount rate, the farther in the future the amount to be received, the [...]
smaller that amount’s present value.

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Flashcard 1622234762508

Interest calculated on the principal only.
Simple interest

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Flashcard 1622722088204

Formula de valor presente de una perpetuidad

PV = A/r

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Flashcard 1622724709644

A perpetuity of $10 per year with a 20 percent required rate of return has a present value of [...]
$10/0.2 = $50.

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Flashcard 1622726544652

PV of a Perpetuity formula is valid only for [...] .
a perpetuity with level payments

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Flashcard 1622876491020

To quickly approximate the number of periods, practitioners sometimes use an ad hoc rule called the [...]

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Rule of 72
To quickly approximate the number of periods, practitioners sometimes use an ad hoc rule called the Rule of 72 : Divide 72 by the stated interest rate to get the approximate number of years it would take to double an investment at the interest rate. Here, the approximation gives 72/7 = 10.3 year

Flashcard 1622881471756

How do you solve for number of periods?
FVN = PV(1 + r)N

You solve for N

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Flashcard 1622889336076

#summary #tvm
[...], makes current and future currency amounts equivalent based on their time value.
The interest rate, r

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compensate lenders for risk: an inflation premium, a default risk premium, a liquidity premium, and a maturity premium. The future value, FV, is the present value, PV, times the future value factor, (1 + r) N . <span>The interest rate, r, makes current and future currency amounts equivalent based on their time value. The stated annual interest rate is a quoted interest rate that does not account for compounding within the year. The periodic rate is the quoted interest

Flashcard 1622891957516

#summary #tvm
There are two types of annuities, [...] and the [...]
the annuity due

ordinary annuity.

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s per year. The effective annual rate is the amount by which a unit of currency will grow in a year with interest on interest included. An annuity is a finite set of level sequential cash flows. <span>There are two types of annuities, the annuity due and the ordinary annuity. The annuity due has a first cash flow that occurs immediately; the ordinary annuity has a first cash flow that occurs one period from the present (indexed at t = 1). On

Flashcard 1624091004172

#summary #tvm
The present value of a perpetuity is A/r, where A is [...]
the periodic payment to be received forever.

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The present value of a perpetuity is A/r, where A is the periodic payment to be received forever.

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may be handled in a similar fashion as single payments if we use annuity factors instead of single-payment factors. The present value, PV, is the future value, FV, times the present value factor, (1 + r) − N . <span>The present value of a perpetuity is A/r, where A is the periodic payment to be received forever. It is possible to calculate an unknown variable, given the other relevant variables in time value of money problems. The cash flow additivity principle c

Flashcard 1634536656140

De que es una pista SET?
De lo siguiente que debes usar (que si le picas SET va a cambiar el pedo)

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Flashcard 1635165277452

Values from a population are called [...], and values from a sample are called [...]


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Subject 1. The Nature of Statistics
btained if they were taught with this method. Both large groups of data (populations) and smaller groups (samples) have values associated with them, such as the average of all values in a sample and the average of all population values. <span>Values from a population are called parameters, and values from a sample are called statistics. A parameter is a numerical quantity measuring some aspect of a population of scores. The mean, for example, is a measure of central tendency. Greek letters are

Flashcard 1635167636748

[...] are used to designate parameters.
Greek letters

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Subject 1. The Nature of Statistics
tion are called parameters, and values from a sample are called statistics. A parameter is a numerical quantity measuring some aspect of a population of scores. The mean, for example, is a measure of central tendency. <span>Greek letters are used to designate parameters. Parameters are rarely known and are usually estimated by statistics computed in samples. Populations can have many parameters, but investment analysts are usually only concerned with a

Flashcard 1635388361996

[...] measurement represents the weakest level of measurement.

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Subject 2. Measurement Scales
systematic fashion. To choose the appropriate statistical methods for summarizing and analyzing data, we need to distinguish between different measurement scales or levels of measurement. Nominal Scale <span>Nominal measurement represents the weakest level of measurement. It consists of assigning items to groups or categories. No quantitative information is conveyed and no ordering (ranking) of the items is implied. Nominal scales are qualitative rather

Flashcard 1635390721292

[...] scale consists of assigning items to groups or categories.
Nominal Scale

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    Subject 2. Measurement Scales
    or summarizing and analyzing data, we need to distinguish between different measurement scales or levels of measurement. Nominal Scale Nominal measurement represents the weakest level of measurement. It <span>consists of assigning items to groups or categories. No quantitative information is conveyed and no ordering (ranking) of the items is implied. Nominal scales are qualitative rather than quantitative. Religious preference, r

    Flashcard 1635395702028

    [...] scales are qualitative rather than quantitative.
    Nominal scales

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    Subject 2. Measurement Scales
    3; Nominal Scale Nominal measurement represents the weakest level of measurement. It consists of assigning items to groups or categories. No quantitative information is conveyed and no ordering (ranking) of the items is implied. <span>Nominal scales are qualitative rather than quantitative. Religious preference, race, and sex are all examples of nominal scales. Another example is portfolio managers categorized as value or growth style will have a scale of 1 f

    Flashcard 1635398061324

    Religious preference, race, and sex are all examples of [...] scales
    nominal scales.

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    Subject 2. Measurement Scales
    st level of measurement. It consists of assigning items to groups or categories. No quantitative information is conveyed and no ordering (ranking) of the items is implied. Nominal scales are qualitative rather than quantitative. <span>Religious preference, race, and sex are all examples of nominal scales. Another example is portfolio managers categorized as value or growth style will have a scale of 1 for value and 2 for growth. Frequency distributions are usually used to analyze data me

    Flashcard 1635400420620

    What kind of measurement scale would be portfolio managers categorized as value or growth style will have a scale of 1 for value and 2 for growth.
    nominal scales.

