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Flashcard 1432377756940

#italian #italian-grammar
When one person, object or activity is compared with another a [...] form is used.

mia figlia nuota meglio della sua ‘my daughter swims better than hers’;

la pasta napoletana è migliore di quella siciliana ‘Neapolitan pasta is better than Sicilian pasta’.

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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When one person, object or activity is compared with another a comparative form is used: mia figlia nuota meglio della sua ‘my daughter swims better than hers’; la pasta napoletana è migliore di quella siciliana ‘Neapolitan pasta is better than Sicilian pasta’

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Flashcard 1432409738508

#italian #italian-grammar
A noun is [...] if it can normally be used in both singular and plural, and take the indefinite article un, una (etc.)

un bicchiere ‘a glass’; una pizza ‘a pizza’.

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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A noun is countable if it can normally be used in both singular and plural, and take the indefinite article un, una (etc.): un bicchiere ‘a glass’; una pizza ‘a pizza’. Whereas an uncountable noun is one w

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Flashcard 1432701242636

#italian #italian-grammar
With [...], there is not always an obvious explanation for their gender.
non-animate objects

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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With non-animate objects, there is not always an obvious explanation for their gender.

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Flashcard 1439261920524

#eximbank #fees #octopus #usa
Letter of interest: $[...] for online application; $ [...]for paper application via mail and fax.

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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Letter of interest: $50 for online application; $100 for paper application via mail and fax.

Original toplevel document

Government-Assisted Foreign Buyer Financing (Eximbank USA)
disbursement of a loan to the foreign buyers. Generally, goods shipped by sea must be carried exclusively on U.S. vessels. Direct loans are best used when the buyer insists on a fixed rate. <span>Fees and Ex-Im Bank Contact Information Letter of interest: $50 for online application; $100 for paper application via mail and fax. Preliminary commitment: 0.1 of 1 percent of the financed amount up to $25,000. Guarantee commitment: 0.125 percent per year on the undisbursed balance of the loan. Direct loan commitment: 0.5 percent per year on the undisbursed balance of the loan. Exposure fee: varies, depending upon tenor, country risk, and buyer credit risk. For more information about loans from Ex-Im Bank, visit its Web site at www.exim.gov or call 1-800-565-EXIM (3946). <span><body><html>

Flashcard 1439277124876

#eximbank #fees #octopus #usa

Letter of interest


Guarantee commitment


Exposure fee

Preliminary commitment

Direct loan commitment

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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Letter of interest: $50 for online application; $100 for paper application via mail and fax. Preliminary commitment: 0.1 of 1 percent of the financed amount up to $25,000. Guarantee commitment: 0.125 percent per year on the undisbursed balance of the loan. Direct loan commit

Original toplevel document

Government-Assisted Foreign Buyer Financing (Eximbank USA)
disbursement of a loan to the foreign buyers. Generally, goods shipped by sea must be carried exclusively on U.S. vessels. Direct loans are best used when the buyer insists on a fixed rate. <span>Fees and Ex-Im Bank Contact Information Letter of interest: $50 for online application; $100 for paper application via mail and fax. Preliminary commitment: 0.1 of 1 percent of the financed amount up to $25,000. Guarantee commitment: 0.125 percent per year on the undisbursed balance of the loan. Direct loan commitment: 0.5 percent per year on the undisbursed balance of the loan. Exposure fee: varies, depending upon tenor, country risk, and buyer credit risk. For more information about loans from Ex-Im Bank, visit its Web site at www.exim.gov or call 1-800-565-EXIM (3946). <span><body><html>

Flashcard 1439578328332

#aspectos-generales #beneficios #immex #mexico #octopus

Los bienes están agrupados bajo las siguientes 3 categorías:

  1. [...], partes y componentes que se vayan a destinar totalmente a integrar mercancías de exportación; combustibles, lubricantes y otros materiales que se vayan a consumir durante el proceso productivo de la mercancía de exportación; envases y empaques; etiquetas y folletos.
Materias primas

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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Los bienes están agrupados bajo las siguientes categorías: Materias primas, partes y componentes que se vayan a destinar totalmente a integrar mercancías de exportación; combustibles, lubricantes y otros materiales que se vayan a consumir durante el proceso pr