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    Subject 2. Measurement Scales
    egories. No quantitative information is conveyed and no ordering (ranking) of the items is implied. Nominal scales are qualitative rather than quantitative. Religious preference, race, and sex are all examples of nominal scales. <span>Another example is portfolio managers categorized as value or growth style will have a scale of 1 for value and 2 for growth. Frequency distributions are usually used to analyze data measured on a nominal scale. The main statistic computed is the mode. Variables measured on a nominal scale are often referred t

    Flashcard 1635408284940

    Measurements with [...] are ordered with higher numbers representing higher values.
    ordinal scales

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 2. Measurement Scales
    red on a nominal scale are often referred to as categorical or qualitative variables. Ordinal Scale Measurements on an ordinal scale are categorized. The various measurements are then ranked in their categories. <span>Measurements with ordinal scales are ordered with higher numbers representing higher values. The intervals between the numbers are not necessarily equal. Example 1 On a 5-point rating scale measuring attitudes toward gun control, the difference betwe

    Flashcard 1635410644236

    The intervals between the numbers are not necessarily equal in the [...] .
    ordinal scale

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 2. Measurement Scales
    #13; Ordinal Scale Measurements on an ordinal scale are categorized. The various measurements are then ranked in their categories. Measurements with ordinal scales are ordered with higher numbers representing higher values. <span>The intervals between the numbers are not necessarily equal. Example 1 On a 5-point rating scale measuring attitudes toward gun control, the difference between a rating of 2 and a rating of 3 may not represent the same

    Flashcard 1635423751436

    [...] rank measurements and ensure that the intervals between the rankings are equal.
    Interval scales

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 2. Measurement Scales
    o point for ordinal scales, since the zero point is chosen arbitrarily. The lowest point on the rating scale in the example was arbitrarily chosen to be 1. It could just as well have been 0 or -5. Interval Scale <span>Interval scales rank measurements and ensure that the intervals between the rankings are equal. Scale values can be added and subtracted from each other. For example, if anxiety was measured on an interval scale, a difference between a score of 10 and a score of 11 w

    Flashcard 1635430305036

    Do Interval scales have a "true" zero point?

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 2. Measurement Scales
    3; For example, if anxiety was measured on an interval scale, a difference between a score of 10 and a score of 11 would represent the same difference in anxiety as the difference between a score of 50 and a score of 51. <span>Interval scales do not have a "true" zero point. Therefore, it is not possible to make statements about how many times higher one score is than another. For the anxiety example, it would not be valid to say that a person with a score

    Flashcard 1635434237196

    A good example of an interval scale is the [...]
    Fahrenheit measure of temperature.

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    Subject 2. Measurement Scales
    s twice as anxious as a person with a score of 15. True interval measurement is somewhere between rare and nonexistent in the behavioral sciences. No interval scales measuring anxiety, such as the one described in the example, actually exist. <span>A good example of an interval scale is the Fahrenheit measure of temperature. Equal differences on this scale represent equal differences in temperature, but a temperature of 30°F is not twice as warm as one of 15°F. Ratio Scale Rat

    Flashcard 1635438169356

    [...] are like interval scales except that they have true zero points.
    Ratio scales

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 2. Measurement Scales
    an interval scale is the Fahrenheit measure of temperature. Equal differences on this scale represent equal differences in temperature, but a temperature of 30°F is not twice as warm as one of 15°F. Ratio Scale <span>Ratio scales are like interval scales except that they have true zero points. This is the strongest measurement scale. In addition to permitting ranking and addition or subtraction, ratio scales allow computation of meaningful ratios. A good example is the Kelvin

    Flashcard 1635440790796

    This is the strongest measurement scale
    Ratio Scale

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 2. Measurement Scales
    on this scale represent equal differences in temperature, but a temperature of 30°F is not twice as warm as one of 15°F. Ratio Scale Ratio scales are like interval scales except that they have true zero points. <span>This is the strongest measurement scale. In addition to permitting ranking and addition or subtraction, ratio scales allow computation of meaningful ratios. A good example is the Kelvin scale of temperature. This scale has an

    Flashcard 1636239543564

    An interval is also called a [...]

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    Subject 3. Frequency Distributions
    with individual numbers becomes laborious and messy. In such circumstances, it is neater and more convenient to summarize results into what is known as a frequency table. The data in the display is called a frequency distribution. <span>An interval, also called a class, is a set of values within which an observation falls. Each interval has a lower limit and an upper limit. Intervals must be all-inclusive and non-overlapping. A frequency distribution is a tabular display of data categor

    Flashcard 1636249505036

    [...] is the actual number of observations in a given interval.
    Absolute frequency

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 3. Frequency Distributions
    of scores in each interval. The actual number of scores and the percentage of scores in each interval are displayed. This helps in the analysis of large amount of statistical data, and works with all types of measurement scales. <span>Absolute frequency is the actual number of observations in a given interval. Relative frequency is the result of dividing the absolute frequency of each return interval by the total number of observations. Cumulative absol

    Flashcard 1636251864332

    [...] is the result of dividing the absolute frequency of each return interval by the total number of observations.
    Relative frequency

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 3. Frequency Distributions
    al are displayed. This helps in the analysis of large amount of statistical data, and works with all types of measurement scales. Absolute frequency is the actual number of observations in a given interval. <span>Relative frequency is the result of dividing the absolute frequency of each return interval by the total number of observations. Cumulative absolute frequency and cumulative relative frequency are the results from cumulating the absolute and relative frequencies as we move from the first to the l

    Flashcard 1636263660812

    There are two methods that graphically represent continuous data: [...] and [...]


    frequency polygons.

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 3. Frequency Distributions
    values (i.e., all values can be included in the data set). Examples would include the height of a person and the time to complete an assignment. These values can be measured using sufficiently accurate tools to numerous decimal places. <span>There are two methods that graphically represent continuous data: histograms and frequency polygons. 1. A histogram is a bar chart that displays a frequency distribution. It is constructed as follows: The class frequencies are shown on the vertical (y) axis (by

    Flashcard 1636462628108

    [...]: The values in the data set can be counted.

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 3. Frequency Distributions
    mber of observations and assign each observation to its class. Count the number of observations in each class. This is called the class frequency. Data can be divided into two types: discrete and continuous. <span>Discrete: The values in the data set can be counted. There are distinct spaces between the values, such as the number of children in a family or the number of shares comprising an index. Continuous: The values in the data set can be measu

    Flashcard 1636464987404

    [...]: The values in the data set can be measured.

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 3. Frequency Distributions
    ed into two types: discrete and continuous. Discrete: The values in the data set can be counted. There are distinct spaces between the values, such as the number of children in a family or the number of shares comprising an index. <span>Continuous: The values in the data set can be measured. There are normally lots of decimal places involved and (theoretically, at least) there are no gaps between permissible values (i.e., all values can be included in the data set). Example

    Flashcard 1636467346700

    A [...] is a bar chart that displays a frequency distribution.

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 3. Frequency Distributions
    me to complete an assignment. These values can be measured using sufficiently accurate tools to numerous decimal places. There are two methods that graphically represent continuous data: histograms and frequency polygons. 1. <span>A histogram is a bar chart that displays a frequency distribution. It is constructed as follows: The class frequencies are shown on the vertical (y) axis (by the heights of bars drawn next to each other). The classes (intervals) are shown

    Flashcard 1636472065292

    In a frequency histogram [...] are shown on the horizontal (x) axis.
    the classes (intervals)

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    Subject 3. Frequency Distributions
    polygons. 1. A histogram is a bar chart that displays a frequency distribution. It is constructed as follows: The class frequencies are shown on the vertical (y) axis (by the heights of bars drawn next to each other). <span>The classes (intervals) are shown on the horizontal (x) axis. There is no space between the bars. From a histogram, we can see quickly where most of the observations lie. The shapes of histograms will vary, depending on th

    Flashcard 1636476783884

    From a histogram, we can see quickly where [...].
    most of the observations lie

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 3. Frequency Distributions
    #13; The class frequencies are shown on the vertical (y) axis (by the heights of bars drawn next to each other). The classes (intervals) are shown on the horizontal (x) axis. There is no space between the bars. <span>From a histogram, we can see quickly where most of the observations lie. The shapes of histograms will vary, depending on the choice of the size of the intervals. 2. The frequency polygon is another means of graphically displaying data. It is si

    Flashcard 1636481502476

    Besides the histogram, the [...] is another means of graphically displaying data.
    frequency polygon

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 3. Frequency Distributions
    s. There is no space between the bars. From a histogram, we can see quickly where most of the observations lie. The shapes of histograms will vary, depending on the choice of the size of the intervals. 2. <span>The frequency polygon is another means of graphically displaying data. It is similar to a histogram but the bars are replaced by a line joined together. It is constructed in the following manner: Absolute frequency for each interval is plotted

    Flashcard 1636487007500

    Unlike a histogram, a frequency polygon adds a degree of [...] to the presentation of the distribution.


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    Subject 3. Frequency Distributions
    e following manner: Absolute frequency for each interval is plotted on the vertical (y) axis. The midpoint of each class (interval) is shown on the horizontal (x) axis. Neighboring points are connected with a straight line. <span>Unlike a histogram, a frequency polygon adds a degree of continuity to the presentation of the distribution. It is helpful, when drawing a frequency polygon, first to draw a histogram in pencil, then to plot the points and join the lines, and finally to rub out the histogram. In th

    Flashcard 1636494085388

    If, in an examination, your relative frequency column does not sum [...], you know that you have made a mistake.
    to 1 (or 100%)

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 3. Frequency Distributions
    st one is -27%. Let's use 6 non-overlapping intervals, each with a width of 10%. The first interval starts at -27% and the last one ends at 33%. Therefore, the entire range of the HPRs is covered. Hint: <span>If, in an examination, your relative frequency column does not sum to 1 (or 100%), you know that you have made a mistake. <span><body><html>

    Flashcard 1636515319052

    [...] specify where data are centered.
    Measures of central tendency

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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    Measures of central tendency specify where data are centered. They attempt to use a typical value to represent all the observations in the data set. Population Mean The population mean is the average for a finite populatio

    Flashcard 1636517678348

    #has-images #reading-8-statistical-concepts-and-market-returns

    The population mean formula


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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    head><head> Measures of central tendency specify where data are centered. They attempt to use a typical value to represent all the observations in the data set. Population Mean The population mean is the average for a finite population. It is unique; a given population has only one mean. where: N = the number of observations in the entire population X i = the ith observation ΣX i = add up X i , where i is from 0 to

    Flashcard 1636522396940

    #has-images #reading-8-statistical-concepts-and-market-returns

    Sample Mean Formula


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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    que; a given population has only one mean. where: N = the number of observations in the entire population X i = the ith observation ΣX i = add up X i , where i is from 0 to N <span>Sample Mean The sample mean is the average for a sample. It is a statistic and is used to estimate the population mean. where n = the number of observations in the sample Arithmetic Mean The arithmetic mean is what is commonly called the a

    Flashcard 1636524756236

    The population mean and sample mean are both examples of the [...] mean.

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    stic and is used to estimate the population mean. where n = the number of observations in the sample Arithmetic Mean The arithmetic mean is what is commonly called the average. <span>The population mean and sample mean are both examples of the arithmetic mean. If the data set encompasses an entire population, the arithmetic mean is called a population mean. If the data set includes a sample of values taken from a population, the

    Flashcard 1636531834124

    What is the most widely used measure of central tendency?
    Arithmetic mean

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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    an. If the data set encompasses an entire population, the arithmetic mean is called a population mean. If the data set includes a sample of values taken from a population, the arithmetic mean is called a sample mean. <span>This is the most widely used measure of central tendency. When the word "mean" is used without a modifier, it can be assumed to refer to the arithmetic mean. The mean is the sum of all scores divided by the number of scores. It is us

    Flashcard 1636536552716

    All [...] and [...] (measurement scales) data sets have an arithmetic mean.