Original toplevel document

Decreto IMMEX
iladora de Exportación (Maquila) y el que Establece Programas de Importación Temporal para Producir Artículos de Exportación (PITEX), cuyas empresas representan en su conjunto el 85% de las exportaciones manufactureras de México. <span>ASPECTOS GENERALES Definición: El Programa IMMEX es un instrumento mediante el cual se permite importar temporalmente los bienes necesarios para ser utilizados en un proceso industrial o de servicio destinado a la elaboración, transformación o reparación de mercancías de procedencia extranjera importadas temporalmente para su exportación o a la prestación de servicios de exportación, sin cubrir el pago del impuesto general de importación, del impuesto al valor agregado y, en su caso, de las cuotas compensatorias Beneficiarios: La Secretaría de Economía (SE) podrá autorizar a las personas morales residentes en territorio nacional a que se refiere la fracción II del artículo 9 del Código Fiscal de la Federación, que tributen de conformidad con el Título II de la Ley del Impuesto sobre la Renta, un solo Programa IMMEX, que puede incluir las modalidades de controladora de empresas, industrial, servicios, albergue y terciarización, siempre que cumplan con los requisitos previstos en el Decreto para el Fomento de la Industria Manufacturera, Maquiladora y de Servicios de Exportación (Decreto IMMEX), publicado en el Diario Oficial e la Federación el 1 de noviembre de 2006. Beneficios: El Programa IMMEX brinda a sus titulares la posibilidad de importar temporalmente libre de impuestos a la importación y del IVA, los bienes necesarios para ser utilizados en un proceso industrial o de servicio destinado a la elaboración, transformación o reparación de mercancías de procedencia extranjera importadas temporalmente para su exportación o a la prestación de servicios de exportación. Estos bienes están agrupados bajo las siguientes categorías: Materias primas, partes y componentes que se vayan a destinar totalmente a integrar mercancías de exportación; combustibles, lubricantes y otros materiales que se vayan a consumir durante el proceso productivo de la mercancía de exportación; envases y empaques; etiquetas y folletos. Contenedores y cajas de trailers. Maquinaria, equipo, herramientas, instrumentos, moldes y refacciones destinadas al proceso productivo; equipos y aparatos para el control de la contaminación; para la investigación o capacitación, de seguridad industrial, de telecomunicación y cómputo, de laboratorio, de medición, de prueba de productos y control de calidad; así como aquéllos que intervengan en el manejo de materiales relacionados directamente con los bienes de exportación y otros vinculados con el proceso productivo; equipo para el desarrollo administrativo. Modalidades: Programa IMMEX Controladora de empresas, cuando en un mismo programa se integren las operaciones de manufactura de una empresa certificada denominada controladora y una o más sociedades controladas; Programa IMMEX Industrial, cuando se realice un proceso industrial de elaboración o transformación de mercancías destinadas a la exportación; Programa IMMEX Servicios, cuando se realicen servicios a mercancías de exportación o se presten servicios de exportación, únicamente para el desarrollo de las actividades que la Secretaría determine, previa opinión de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público; Programa IMMEX Albergue, cuando una o varias empresas extranjeras le faciliten la tecnología y el material productivo, sin que estas últimas operen directamente el Programa, y Programa IMMEX Terciarización, cuando una empresa certificada que no cuente con instalaciones para realizar procesos productivos, realice las operaciones de manufactura a través de terceros que registre en su Programa. La SE podrá aprobar de manera simultánea un Programa de Promoción Sectorial, de acuerdo con el tipo de productos que fabrica o a los servicios de exportación que realice, debiendo cumplir con la normatividad aplicable a los mismos. Tratándose de una empresa bajo la modalidad de servicios, únicamente podrá importar al amparo del Programa de Promoción Sectorial las mercancías a que se refiere el artículo 4, fracción III del presente Decreto, siempre que corresponda al sector en que sea registrada. Vigencia: La vigencia de los Programas IMMEX estará sujeta mientras el titular de los mismos continúe cumpliendo con los requisitos previstos para su otorgamiento y con las obligaciones establecidas en el Decreto. Plazos de permanencia: Los bienes importados temporalmente al amparo de un Programa IMMEX, podrán permanecer en territorio nacional por los plazos establecidos en el artículo 108 de la Ley Aduanera. Para las mercancías comprendidas en los Anexos II y III del Decreto IMMEX, cuando se importen como materia prima, el plazo de permanencia será hasta por doce meses. Tratándose de las mercancías que se encuentran comprendidas en el Anexo III del Decreto IMMEX, cuando se importen como materia prima, únicamente cuando se destinen a actividades bajo la modalidad de servicios, el plazo de permanencia será de hasta seis meses. No podrán ser importadas al amparo del Programa las mercancías señaladas en el Anexo I del Decreto IMMEX. Compromisos: Para gozar de los beneficios de un Programa IMMEX se deberá dar cumplimiento a los términos establecidos en el Decreto en la materia. La autorización del Programa se otorgará bajo el compromiso de realizar anualmente ventas al exterior por un valor superior a 500,000 dólares de los Estados Unidos de América, o su equivalente en moneda nacional, o bien, facturar exportaciones, cuando menos por el 10% de su facturación total. Reportes: El titular de un Programa IMMEX deberá presentar un reporte anual de forma electrónica, respecto del total de las ventas y de las exportaciones, correspondientes al ejercicio fiscal inmediato anterior, a más tardar el último día hábil del mes de mayo, conforme al formato que mediante Reglas y Criterios de Carácter General en Materia de Comercio Exterior dé a conocer la Secretaría de Economía. Adicionalmente, la empresa con Programa IMMEX deberá presentar la información que, para efectos estadísticos, se determine, en los términos que establezca la SE mediante Reglas y Criterios de Carácter General en Materia de Comercio Exterior. Para mayor información sobre este programa comunicarse al 01 800 410 2000 disponible para todo el país ó al buzón de la Secretaría de Economía en www.economia.gob.mx; o al teléfono 52-29-61-00, ext. 34347, Lic. Sergio Manríquez Fernández, Subdirector de Devolución de Impuestos. TRÁMITES Operación: Los trámites relativos al Programa IMMEX son gratuitos y pueden ser realizados en las ventanillas de atención al público de las Repre

Flashcard 1439592746252

#aspectos-generales #immex #mexico #modalidades #octopus

2. Programa IMMEX [...], cuando se realice un proceso industrial de elaboración o transformación de mercancías destinadas a la exportación;

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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y> Programa IMMEX Controladora de empresas, cuando en un mismo programa se integren las operaciones de manufactura de una empresa certificada denominada controladora y una o más sociedades controladas; Programa IMMEX Industrial, cuando se realice un proceso industrial de elaboración o transformación de mercancías destinadas a la exportación; Programa IMMEX Servicios, cuando se realicen servicios a mercancías d

Original toplevel document

Decreto IMMEX
iladora de Exportación (Maquila) y el que Establece Programas de Importación Temporal para Producir Artículos de Exportación (PITEX), cuyas empresas representan en su conjunto el 85% de las exportaciones manufactureras de México. <span>ASPECTOS GENERALES Definición: El Programa IMMEX es un instrumento mediante el cual se permite importar temporalmente los bienes necesarios para ser utilizados en un proceso industrial o de servicio destinado a la elaboración, transformación o reparación de mercancías de procedencia extranjera importadas temporalmente para su exportación o a la prestación de servicios de exportación, sin cubrir el pago del impuesto general de importación, del impuesto al valor agregado y, en su caso, de las cuotas compensatorias Beneficiarios: La Secretaría de Economía (SE) podrá autorizar a las personas morales residentes en territorio nacional a que se refiere la fracción II del artículo 9 del Código Fiscal de la Federación, que tributen de conformidad con el Título II de la Ley del Impuesto sobre la Renta, un solo Programa IMMEX, que puede incluir las modalidades de controladora de empresas, industrial, servicios, albergue y terciarización, siempre que cumplan con los requisitos previstos en el Decreto para el Fomento de la Industria Manufacturera, Maquiladora y de Servicios de Exportación (Decreto IMMEX), publicado en el Diario Oficial e la Federación el 1 de noviembre de 2006. Beneficios: El Programa IMMEX brinda a sus titulares la posibilidad de importar temporalmente libre de impuestos a la importación y del IVA, los bienes necesarios para ser utilizados en un proceso industrial o de servicio destinado a la elaboración, transformación o reparación de mercancías de procedencia extranjera importadas temporalmente para su exportación o a la prestación de servicios de exportación. Estos bienes están agrupados bajo las siguientes categorías: Materias primas, partes y componentes que se vayan a destinar totalmente a integrar mercancías de exportación; combustibles, lubricantes y otros materiales que se vayan a consumir durante el proceso productivo de la mercancía de exportación; envases y empaques; etiquetas y folletos. Contenedores y cajas de trailers. Maquinaria, equipo, herramientas, instrumentos, moldes y refacciones destinadas al proceso productivo; equipos y aparatos para el control de la contaminación; para la investigación o capacitación, de seguridad industrial, de telecomunicación y cómputo, de laboratorio, de medición, de prueba de productos y control de calidad; así como aquéllos que intervengan en el manejo de materiales relacionados directamente con los bienes de exportación y otros vinculados con el proceso productivo; equipo para el desarrollo administrativo. Modalidades: Programa IMMEX Controladora de empresas, cuando en un mismo programa se integren las operaciones de manufactura de una empresa certificada denominada controladora y una o más sociedades controladas; Programa IMMEX Industrial, cuando se realice un proceso industrial de elaboración o transformación de mercancías destinadas a la exportación; Programa IMMEX Servicios, cuando se realicen servicios a mercancías de exportación o se presten servicios de exportación, únicamente para el desarrollo de las actividades que la Secretaría determine, previa opinión de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público; Programa IMMEX Albergue, cuando una o varias empresas extranjeras le faciliten la tecnología y el material productivo, sin que estas últimas operen directamente el Programa, y Programa IMMEX Terciarización, cuando una empresa certificada que no cuente con instalaciones para realizar procesos productivos, realice las operaciones de manufactura a través de terceros que registre en su Programa. La SE podrá aprobar de manera simultánea un Programa de Promoción Sectorial, de acuerdo con el tipo de productos que fabrica o a los servicios de exportación que realice, debiendo cumplir con la normatividad aplicable a los mismos. Tratándose de una empresa bajo la modalidad de servicios, únicamente podrá importar al amparo del Programa de Promoción Sectorial las mercancías a que se refiere el artículo 4, fracción III del presente Decreto, siempre que corresponda al sector en que sea registrada. Vigencia: La vigencia de los Programas IMMEX estará sujeta mientras el titular de los mismos continúe cumpliendo con los requisitos previstos para su otorgamiento y con las obligaciones establecidas en el Decreto. Plazos de permanencia: Los bienes importados temporalmente al amparo de un Programa IMMEX, podrán permanecer en territorio nacional por los plazos establecidos en el artículo 108 de la Ley Aduanera. Para las mercancías comprendidas en los Anexos II y III del Decreto IMMEX, cuando se importen como materia prima, el plazo de permanencia será hasta por doce meses. Tratándose de las mercancías que se encuentran comprendidas en el Anexo III del Decreto IMMEX, cuando se importen como materia prima, únicamente cuando se destinen a actividades bajo la modalidad de servicios, el plazo de permanencia será de hasta seis meses. No podrán ser importadas al amparo del Programa las mercancías señaladas en el Anexo I del Decreto IMMEX. Compromisos: Para gozar de los beneficios de un Programa IMMEX se deberá dar cumplimiento a los términos establecidos en el Decreto en la materia. La autorización del Programa se otorgará bajo el compromiso de realizar anualmente ventas al exterior por un valor superior a 500,000 dólares de los Estados Unidos de América, o su equivalente en moneda nacional, o bien, facturar exportaciones, cuando menos por el 10% de su facturación total. Reportes: El titular de un Programa IMMEX deberá presentar un reporte anual de forma electrónica, respecto del total de las ventas y de las exportaciones, correspondientes al ejercicio fiscal inmediato anterior, a más tardar el último día hábil del mes de mayo, conforme al formato que mediante Reglas y Criterios de Carácter General en Materia de Comercio Exterior dé a conocer la Secretaría de Economía. Adicionalmente, la empresa con Programa IMMEX deberá presentar la información que, para efectos estadísticos, se determine, en los términos que establezca la SE mediante Reglas y Criterios de Carácter General en Materia de Comercio Exterior. Para mayor información sobre este programa comunicarse al 01 800 410 2000 disponible para todo el país ó al buzón de la Secretaría de Economía en www.economia.gob.mx; o al teléfono 52-29-61-00, ext. 34347, Lic. Sergio Manríquez Fernández, Subdirector de Devolución de Impuestos. TRÁMITES Operación: Los trámites relativos al Programa IMMEX son gratuitos y pueden ser realizados en las ventanillas de atención al público de las Repre

Flashcard 1439606115596

#aspectos-generales #immex #mexico #octopus
La vigencia de los Programas IMMEX estará sujeta [...] y con [...]
mientras el titular continúe cumpliendo con los requisitos previstos

las obligaciones establecidas en el Decreto.

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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Vigencia: La vigencia de los Programas IMMEX estará sujeta mientras el titular de los mismos continúe cumpliendo con los requisitos previstos para su otorgamiento y con las obligaciones establecidas en el Decreto.

Original toplevel document

Decreto IMMEX
iladora de Exportación (Maquila) y el que Establece Programas de Importación Temporal para Producir Artículos de Exportación (PITEX), cuyas empresas representan en su conjunto el 85% de las exportaciones manufactureras de México. <span>ASPECTOS GENERALES Definición: El Programa IMMEX es un instrumento mediante el cual se permite importar temporalmente los bienes necesarios para ser utilizados en un proceso industrial o de servicio destinado a la elaboración, transformación o reparación de mercancías de procedencia extranjera importadas temporalmente para su exportación o a la prestación de servicios de exportación, sin cubrir el pago del impuesto general de importación, del impuesto al valor agregado y, en su caso, de las cuotas compensatorias Beneficiarios: La Secretaría de Economía (SE) podrá autorizar a las personas morales residentes en territorio nacional a que se refiere la fracción II del artículo 9 del Código Fiscal de la Federación, que tributen de conformidad con el Título II de la Ley del Impuesto sobre la Renta, un solo Programa IMMEX, que puede incluir las modalidades de controladora de empresas, industrial, servicios, albergue y terciarización, siempre que cumplan con los requisitos previstos en el Decreto para el Fomento de la Industria Manufacturera, Maquiladora y de Servicios de Exportación (Decreto IMMEX), publicado en el Diario Oficial e la Federación el 1 de noviembre de 2006. Beneficios: El Programa IMMEX brinda a sus titulares la posibilidad de importar temporalmente libre de impuestos a la importación y del IVA, los bienes necesarios para ser utilizados en un proceso industrial o de servicio destinado a la elaboración, transformación o reparación de mercancías de procedencia extranjera importadas temporalmente para su exportación o a la prestación de servicios de exportación. Estos bienes están agrupados bajo las siguientes categorías: Materias primas, partes y componentes que se vayan a destinar totalmente a integrar mercancías de exportación; combustibles, lubricantes y otros materiales que se vayan a consumir durante el proceso productivo de la mercancía de exportación; envases y empaques; etiquetas y folletos. Contenedores y cajas de trailers. Maquinaria, equipo, herramientas, instrumentos, moldes y refacciones destinadas al proceso productivo; equipos y aparatos para el control de la contaminación; para la investigación o capacitación, de seguridad industrial, de telecomunicación y cómputo, de laboratorio, de medición, de prueba de productos y control de calidad; así como aquéllos que intervengan en el manejo de materiales relacionados directamente con los bienes de exportación y otros vinculados con el proceso productivo; equipo para el desarrollo administrativo. Modalidades: Programa IMMEX Controladora de empresas, cuando en un mismo programa se integren las operaciones de manufactura de una empresa certificada denominada controladora y una o más sociedades controladas; Programa IMMEX Industrial, cuando se realice un proceso industrial de elaboración o transformación de mercancías destinadas a la exportación; Programa IMMEX Servicios, cuando se realicen servicios a mercancías de exportación o se presten servicios de exportación, únicamente para el desarrollo de las actividades que la Secretaría determine, previa opinión de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público; Programa IMMEX Albergue, cuando una o varias empresas extranjeras le faciliten la tecnología y el material productivo, sin que estas últimas operen directamente el Programa, y Programa IMMEX Terciarización, cuando una empresa certificada que no cuente con instalaciones para realizar procesos productivos, realice las operaciones de manufactura a través de terceros que registre en su Programa. La SE podrá aprobar de manera simultánea un Programa de Promoción Sectorial, de acuerdo con el tipo de productos que fabrica o a los servicios de exportación que realice, debiendo cumplir con la normatividad aplicable a los mismos. Tratándose de una empresa bajo la modalidad de servicios, únicamente podrá importar al amparo del Programa de Promoción Sectorial las mercancías a que se refiere el artículo 4, fracción III del presente Decreto, siempre que corresponda al sector en que sea registrada. Vigencia: La vigencia de los Programas IMMEX estará sujeta mientras el titular de los mismos continúe cumpliendo con los requisitos previstos para su otorgamiento y con las obligaciones establecidas en el Decreto. Plazos de permanencia: Los bienes importados temporalmente al amparo de un Programa IMMEX, podrán permanecer en territorio nacional por los plazos establecidos en el artículo 108 de la Ley Aduanera. Para las mercancías comprendidas en los Anexos II y III del Decreto IMMEX, cuando se importen como materia prima, el plazo de permanencia será hasta por doce meses. Tratándose de las mercancías que se encuentran comprendidas en el Anexo III del Decreto IMMEX, cuando se importen como materia prima, únicamente cuando se destinen a actividades bajo la modalidad de servicios, el plazo de permanencia será de hasta seis meses. No podrán ser importadas al amparo del Programa las mercancías señaladas en el Anexo I del Decreto IMMEX. Compromisos: Para gozar de los beneficios de un Programa IMMEX se deberá dar cumplimiento a los términos establecidos en el Decreto en la materia. La autorización del Programa se otorgará bajo el compromiso de realizar anualmente ventas al exterior por un valor superior a 500,000 dólares de los Estados Unidos de América, o su equivalente en moneda nacional, o bien, facturar exportaciones, cuando menos por el 10% de su facturación total. Reportes: El titular de un Programa IMMEX deberá presentar un reporte anual de forma electrónica, respecto del total de las ventas y de las exportaciones, correspondientes al ejercicio fiscal inmediato anterior, a más tardar el último día hábil del mes de mayo, conforme al formato que mediante Reglas y Criterios de Carácter General en Materia de Comercio Exterior dé a conocer la Secretaría de Economía. Adicionalmente, la empresa con Programa IMMEX deberá presentar la información que, para efectos estadísticos, se determine, en los términos que establezca la SE mediante Reglas y Criterios de Carácter General en Materia de Comercio Exterior. Para mayor información sobre este programa comunicarse al 01 800 410 2000 disponible para todo el país ó al buzón de la Secretaría de Economía en www.economia.gob.mx; o al teléfono 52-29-61-00, ext. 34347, Lic. Sergio Manríquez Fernández, Subdirector de Devolución de Impuestos. TRÁMITES Operación: Los trámites relativos al Programa IMMEX son gratuitos y pueden ser realizados en las ventanillas de atención al público de las Repre