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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    e assumed to refer to the arithmetic mean. The mean is the sum of all scores divided by the number of scores. It is used to measure the prospective (expected future) performance (return) of an investment over a number of periods. <span>All interval and ratio data sets (e.g., incomes, ages, rates of return) have an arithmetic mean. All data values are considered and included in the arithmetic mean computation. A data set has only one arithmetic mean. This indicates that the mean is unique. The arithmetic mean is t

    Flashcard 1636542844172

    The [...] is the only measure of central tendency where the sum of the deviations of each value from the mean is always zero.
    arithmetic mean

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    d ratio data sets (e.g., incomes, ages, rates of return) have an arithmetic mean. All data values are considered and included in the arithmetic mean computation. A data set has only one arithmetic mean. This indicates that the mean is unique. <span>The arithmetic mean is the only measure of central tendency where the sum of the deviations of each value from the mean is always zero. Deviation from the arithmetic mean is the distance between the mean and an observation in the data set. The arithmetic mean has the following disadvantages: Th

    Flashcard 1636545203468

    [...] from the arithmetic mean is the distance between the mean and an observation in the data set.

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    thmetic mean computation. A data set has only one arithmetic mean. This indicates that the mean is unique. The arithmetic mean is the only measure of central tendency where the sum of the deviations of each value from the mean is always zero. <span>Deviation from the arithmetic mean is the distance between the mean and an observation in the data set. The arithmetic mean has the following disadvantages: The mean can be affected by extremes, that is, unusually large or small values. The mean cannot be determi

    Flashcard 1636547562764


    The arithmetic mean has the following disadvantages:

    • The mean can be [...]
    affected by extremes.

    unusually large or small values.

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    etic mean is the only measure of central tendency where the sum of the deviations of each value from the mean is always zero. Deviation from the arithmetic mean is the distance between the mean and an observation in the data set. <span>The arithmetic mean has the following disadvantages: The mean can be affected by extremes, that is, unusually large or small values. The mean cannot be determined for an open-ended data set (i.e., n is unknown). Geometric Mean The geometric mean has three important

    Flashcard 1636554902796


    The geometric mean has two important properties:

    • It exists [...]
    • It is always less than the arithmetic mean if values in the data set are not equal.
    only if all the observations are greater than or equal to zero.

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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    s: The mean can be affected by extremes, that is, unusually large or small values. The mean cannot be determined for an open-ended data set (i.e., n is unknown). Geometric Mean <span>The geometric mean has three important properties: It exists only if all the observations are greater than or equal to zero. In other words, it cannot be determined if any value of the data set is zero or negative. If values in the data set are all equal, both the arithmetic and geometric means will be equal to that value. It is always less than the arithmetic mean if values in the data set are not equal. It is typically used when calculating returns over multiple periods. It is a better measure of the compound growth rate of an investment. When returns are variable by perio

    Flashcard 1636557262092

    Which mean is typically used when calculating returns over multiple periods.
    Geometric mean

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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    f the data set is zero or negative. If values in the data set are all equal, both the arithmetic and geometric means will be equal to that value. It is always less than the arithmetic mean if values in the data set are not equal. <span>It is typically used when calculating returns over multiple periods. It is a better measure of the compound growth rate of an investment. When returns are variable by period, the geometric mean will always be less than the arithmetic mean. The more dispe

    Flashcard 1636559621388

    When returns are variable by period, the geometric mean will always be [...] than the arithmetic mean.

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    value. It is always less than the arithmetic mean if values in the data set are not equal. It is typically used when calculating returns over multiple periods. It is a better measure of the compound growth rate of an investment. <span>When returns are variable by period, the geometric mean will always be less than the arithmetic mean. The more dispersed the rates of returns, the greater the difference between the two. This measurement is not as highly influenced by extreme values as the arithmetic mean.

    Flashcard 1636561980684

    The more [...] the rates of returns, the greater the difference between Arithmetic and Geometric mean.

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    ; It is typically used when calculating returns over multiple periods. It is a better measure of the compound growth rate of an investment. When returns are variable by period, the geometric mean will always be less than the arithmetic mean. <span>The more dispersed the rates of returns, the greater the difference between the two. This measurement is not as highly influenced by extreme values as the arithmetic mean. Weighted Mean The weighted mean is computed by weighting each observed v

    Flashcard 1636564602124

    Which measurement is more highly influenced by extreme values, the arithmetic mean or geometric mean?

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    r measure of the compound growth rate of an investment. When returns are variable by period, the geometric mean will always be less than the arithmetic mean. The more dispersed the rates of returns, the greater the difference between the two. <span>This measurement is not as highly influenced by extreme values as the arithmetic mean. Weighted Mean The weighted mean is computed by weighting each observed value according to its importance. In contrast, the arithmetic mean assigns equal weight

    Flashcard 1636566961420

    The [...] is computed by weighting each observed value according to its importance.
    weighted mean

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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    less than the arithmetic mean. The more dispersed the rates of returns, the greater the difference between the two. This measurement is not as highly influenced by extreme values as the arithmetic mean. Weighted Mean <span>The weighted mean is computed by weighting each observed value according to its importance. In contrast, the arithmetic mean assigns equal weight to each value. Notice that the return of a portfolio is the weighted mean of the returns of individual assets in the portfolio. The

    Flashcard 1636569320716

    the return of a portfolio is the [...] of the returns of individual assets in the portfolio.
    weighted mean

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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    alues as the arithmetic mean. Weighted Mean The weighted mean is computed by weighting each observed value according to its importance. In contrast, the arithmetic mean assigns equal weight to each value. Notice that <span>the return of a portfolio is the weighted mean of the returns of individual assets in the portfolio. The assets are weighted on their market values relative to the market value of the portfolio. When we take a weighted average of forward-looking data, the weighted mean is called expect

    Flashcard 1636571942156

    When we take a weighted average of forward-looking data, the weighted mean is called [...]
    expected value.

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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    assigns equal weight to each value. Notice that the return of a portfolio is the weighted mean of the returns of individual assets in the portfolio. The assets are weighted on their market values relative to the market value of the portfolio. <span>When we take a weighted average of forward-looking data, the weighted mean is called expected value. Example A year ago, a certain share had a price of $6. Six months ago, the same share had a price of $6.20. The share is now trading at $7.50. Because the most

    Flashcard 1636574301452

    The median is the value that [...]
    stands in the middle of the data set, and divides it into two equal halves

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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    ice inflates the weighted mean relative to the un-weighted mean. Median In English, the word "mediate" means to go between or to stand in the middle of two groups, in order to act as a referee, so to speak. <span>The median does the same thing; it is the value that stands in the middle of the data set, and divides it into two equal halves, with an equal number of data values in each half. To determine the median, arrange the data from highest to lowest (or lowest to highest) and find the middle observation.

    Flashcard 1636576660748

    To determine the median the first step is to [...]
    arrange the data from highest to lowest (or lowest to highest)

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    groups, in order to act as a referee, so to speak. The median does the same thing; it is the value that stands in the middle of the data set, and divides it into two equal halves, with an equal number of data values in each half. <span>To determine the median, arrange the data from highest to lowest (or lowest to highest) and find the middle observation. If there are an odd number of observations in the data set, the median is the middle observation (n + 1)/2 of the data set. If the number of observation

    Flashcard 1636579020044

    Second step in finding the median
    find the middle observation.

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    value that stands in the middle of the data set, and divides it into two equal halves, with an equal number of data values in each half. To determine the median, arrange the data from highest to lowest (or lowest to highest) and <span>find the middle observation. If there are an odd number of observations in the data set, the median is the middle observation (n + 1)/2 of the data set. If the number of observations is even, there is no single mid

    Flashcard 1636617817356

    If there are an odd number of observations in the data set, the median formula is [...]
    (n + 1)/2

    The middle observation

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    dle of the data set, and divides it into two equal halves, with an equal number of data values in each half. To determine the median, arrange the data from highest to lowest (or lowest to highest) and find the middle observation. <span>If there are an odd number of observations in the data set, the median is the middle observation (n + 1)/2 of the data set. If the number of observations is even, there is no single middle observation (there are two, actually). To find the median, take the arithmetic mean of the two middle o

    Flashcard 1636620963084

    If the number of observations is even, how do you find the median?
    Take the arithmetic mean of the two middle observations.

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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    determine the median, arrange the data from highest to lowest (or lowest to highest) and find the middle observation. If there are an odd number of observations in the data set, the median is the middle observation (n + 1)/2 of the data set. <span>If the number of observations is even, there is no single middle observation (there are two, actually). To find the median, take the arithmetic mean of the two middle observations. The median is less sensitive to extreme scores than the mean. This makes it a better measure than the mean for highly skewed distributions. Looking at median income is usua

    Flashcard 1636623322380

    For highly skewed distributions what is a better measure of central tendency, the mean or the median?
    the median because it is less sensitive to extreme scores than the mean.

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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    he middle observation (n + 1)/2 of the data set. If the number of observations is even, there is no single middle observation (there are two, actually). To find the median, take the arithmetic mean of the two middle observations. <span>The median is less sensitive to extreme scores than the mean. This makes it a better measure than the mean for highly skewed distributions. Looking at median income is usually more informative than looking at mean income, for example. The sum of the absolute deviations of each number from the median is lower than the sum of

    Flashcard 1636625681676

    Looking at [...] income is usually more informative than looking at [...] income


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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    , actually). To find the median, take the arithmetic mean of the two middle observations. The median is less sensitive to extreme scores than the mean. This makes it a better measure than the mean for highly skewed distributions. <span>Looking at median income is usually more informative than looking at mean income, for example. The sum of the absolute deviations of each number from the median is lower than the sum of absolute deviations from any other number. Note that whenever you c

    Flashcard 1636632759564

    Mode is the [...] score in a distribution.
    most frequently occurring

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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    a median, it is imperative that you place the data in order first. It does not matter whether you order the data from smallest to largest or from largest to smallest, but it does matter that you order the data. Mode <span>Mode means fashion. The mode is the "most fashionable" number in a data set; it is the most frequently occurring score in a distribution and is used as a measure of central tendency. A set of data can have more than one mode, or even no mode. When all values are different, the data set has no mode. When a distribution has one value that appears most frequently, it i

    Flashcard 1636635118860

    A set of data can have [...] mode, or even [...].
    more than one

    no mode

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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    ou order the data. Mode Mode means fashion. The mode is the "most fashionable" number in a data set; it is the most frequently occurring score in a distribution and is used as a measure of central tendency. <span>A set of data can have more than one mode, or even no mode. When all values are different, the data set has no mode. When a distribution has one value that appears most frequently, it is said to be unimodal. A data set that has two modes is said

    Flashcard 1636637478156

    When all values are different, the data doen's have a [...]

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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    fashion. The mode is the "most fashionable" number in a data set; it is the most frequently occurring score in a distribution and is used as a measure of central tendency. A set of data can have more than one mode, or even no mode. <span>When all values are different, the data set has no mode. When a distribution has one value that appears most frequently, it is said to be unimodal. A data set that has two modes is said to be bimodal. The advantage of the mode a

    Flashcard 1636641410316

    Which is the only measure of central tendency that can be used with nominal data.