Flashcard 1439610834188

#aspectos-generales #compromisos #immex #mexico #octopus

La autorización del Programa IMMEX se otorgará bajo el compromiso de realizar anualmente ventas al exterior por un valor superior a [...] USD, o su equivalente MXN, o bien, facturar exportaciones, cuando menos por el 10% de su facturación total.

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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La autorización del Programa IMMEX se otorgará bajo el compromiso de realizar anualmente ventas al exterior por un valor superior a 500,000 USD, o su equivalente MXN, o bien, facturar exportaciones, cuando menos por el 10% de su facturación total.

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Decreto IMMEX
iladora de Exportación (Maquila) y el que Establece Programas de Importación Temporal para Producir Artículos de Exportación (PITEX), cuyas empresas representan en su conjunto el 85% de las exportaciones manufactureras de México. <span>ASPECTOS GENERALES Definición: El Programa IMMEX es un instrumento mediante el cual se permite importar temporalmente los bienes necesarios para ser utilizados en un proceso industrial o de servicio destinado a la elaboración, transformación o reparación de mercancías de procedencia extranjera importadas temporalmente para su exportación o a la prestación de servicios de exportación, sin cubrir el pago del impuesto general de importación, del impuesto al valor agregado y, en su caso, de las cuotas compensatorias Beneficiarios: La Secretaría de Economía (SE) podrá autorizar a las personas morales residentes en territorio nacional a que se refiere la fracción II del artículo 9 del Código Fiscal de la Federación, que tributen de conformidad con el Título II de la Ley del Impuesto sobre la Renta, un solo Programa IMMEX, que puede incluir las modalidades de controladora de empresas, industrial, servicios, albergue y terciarización, siempre que cumplan con los requisitos previstos en el Decreto para el Fomento de la Industria Manufacturera, Maquiladora y de Servicios de Exportación (Decreto IMMEX), publicado en el Diario Oficial e la Federación el 1 de noviembre de 2006. Beneficios: El Programa IMMEX brinda a sus titulares la posibilidad de importar temporalmente libre de impuestos a la importación y del IVA, los bienes necesarios para ser utilizados en un proceso industrial o de servicio destinado a la elaboración, transformación o reparación de mercancías de procedencia extranjera importadas temporalmente para su exportación o a la prestación de servicios de exportación. Estos bienes están agrupados bajo las siguientes categorías: Materias primas, partes y componentes que se vayan a destinar totalmente a integrar mercancías de exportación; combustibles, lubricantes y otros materiales que se vayan a consumir durante el proceso productivo de la mercancía de exportación; envases y empaques; etiquetas y folletos. Contenedores y cajas de trailers. Maquinaria, equipo, herramientas, instrumentos, moldes y refacciones destinadas al proceso productivo; equipos y aparatos para el control de la contaminación; para la investigación o capacitación, de seguridad industrial, de telecomunicación y cómputo, de laboratorio, de medición, de prueba de productos y control de calidad; así como aquéllos que intervengan en el manejo de materiales relacionados directamente con los bienes de exportación y otros vinculados con el proceso productivo; equipo para el desarrollo administrativo. Modalidades: Programa IMMEX Controladora de empresas, cuando en un mismo programa se integren las operaciones de manufactura de una empresa certificada denominada controladora y una o más sociedades controladas; Programa IMMEX Industrial, cuando se realice un proceso industrial de elaboración o transformación de mercancías destinadas a la exportación; Programa IMMEX Servicios, cuando se realicen servicios a mercancías de exportación o se presten servicios de exportación, únicamente para el desarrollo de las actividades que la Secretaría determine, previa opinión de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público; Programa IMMEX Albergue, cuando una o varias empresas extranjeras le faciliten la tecnología y el material productivo, sin que estas últimas operen directamente el Programa, y Programa IMMEX Terciarización, cuando una empresa certificada que no cuente con instalaciones para realizar procesos productivos, realice las operaciones de manufactura a través de terceros que registre en su Programa. La SE podrá aprobar de manera simultánea un Programa de Promoción Sectorial, de acuerdo con el tipo de productos que fabrica o a los servicios de exportación que realice, debiendo cumplir con la normatividad aplicable a los mismos. Tratándose de una empresa bajo la modalidad de servicios, únicamente podrá importar al amparo del Programa de Promoción Sectorial las mercancías a que se refiere el artículo 4, fracción III del presente Decreto, siempre que corresponda al sector en que sea registrada. Vigencia: La vigencia de los Programas IMMEX estará sujeta mientras el titular de los mismos continúe cumpliendo con los requisitos previstos para su otorgamiento y con las obligaciones establecidas en el Decreto. Plazos de permanencia: Los bienes importados temporalmente al amparo de un Programa IMMEX, podrán permanecer en territorio nacional por los plazos establecidos en el artículo 108 de la Ley Aduanera. Para las mercancías comprendidas en los Anexos II y III del Decreto IMMEX, cuando se importen como materia prima, el plazo de permanencia será hasta por doce meses. Tratándose de las mercancías que se encuentran comprendidas en el Anexo III del Decreto IMMEX, cuando se importen como materia prima, únicamente cuando se destinen a actividades bajo la modalidad de servicios, el plazo de permanencia será de hasta seis meses. No podrán ser importadas al amparo del Programa las mercancías señaladas en el Anexo I del Decreto IMMEX. Compromisos: Para gozar de los beneficios de un Programa IMMEX se deberá dar cumplimiento a los términos establecidos en el Decreto en la materia. La autorización del Programa se otorgará bajo el compromiso de realizar anualmente ventas al exterior por un valor superior a 500,000 dólares de los Estados Unidos de América, o su equivalente en moneda nacional, o bien, facturar exportaciones, cuando menos por el 10% de su facturación total. Reportes: El titular de un Programa IMMEX deberá presentar un reporte anual de forma electrónica, respecto del total de las ventas y de las exportaciones, correspondientes al ejercicio fiscal inmediato anterior, a más tardar el último día hábil del mes de mayo, conforme al formato que mediante Reglas y Criterios de Carácter General en Materia de Comercio Exterior dé a conocer la Secretaría de Economía. Adicionalmente, la empresa con Programa IMMEX deberá presentar la información que, para efectos estadísticos, se determine, en los términos que establezca la SE mediante Reglas y Criterios de Carácter General en Materia de Comercio Exterior. Para mayor información sobre este programa comunicarse al 01 800 410 2000 disponible para todo el país ó al buzón de la Secretaría de Economía en www.economia.gob.mx; o al teléfono 52-29-61-00, ext. 34347, Lic. Sergio Manríquez Fernández, Subdirector de Devolución de Impuestos. TRÁMITES Operación: Los trámites relativos al Programa IMMEX son gratuitos y pueden ser realizados en las ventanillas de atención al público de las Repre