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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    to be unimodal. A data set that has two modes is said to be bimodal. The advantage of the mode as a measure of central tendency is that its meaning is obvious. Like the median, the mode is not affected by extreme values. Further, <span>it is the only measure of central tendency that can be used with nominal data. The mode is greatly subject to sample fluctuations and, therefore, is not recommended for use as the only measure of central tendency. A further disadvantage of the mode is that many di

    Flashcard 1636652420364

    Mode helps to identify [...] and [...] of distribution.
    shape and skewness

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    Subject 4. Measures of Center Tendency
    ric distributions. The mean is higher than the median in positively skewed distributions and lower than the median in negatively skewed distributions. Extreme values affect the value of the mean, while the median is less affected by outliers. <span>Mode helps to identify shape and skewness of distribution.<span><body><html>

    Flashcard 1636817308940

    In addition to permitting ranking and addition or subtraction, ratio scales allow [...].
    computation of meaningful ratios

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    In addition to permitting ranking and addition or subtraction, ratio scales allow computation of meaningful ratios.

    Original toplevel document

    Subject 2. Measurement Scales
    s in temperature, but a temperature of 30°F is not twice as warm as one of 15°F. Ratio Scale Ratio scales are like interval scales except that they have true zero points. This is the strongest measurement scale. <span>In addition to permitting ranking and addition or subtraction, ratio scales allow computation of meaningful ratios. A good example is the Kelvin scale of temperature. This scale has an absolute zero. Thus, a temperature of 300°K is twice as high as a temperature of 150°K. Two financial examples of ra

    Flashcard 1636819668236

    In a frequency distribution It is important to consider [...] to be used.
    the number of intervals

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    In a frequency distribution It is important to consider the number of intervals to be used. If too few intervals are used, too much data may be summarized and we may lose important characteristics; if too many intervals are used, we may not summarize enough.

    Original toplevel document

    Subject 3. Frequency Distributions
    that: Each observation can only lie in one interval. The total number of intervals will incorporate the whole population. The range for an interval is unique. This means a value (observation) can only fall into one interval. <span>It is important to consider the number of intervals to be used. If too few intervals are used, too much data may be summarized and we may lose important characteristics; if too many intervals are used, we may not summarize enough. A frequency distribution is constructed by dividing the scores into intervals and counting the number of scores in each interval. The actual number of scores and the percent

    Flashcard 1636834086156

    The classes in a frequency distribution must be [...] and [...]
    mutually exclusive

    of equal size.

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    data into a frequency distribution together with suggestions on constructing the frequency distribution. Identify the highest and lowest values of the observations. Setup classes (groups into which data is divided). <span>The classes must be mutually exclusive and of equal size. Add up the number of observations and assign each observation to its class. Count the number of observations in each class. This is called the class freque

    Original toplevel document

    Subject 3. Frequency Distributions
    by the total number of observations. Cumulative absolute frequency and cumulative relative frequency are the results from cumulating the absolute and relative frequencies as we move from the first to the last interval. <span>The following steps are required when organizing data into a frequency distribution together with suggestions on constructing the frequency distribution. Identify the highest and lowest values of the observations. Setup classes (groups into which data is divided). The classes must be mutually exclusive and of equal size. Add up the number of observations and assign each observation to its class. Count the number of observations in each class. This is called the class frequency. Data can be divided into two types: discrete and continuous. Discrete: The values in the data set can be counted. There are distinct spaces between the values, such as

    Flashcard 1637167795468

    These values can be measured using sufficiently accurate tools to numerous decimal places.
    Continuous data

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    ts of decimal places involved and (theoretically, at least) there are no gaps between permissible values (i.e., all values can be included in the data set). Examples would include the height of a person and the time to complete an assignment. <span>These values can be measured using sufficiently accurate tools to numerous decimal places.<span><body><html>

    Original toplevel document

    Subject 3. Frequency Distributions
    ed into two types: discrete and continuous. Discrete: The values in the data set can be counted. There are distinct spaces between the values, such as the number of children in a family or the number of shares comprising an index. <span>Continuous: The values in the data set can be measured. There are normally lots of decimal places involved and (theoretically, at least) there are no gaps between permissible values (i.e., all values can be included in the data set). Examples would include the height of a person and the time to complete an assignment. These values can be measured using sufficiently accurate tools to numerous decimal places. There are two methods that graphically represent continuous data: histograms and frequency polygons. 1. A histogram is a bar chart that displays a frequency distributi

    Flashcard 1637170154764

    Examples [...] data would include the height of a person and the time to complete an assignment.

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    an>Continuous: The values in the data set can be measured. There are normally lots of decimal places involved and (theoretically, at least) there are no gaps between permissible values (i.e., all values can be included in the data set). Examples would include the height of a person and the time to complete an assignment. These values can be measured using sufficiently accurate tools to numerous decimal places.<span><body><html>

    Original toplevel document

    Subject 3. Frequency Distributions
    ed into two types: discrete and continuous. Discrete: The values in the data set can be counted. There are distinct spaces between the values, such as the number of children in a family or the number of shares comprising an index. <span>Continuous: The values in the data set can be measured. There are normally lots of decimal places involved and (theoretically, at least) there are no gaps between permissible values (i.e., all values can be included in the data set). Examples would include the height of a person and the time to complete an assignment. These values can be measured using sufficiently accurate tools to numerous decimal places. There are two methods that graphically represent continuous data: histograms and frequency polygons. 1. A histogram is a bar chart that displays a frequency distributi

    Flashcard 1637172514060

    [...] : The values in the data set can be measured.

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    Open it
    Continuous: The values in the data set can be measured. There are normally lots of decimal places involved and (theoretically, at least) there are no gaps between permissible values (i.e., all values can be included in the data set). Example

    Original toplevel document

    Subject 3. Frequency Distributions
    ed into two types: discrete and continuous. Discrete: The values in the data set can be counted. There are distinct spaces between the values, such as the number of children in a family or the number of shares comprising an index. <span>Continuous: The values in the data set can be measured. There are normally lots of decimal places involved and (theoretically, at least) there are no gaps between permissible values (i.e., all values can be included in the data set). Examples would include the height of a person and the time to complete an assignment. These values can be measured using sufficiently accurate tools to numerous decimal places. There are two methods that graphically represent continuous data: histograms and frequency polygons. 1. A histogram is a bar chart that displays a frequency distributi

    Flashcard 1637607935244

    A class. is also called an [...]

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    Subject 3. Frequency Distributions
    with individual numbers becomes laborious and messy. In such circumstances, it is neater and more convenient to summarize results into what is known as a frequency table. The data in the display is called a frequency distribution. <span>An interval, also called a class, is a set of values within which an observation falls. Each interval has a lower limit and an upper limit. Intervals must be all-inclusive and non-overlapping. A frequency distribution is a tabular display of data categor

    Flashcard 1641027865868


    How do you calculate the range (Range = [...] )

    (second step in frequency distribution)

    Maximum value − Minimum value

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    Frequency distribution steps
    Construction of a Frequency Distribution. Sort (in ascending order) Calculate the range (Range = Maximum value − Minimum value) Intervals creation (decide the number you will put in the frequency distribution, k.) Width determination ( interval width = Range/k.) Ad

    Flashcard 1641047002380

    Starting from small K to larger, what give you the cue there are too many?
    if a lot of the intervals are mostly empty

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    Flashcard 1641048837388

    When choosing k we need to keep in mind that the purpose of a frequency distribution is to [...]
    summarize the data.

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    Flashcard 1641051458828

    The arithmetic mean can be likened to [...]
    the center of gravity of an object.

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    Flashcard 1641053293836

    How is the distance between the mean and each outcome called ?

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    Flashcard 1641055128844

    Mathematically, it is always true that the sum of the deviations around the mean equals [...]

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    Flashcard 1641056963852

    Deviations from the arithmetic mean are important information because they indicate [...]

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    Flashcard 1641058798860

    The concept of [...] forms the foundation for the more complex concepts of variance, skewness, and kurtosis
    deviations around the mean

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    Flashcard 1641066138892

    In an even-numbered sample, we define the median as the mean of the values of items occupying the [...] and [...] positions

    (n + 2)/2

    (the two middle items)

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    Flashcard 1641071643916

    What does it mean that the median is less mathematically tractable than the mean.
    Calculating the median is more complex, order the observations from smallest to largest, determine whether the sample size is even or odd and, on that basis, apply one of two calculations

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    Flashcard 1641074003212

    Stock return data and other data from [...] distributions may not have a modal outcome

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    Flashcard 1641077673228

    The modal interval always has the [...] in the histogram.
    highest bar

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    Flashcard 1641081343244

    In the arithmetic mean, all observations are equally weighted by the factor [...]
    1/n (or 1/N)

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    Flashcard 1641083178252

    An average in which each observation is weighted by an index of its relative importance.
    Weighted mean

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    Flashcard 1641085013260

    The weighted mean ¯¯¯Xw , for a set of observations X1, X2, …, Xn with corresponding weights of w1, w2, …, wn is computed as:

    \(\bar{X}_w = \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n W_iX_i\)

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    Flashcard 1641096023308

    Market indexes are computed as [...]
    weighted averages.

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    Flashcard 1641097858316

    When we take a weighted average of forward-looking data, the weighted mean is called [...]

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    Flashcard 1641099693324

    The probability-weighted average of the possible outcomes of a random variable.

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    Flashcard 1641108868364

    Geometric mean formula

    G= [...]


    with Xi ≥ 0 for i=1,2,…,n

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    Flashcard 1641111489804

    A measure of central tendency computed by taking the nth root of the product of n non-negative values.
    Geometric mean

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    Flashcard 1641115159820

    Se puede calcular la media geometrica si un valor es 0

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    Flashcard 1641116994828

    How do you solve the condition for geometric mean when there are negative returns?
    You add 1 to every return (-100% is as low as it can get) and substract 1 at the end

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    Flashcard 1641121451276

    Because geometric mean returns use time series, we use a [...] in the RG
    t indexing time as well

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    Flashcard 1641124334860

    RG = [...]
    T√(1+R1)(1+R2)…(1+RT) -1

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    Flashcard 1641126956300

    Geometric mean returns are also referred to as [...]
    compound returns.

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    Flashcard 1641129577740

    the geometric mean is always [...] to the arithmetic mean.
    less than or equal

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    Flashcard 1641131412748

    The only time the two means (Geometric and Arithmetic) will be equal is when [...]
    all the observations in the series are the same

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    Flashcard 1641133509900

    The difference between the arithmetic and geometric means increases with [...]
    the variability in the period-by-period observations.

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    Flashcard 1641140325644

    A type of weighted mean computed by averaging the reciprocals of the observations, then taking the reciprocal of that average.
    Harmonic Mean

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    Flashcard 1641147141388

    The harmonic mean may be viewed as a special type of weighted mean in which an observation’s weight is [...]
    inversely proportional to its magnitude.

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    Flashcard 1641148976396

    The periodic investment of a fixed amount of money.
    Cost averaging

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    Flashcard 1641158937868

    What is a good example on when to use the Harmonic Mean?
    Cost Averaging (lo que hiciste con Javier)

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    Flashcard 1641167588620

    If talking about a Survey is it a population or a sample?

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    Flashcard 1641171520780

    When in a histograms there are only midpoints showing how do you find out the interval width?
    substract any Midpoint - Midpoint-1 and you have the interval width.

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    Flashcard 1641173355788

    What is class mark in a Frequency distribution?
    The average of the values of the class limits

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    Flashcard 1641185414412

    Given a set of observations, how many observations lie below the 33th percentile?

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    Flashcard 1641189870860

    We know that the median divides a distribution in half. We can define other dividing lines that split the distribution into smaller sizes called [...]

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    Flashcard 1641193540876


    The value of Ly may or may not be a [...]

    whole number.