Flashcard 1439731944716

#cfa-level-1 #microeconomics #reading-16-the-firm-and-market-structures #section-2 #study-session-4
Section 2 introduces the [...].
analysis of market structures

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Section 2 introduces the analysis of market structures. The section addresses questions such as: What determines the degree of competition associated with each market structure? Given the degree of competition associated with each market st

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ts are possible even in the long run; in the short run, any outcome is possible. Therefore, understanding the forces behind the market structure will aid the financial analyst in determining firms’ short- and long-term prospects. <span>Section 2 introduces the analysis of market structures. The section addresses questions such as: What determines the degree of competition associated with each market structure? Given the degree of competition associated with each market structure, what decisions are left to the management team developing corporate strategy? How does a chosen pricing and output strategy evolve into specific decisions that affect the profitability of the firm? The answers to these questions are related to the forces of the market structure within which the firm operates. Sections 3, 4, 5, and 6 analyze demand, supply, optimal price and output, and factors affecting long-run equilibrium for perfect competition, monopolistic competition, olig

Flashcard 1448348617996

#cfa-level-1 #corporate-finance #reading-36-cost-of-capital #study-session-11
This reading is organized as follows:

In Section 2, we introduce the cost of capital and its basic computation.

Section 3 presents a selection of methods for [...]

Section 4 discusses issues an analyst faces in using the cost of capital.
estimating the costs of the various sources of capital.

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This reading is organized as follows: In Section 2, we introduce the cost of capital and its basic computation. Section 3 presents a selection of methods for estimating the costs of the various sources of capital. Section 4 discusses issues an analyst faces in using the cost of capital.

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r, is to estimate the cost of capital for the company as a whole and then adjust this overall corporate cost of capital upward or downward to reflect the risk of the contemplated project relative to the company’s average project. <span>This reading is organized as follows: In the next section, we introduce the cost of capital and its basic computation. Section 3 presents a selection of methods for estimating the costs of the various sources of capital. Section 4 discusses issues an analyst faces in using the cost of capital. A summary concludes the reading. <span><body><html>

Flashcard 1448739998988

#cfa-level-1 #economics #has-images #microeconomics #reading-15-demand-and-supply-analysis-the-firm #section-3-analysis-of-revenue-costs-and-profit #study-session-4

Point S, which corresponds to QAVC, is the [...]

Point T, which corresponds to QATC, is the [...]
minimum point on the AVC .

minimum point on ATC.

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This shows the cost curve relationships among ATC, AVC, and AFC in the short run. The difference between ATC and AVC at any output quantity is exactly equal to the amount of AFC. Both ATC and AVC take on a bowl-shaped pattern in which each curv

Flashcard 1450269609228

#cfa-level-1 #microeconomics #reading-15-demand-and-supply-analysis-the-firm
At zero output, total costs are always equal to the amount of [...] that is incurred at this production point.
total fixed cost

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Normal profit is considered to be a fixed cost because it is a return required by investors on their equity capital regardless of output level. At zero output, total costs are always equal to the amount of total fixed cost that is incurred at this production point. In Exhibit 13, total fixed cost remains at 100 throughout the entire production range.

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rate of change in total variable cost. In Exhibit 13, TC at 5 units is 400—of which 300 is variable cost and 100 is fixed cost. At 10 units, total costs are 1,650, which is the sum of 1,550 in variable cost and 100 in fixed cost. <span>Total fixed cost (TFC) is the summation of all expenses that do not change when production varies. It can be a sunk or unavoidable cost that a firm has to cover whether it produces anything or not, or it can be a cost that stays the same over a range of production but can change to another constant level when production moves outside of that range. The latter is referred to as a quasi-fixed cost , although it remains categorized as part of TFC. Examples of fixed costs are debt service, real estate lease agreements, and rental contracts. Quasi-fixed cost examples would be certain utilities and administrative salaries that could be avoided or be lower when output is zero but would assume higher constant values over different production ranges. Normal profit is considered to be a fixed cost because it is a return required by investors on their equity capital regardless of output level. At zero output, total costs are always equal to the amount of total fixed cost that is incurred at this production point. In Exhibit 13, total fixed cost remains at 100 throughout the entire production range. Other fixed costs evolve primarily from investments in such fixed assets as real estate, production facilities, and equipment. As a firm grows in size, fixed asset expansion occurs along with a related increase in fixed cost. However, fixed cost cannot be arbitrarily cut when production declines. Regardless of the volume of output, an investment in a given level of fixed assets locks the firm into a certain amount of fixed cost that is used to finance the physical capital base, technology, and other capital assets. When a firm downsizes, the last expense to be cut is usually fixed cost. Total variable cost (TVC), which is the summation of all variable expenses, has a direct relationship with quantity. When quantity increases, total variable cost increases

Flashcard 1450821160204


Las decisiones [...] tienen que ver con asuntos tales como la fijación de precios y la eficacia en la fabricación y la publicidad.

estratégicas adoptadas a nivel negocio

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La estrategia de negocios es la forma en que un negocio compite en un sector particular. Las decisiones estratégicas adoptadas a nivel negocio tienen que ver con asuntos tales como la fijación de precios y la eficacia en la fabricación y la publicidad. La estrategia de negocios se basa principalmente en la obtención de una ven

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Estrategia de negocios y corporativa
respecto a la dirección de la organización en su conjunto. Esta estrategia se refiere a los asuntos que afectan a la empresa en general, tales como decidir el tamaño y la composición del portafolio de negocios. <span>Estrategia de negocios La estrategia de negocios es la forma en que un negocio compite en un sector particular. Las decisiones estratégicas adoptadas a nivel negocio tienen que ver con asuntos tales como la fijación de precios y la eficacia en la fabricación y la publicidad. La estrategia de negocios se basa principalmente en la obtención de una ventaja competitiva en el mercado . <span><body><html>

Flashcard 1450856287500

En los [...] se proporcionan los fondos necesarios para adquirir activos fijos, siendo su parte medular las bolsas de valores.
Mercados de Capital

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En los Mercados de Capital se comercializan los valores a largo plazo, como son los bonos y las acciones, es decir, las emisiones de deuda y de capital de las empresas y de los gobiernos. Proporcionan

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Flashcard 1450859695372

Las tesorerías de las empresas buscarán aplicar sus [...]
excedentes de tesorería.

Corto y mediano plazo y en los cajones de inversión que mejor rendimiento les den.

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Las tesorerías de las empresas buscarán aplicar sus excedentes de tesorería, tanto en el corto como en el mediano plazo y en los cajones de inversión que mejor rendimiento les proporcionen. Asimismo, la aplicación de los recursos disponibles de la emp

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Flashcard 1450875424012

Previa a la reestructuración organizacional, operativa y financiera, es aconsejable efectuar un análisis de la posible [...], así como de su Adelgazamiento organizacional.
Redimensión de la empresa

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Previa a la reestructuración organizacional, operativa y financiera, es aconsejable efectuar un análisis de la posible Redimensión de la empresa, así como de su Adelgazamiento organizacional.

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Flashcard 1453685083404

Most people aren’t by nature inclined to brag about themselves, they talk about themselves so [...]
they can feel validated by others.

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Most people aren’t by nature inclined to brag about themselves, they talk about themselves so they can feel validated by others.

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Learning the game of power requires a certain way of looking at the world, a shifting of perspective. It takes effort and years of practice, for much of the game may not come naturally. Certain basic skills are required, and once you master these skills you will be able to apply the laws of power more easily.
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It is a game. Both of you behave as gentlemen. observing the rules of the game and taking nothing personally.
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#48-laws-of-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master #observance-of-the-law
Galileo depended on the generosity of rulers to support his research so he would sometimes make gifts of his inventions to the leading patrons of the time but his patrons usually paid him with gifts, not cash. This made for a life of constant insecurity and dependence.

He hit on a new strategy, when he discovered the moons of Jupiter. Instead of dividing the discovery among his patrons, as he had done in the past, he decided to focus exclusively on the Medicis.

He chose the Medicis because they had made Jupiter, the mightiest of the gods, the Medici symbol—a symbol of a power that went beyond politics and banking.

Galileo announced that "the moons of Jupiter offered themselves in the heavens” to his telescope at the same time as Cosimo II’s enthronement. He said that the four moons harmonized with the number of the Medicis.

After he dedicated the discovery to the Medicis, Galileo commissioned an emblem representing Jupiter sitting on a cloud with the four stars circling about him, and presented this to Cosimo II as a symbol of his link to the stars.

Cosimo II made Galileo his official court philosopher and mathematician, with a full salary.

For a scientist this was the shit. The days of begging for patronage were over.
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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master #second-rule
Never take your position for granted and never let any favors you receive go to your head.
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highest nobility, he had forgotten that his position depended on the emperor, and had come to believe that he had earned it on his own. This was an unforgivable miscalculation of his own importance and he paid for it with his life. <span>Remember the following: Never take your position for granted and never let any favors you receive go to your head.<span><body><html>

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
Commit harmless mistakes that will not hurt you in the long run but will give you the chance to ask for his help. Masters adore such requests.
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has its limits; it is too direct and obvious, and looks bad to other courtiers. Discreet flattery is much more powerful. If you are more intelligent than your master, for example, seem the opposite: Make him appear more intelligent than you. <span>Act naive. Make it seem that you need his expertise. Commit harmless mistakes that will not hurt you in the long run but will give you the chance to ask for his help. Masters adore such requests. A master who cannot bestow on you the gifts of his experience may direct rancor and ill will at you instead. If your ideas are more creative than your master’s, ascribe them to him, in as public a manner as possible. Make it clear that your advice is merely an echo of his advice.&#

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
Avoid outshining the master. This is a lesson that the stars in the sky teach us—they may be related to the sun, and just as brilliant, but they never appear in her company.
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13; Sky. There can be only one sun at a time. Never obscure the sunlight, or rival the sun’s brilliance; rather, fade into the sky and find ways to heighten the master star’s intensity. Authority: <span>Avoid outshining the master. All superiority is odious, but the superiority of a subject over his prince is not only stupid, it is fatal. This is a lesson that the stars in the sky teach us—they may be related to the sun, and just as brilliant, but they never appear in her company. (Baltasar Gracián, 1601-1658)<span><body><html>

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#48-laws-of-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master #reversal
If your master is very weak and ready to fall, let nature take its course. Do not risk outshining a feeble superior—it might appear cruel or spiteful.
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othing to fear from outshining him. Do not be merciful—your master had no such scruples in his own cold-blooded climb to the top. Gauge his strength. If he is weak, discreetly hasten his downfall: Outdo, outcharm, outsmart him at key moments. <span>If he is very weak and ready to fall, let nature take its course. Do not risk outshining a feeble superior—it might appear cruel or spiteful. But if your master is firm in his position, yet you know yourself to be the more capable, bide your time and be patient. It is the natural course of things that power eventually fades a

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Flashcard 1455280491788

When is A-form DNA favored? (2 times)
Usually only favored when limited water is available to hydrate the DNA. The A-form helix is also adopted by RNA-DNA hybrids

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DNA can also adopt the A-form helical structure (Figure 2.15), but it is usually only favored when limited water is available to hydrate the DNA. When DNA molecules that are in the B-form are allowed to dry out slowly, they switch spontaneously to A-DNA. Th e A-form helix is also adopted by RNA-DNA hybrids

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Flashcard 1456148188428

Th ere is, in addition, a fundamentally dif- ferent way of reading information stored in DNA that neither opens the helix nor copies the sequence, but instead reads the base sequence from the “outside” (via the grooves), leaving the helix largely intact. Th is process of reading the surface signposts of the base pairs is particularly important in the mechanisms by which [...and...are controlled]
DNA replication and transcription are controlled

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he sequence, but instead reads the base sequence from the “outside” (via the grooves), leaving the helix largely intact. Th is process of reading the surface signposts of the base pairs is particularly important in the mechanisms by which <span>DNA replication and transcription are controlled<span><body><html>

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Flashcard 1456504966412

What double helical structure does RNA form and what is its suger pucker? (which carbon?)
RNA does form a double-helical structure known as the A-form helix, in which the sugar pucker is C3ʹ endo.

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ecall from Section 2.7 that RNA cannot readily adopt the C2ʹ endo sugar pucker characteristic of B-DNA. However, RNA does form a double-helical structure known as the A-form helix, in which the sugar pucker is C3ʹ endo.

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Ones are motivated by the need to live their life the right way, including improving themselves and the world around them.
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#enneagram-made-easy #perfectionist
Ones at their BEST are

Ones at their WORST are
critical of others
overly serious
controlling orderly
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Flashcard 1456606153996

Regarding pace, When you’re making a big point, you should [...] to increase the impact felt
slow down your pace

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Speed and pace are how you can emphasize certain points. When you’re making a big point, you should slow down your pace to increase the impact felt

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Small words can have a big effect when used with care and understanding. And because they are small, they often go undetected, which makes them subtle tools for change and persuasion.
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Ace (perfection)
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we also live in an incredible age, where the study of human psychology has researched, worked out, proven and explained many concrete ways in which humans are powerfully influenced.
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Influence and control really boils down to making someone else make a decision in the direction you wish them to.
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The first principle to understand is that human beings are emotional creatures. Our day to day lives are filled with hundreds of micro-decisions, which we mostly make unconsciously, and these decisions are largely based on our emotional responses to things.
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Because nobody likes to admit that our decisions are based mainly on how we feel in that moment, we almost always explain out decision to ourselves based on logic.
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it is very effective to influence someone using a strong emotional technique, and then help them along by giving them a logical reason to explain to themselves or others by saying ‘because…’ and giving any logical reason.
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It’s important to remember that people make decisions emotionally, because then you start to realize that people will follow their emotions. Yet they do not necessarily know where their emotions are coming from. You can lead their emotions, in many man ways.
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Flashcard 1456750857484

the better you are at [...], the better friend, lover, husband, wife, and person you become.
dealing with power

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the better you are at dealing with power, the better friend, lover, husband, wife, and person you become.

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Certain basic skills are required, and once you master these skills you will be able to apply the laws of power more easily.
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Learning the game of power requires a certain way of looking at the world, a shifting of perspective. It takes effort and years of practice, for much of the game may not come naturally. Certain basic skills are required, and once you master these skills you will be able to apply the laws of power more easily.

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Flashcard 1456756100364

For the future, the motto is, “[...].”
No days unalert

Nothing should catch you by surprise because you are constantly imagining problems before they arise.

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For the future, the motto is, “No days unalert.” Nothing should catch you by surprise because you are constantly imagining problems before they arise.

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Flashcard 1456758983948

The further you see, the more steps ahead you plan, the more [...]
powerful you become

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The further you see, the more steps ahead you plan, the more powerful you become

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Flashcard 1456761605388

Half of the game is learning how to [...] that eat away at you and cloud your reason.
forget those events in the past

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Half of the game is learning how to forget those events in the past that eat away at you and cloud your reason.

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Flashcard 1456763440396

Power is [...]—this cannot be repeated too often—
a game

and in games you do not judge your opponents by their intentions but by the effect of their actions.

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Power is a game—this cannot be repeated too often—and in games you do not judge your opponents by their intentions but by the effect of their actions.

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Flashcard 1456767110412

Never waste valuable time, or mental peace of mind, on the [...]—that is too high a price to pay.
affairs of others

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Never waste valuable time, or mental peace of mind, on the affairs of others—that is too high a price to pay.

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Flashcard 1456769207564

To be a master player you must also be a master [...].

You must recognize motivations and see through the cloud of dust with which people surround their actions.

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To be a master player you must also be a master psychologist. You must recognize motivations and see through the cloud of dust with which people surround their actions.

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Flashcard 1456772091148

Never trust anyone completely and [...]
study everyone

including friends and loved ones.

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Never trust anyone completely and study everyone, including friends and loved ones.

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
With those above you, however, you must take a different approach: When it comes to power, outshining the master is perhaps the worst mistake of all.
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You cannot spend your life worrying about the petty feelings of others. With those above you, however, you must take a different approach: When it comes to power, outshining the master is perhaps the worst mistake of all.

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
Masters always want to feel secure in their positions, and superior to those around them in intelligence, wit, and charm.
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Do not fool yourself into thinking that life has changed much since the days of Louis XIV and the Medicis. Those who attain high standing in life are like kings and queens: They want to feel secure in their positions, and superior to those around them in intelligence, wit, and charm.

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
Do not fool yourself into thinking that life has changed much since the days of Louis XIV and the Medicis
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Do not fool yourself into thinking that life has changed much since the days of Louis XIV and the Medicis. Those who attain high standing in life are like kings and queens: They want to feel secure in their positions, and superior to those around them in intelligence, wit, and charm.

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Flashcard 1456790179084

#48-laws-of-power #first-rule #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
If you cannot help being charming and superior, you must learn to [...].
avoid such monsters of vanity

Either that, or find a way to mute your good qualities when in the company of a Cesare Borgia.

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If you cannot help being charming and superior, you must learn to avoid such monsters of vanity. Either that, or find a way to mute your good qualities when in the company of a Cesare Borgia.

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
Public flattery can be effective but has its limits; it is too direct and obvious, and looks bad to other courtiers.
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First you must flatter and puff up your master. Overt flattery can be effective but has its limits; it is too direct and obvious, and looks bad to other courtiers.

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Flashcard 1456796470540

#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
Public flattery can be effective but has its limits; it is too direct and obvious, and [...]
looks bad to other courtiers.

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Public flattery can be effective but has its limits; it is too direct and obvious, and looks bad to other courtiers.

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
A master who cannot bestow on you the gifts of his experience may direct rancor and ill will at you instead.
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Act naive. Make it seem that you need his expertise. Commit harmless mistakes that will not hurt you in the long run but will give you the chance to ask for his help. Masters adore such requests. A master who cannot bestow on you the gifts of his experience may direct rancor and ill will at you instead.

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Flashcard 1456800402700

#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
A master who cannot bestow on you [...] may direct rancor and ill will at you instead.
the gifts of his experience

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A master who cannot bestow on you the gifts of his experience may direct rancor and ill will at you instead.

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Flashcard 1456803548428

#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
Act naive. Make it seem that you need [...].
his expertise

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Act naive. Make it seem that you need his expertise. Commit harmless mistakes that will not hurt you in the long run but will give you the chance to ask for his help. Masters adore such requests.

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Flashcard 1456807480588

#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
Commit harmless mistakes that will not hurt you in the long run but [...].
will give you the chance to ask for his help.

Masters adore such requests.

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Commit harmless mistakes that will not hurt you in the long run but will give you the chance to ask for his help. Masters adore such requests.

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
If you have to entertaining your master, display limited means to win his sympathy.
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If you are thrust into the position of entertaining him, a display of your limited means may win you his sympathy. Any attempt to impress him with your grace and generosity can prove fatal: Learn from Fouquet or pay the price.

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
Any attempt to impress your master with your grace and generosity can prove fatal: Learn from Fouquet or pay the price.
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If you are thrust into the position of entertaining him, a display of your limited means may win you his sympathy. Any attempt to impress him with your grace and generosity can prove fatal: Learn from Fouquet or pay the price.

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Flashcard 1456817704204

#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
it is not a weakness to [...] if in the end they lead to power.
disguise your strengths

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it is not a weakness to disguise your strengths if in the end they lead to power.

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
All superiority is odious, but the superiority of a subject over his prince is not only stupid, it is fatal.
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Avoid outshining the master. All superiority is odious, but the superiority of a subject over his prince is not only stupid, it is fatal. This is a lesson that the stars in the sky teach us—they may be related to the sun, and just as brilliant, but they never appear in her company.

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Flashcard 1456827141388

#48-laws-of-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master #reversal
If your master is very weak and ready to fall, [...].
let nature take its course

Do not risk outshining a feeble superior—it might appear cruel or spiteful.

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If your master is very weak and ready to fall, let nature take its course. Do not risk outshining a feeble superior—it might appear cruel or spiteful.

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Flashcard 1456837627148

If you can master the [...], you will be able to make people bend to your will without their realizing what you have done.
arts of indirection

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If you can master the arts of indirection, you will be able to make people bend to your will without their realizing what you have done. And if they do not realize what you have done, they will neither resent nor resist you.</s

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Flashcard 1456839200012

You must create for yourself-one face looking continuously to [...] and the other to [...]
the future

the past.

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You must create for yourself-one face looking continuously to the future and the other to the past.

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Flashcard 1456841559308

We face a paradox: Everything must appear civilized, decent, democratic, and fair.

But if we play by those rules too strictly,
we are crushed by those around us who are not so foolish.

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Today we face a peculiarly similar paradox to that of the courtier: Everything must appear civilized, decent, democratic, and fair. But if we play by those rules too strictly, if we take them too literally, we are crushed by those around us who are not so foolish.

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Flashcard 1456845491468

Another strategy of the supposed nonplayer is to [...].
demand equality in every area of life

Everyone must be treated alike, whatever their status and strength.

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Another strategy of the supposed nonplayer is to demand equality in every area of life. Everyone must be treated alike, whatever their status and strength.

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being perfectly honest will inevitably hurt and insult a great many people, some of whom will choose to injure you in return.
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Yet another way of avoiding the game would be perfect honesty and straightforwardness, since one of the main techniques of those who seek power is deceit and secrecy. But being perfectly honest will inevitably hurt and insult a great many people, some of whom will choose to injure you in return.

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Flashcard 1456849685772

The only means to gain one’s ends with people are [...].
force and cunning

Love also, they say; but that is to wait for sunshine, and life needs every moment

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The only means to gain one’s ends with people are force and cunning. Love also, they say; but that is to wait for sunshine, and life needs every moment

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Flashcard 1456852045068

An [...] to a situation is the single greatest barrier to power.
emotional response

a mistake that will cost you a lot more than any temporary satisfaction you might gain by expressing your feelings.

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An emotional response to a situation is the single greatest barrier to power, a mistake that will cost you a lot more than any temporary satisfaction you might gain by expressing your feelings.

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Flashcard 1456854404364

If you are trying to [...], far better to keep him off-guard by feigning friendliness than showing your anger.
destroy an enemy who has hurt you

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If you are trying to destroy an enemy who has hurt you, far better to keep him off-guard by feigning friendliness than showing your anger.

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Flashcard 1456855977228

[...] are potentially destructive, in that they blind you to the often self-serving interests of those whom you least suspect of playing a power game.
Love and affection

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Love and affection are potentially destructive, in that they blind you to the often self-serving interests of those whom you least suspect of playing a power game.

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Flashcard 1456857812236

The real purpose of the backward-glancing eye is to [...]
educate yourself constantly

you look at the past to learn from those who came before you. (The many historical examples in this book will greatly help that process.)

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The real purpose of the backward-glancing eye is to educate yourself constantly—you look at the past to learn from those who came before you. (The many historical examples in this book will greatly help that process.)

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Flashcard 1456860171532

There are no principles; there are only [...].

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There are no principles; there are only events.

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Flashcard 1456861744396

There is no good and bad, there are only [...].

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There is no good and bad, there are only circumstances.

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Flashcard 1456863841548

If deception is the most potent weapon in your arsenal, then [...] in all things is your crucial shield.

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If deception is the most potent weapon in your arsenal, then patience in all things is your crucial shield.

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Flashcard 1456865414412

[...] is the supreme virtue of the gods.

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patience is the supreme virtue of the gods, who have nothing but time.

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Flashcard 1456866987276

Power is a social game. To learn and master it, you must develop the ability to [...]
study and understand people.

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Power is a social game. To learn and master it, you must develop the ability to study and understand people.

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Flashcard 1456868560140

Never [...] as to whom you study and whom you trust.

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Never discriminate as to whom you study and whom you trust.

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Flashcard 1456870133004

Finally, you must learn always to take the [...] to power.
indirect route

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Finally, you must learn always to take the indirect route to power.

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Flashcard 1456871968012

The laws have a simple premise: Certain actions almost always increase one’s power (the [...] of the law), while others decrease it and even ruin us (the [...] of the law).


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The laws have a simple premise: Certain actions almost always increase one’s power (the observance of the law), while others decrease it and even ruin us (the transgression of the law).

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Flashcard 1456874589452

In your desire to please and impress your superiors, do not go too far in [...] or you might accomplish the opposite—inspire fear and insecurity.
displaying your talents

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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In your desire to please and impress your superiors, do not go too far in displaying your talents or you might accomplish the opposite—inspire fear and insecurity.

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Flashcard 1456876162316

Make your masters appear [...] and you will attain the heights of power.
more brilliant than they are

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Make