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    Flashcard 1641195375884


    In general, as the sample size increases, the percentile location calculation becomes [...]

    more accurate;

    in small samples it may be quite approximate.​​​​​​​

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    Flashcard 1641197210892


    When the location, Ly, is a whole number, the location corresponds to [...]

    an actual observation.

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    Flashcard 1641199045900


    When Ly is not a whole number or integer, Ly lies [...]

    between the two closest integer numbers

    (one above and one below)​​​​​​​

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
    repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1641200880908


    When Ly is not a whole number or integer, Ly lies between the two closest integer numbers (one above and one below), and we use [...] between those two places to determine Py.

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1641202715916


    The estimation of an unknown value on the basis of two known values that bracket it, using a straight line between the two known values.

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
    repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1644299422988

    The mean tells us where returns are centered but, to completely understand an investment, we also need to know how returns are [...]
    dispersed around the mean.

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1644301257996

    [...] is the variability around the central tendency.

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
    repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1644304928012

    The most common measures of dispersion: mean absolute deviation, [...], range and [...]

    standard deviation.

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1644306763020

    The amount of variability present without comparison to any reference point or benchmark.
    Absolute Dispersion

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1644308598028

    The [...] or [...] of return is often used as a measure of risk pioneered by Nobel laureate Harry Markowitz.

    standard deviation

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1644310695180

    The simplest of all the measures of dispersion is [...]

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1644312005900

    Range can be computed with [...] or [...] data.


    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
    repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1644315413772

    The difference between the maximum and minimum values in a dataset.

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
    repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1644317248780

    • Range = [...]

    Maximum value – Minimum value  

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1644319083788


    how the data are distributed is called the [...]

    shape of the distribution

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
    repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1644322753804

    The interquartile range is a [...]
    distance measure of dispersion

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Interquartile Range
    Another distance measure of dispersion that we may encounter, the interquartile range, focuses on the middle rather than the extremes. The interquartile range (IQR) is the difference between the third and first quartiles o

    Flashcard 1644327472396

    The interquartile range (IQR) is the difference between [...]
    the third and first quartiles of a data set

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
    repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Interquartile Range
    Another distance measure of dispersion that we may encounter, the interquartile range, focuses on the middle rather than the extremes. The interquartile range (IQR) is the difference between the third and first quartiles of a data set: IQR = Q 3 − Q 1 . The IQR represents the length of the interval containing the middle 50 percent of the data, with a larger interquartile range indicating greater dispersion, all else

    Flashcard 1644329831692

    IQR = [...]

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
    repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Interquartile Range
    span>Another distance measure of dispersion that we may encounter, the interquartile range, focuses on the middle rather than the extremes. The interquartile range (IQR) is the difference between the third and first quartiles of a data set: <span>IQR = Q 3 − Q 1 . The IQR represents the length of the interval containing the middle 50 percent of the data, with a larger interquartile range indicating greater dispersion, all else equal.</sp

    Flashcard 1644332190988

    The IQR represents the length of the interval containing [...] of the data,
    the middle 50 percent

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
    repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Interquartile Range
    ce measure of dispersion that we may encounter, the interquartile range, focuses on the middle rather than the extremes. The interquartile range (IQR) is the difference between the third and first quartiles of a data set: IQR = Q 3 − Q 1 . <span>The IQR represents the length of the interval containing the middle 50 percent of the data, with a larger interquartile range indicating greater dispersion, all else equal.<span><body><html>

    Flashcard 1644334550284

    All else equal, a larger interquartile range indicaties [...]
    greater dispersion.

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
    repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Interquartile Range
    le rather than the extremes. The interquartile range (IQR) is the difference between the third and first quartiles of a data set: IQR = Q 3 − Q 1 . The IQR represents the length of the interval containing the middle 50 percent of the data, <span>with a larger interquartile range indicating greater dispersion, all else equal.<span><body><html>

    Flashcard 1644340579596


    With reference to a sample, the mean of the absolute values of deviations from the sample mean.

    Mean Absolute Deviation

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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1644351851788

    #has-images #reading-8-statistical-concepts-and-market-returns

    The mean absolute deviation formula

    MAD = [...]


    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
    repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill
    Subject 6. Measures of Dispersion
    artile range. Example The range of the numbers 1, 2, 4, 6,12,15,19, 26 = 26 - 1 = 25 Recall that the deviation from the arithmetic mean is the distance between the mean and an observation in the data set. <span>The mean absolute deviation (MAD) is the arithmetic average of the absolute deviations around the mean. In calculating the MAD, we ignore the signs of deviations around the mean. Remember that the sum of all the deviations from the mean is equal to

    Flashcard 1644353424652


    The mean absolute deviation (MAD) is the [...] of [...]

    arithmetic average

    the absolute deviations around the mean.

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
    repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill
    Subject 6. Measures of Dispersion
    artile range. Example The range of the numbers 1, 2, 4, 6,12,15,19, 26 = 26 - 1 = 25 Recall that the deviation from the arithmetic mean is the distance between the mean and an observation in the data set. <span>The mean absolute deviation (MAD) is the arithmetic average of the absolute deviations around the mean. In calculating the MAD, we ignore the signs of deviations around the mean. Remember that the sum of all the deviations from the mean is equal to

    Flashcard 1644356046092


    In calculating MAD, we ignore [...] of the deviations around the mean.

    the signs

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1644357881100


    One technical drawback of MAD is that it is difficult to manipulate mathematically compared with the [...] .


    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
    repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1644362075404


    A second approach to the treatment of deviations adding up to 0 is to [...]

    square them.

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1644363910412


    The expected value of squared deviations from a random variable’s expected value.


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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1644366007564


    [...] is defined as the average of the squared deviations around the mean


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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1644367842572


    [...] is the positive square root of the variance.

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

    Flashcard 1644369677580


    The positive square root of the variance; a measure of dispersion in the same units as the original data.

    statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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    scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill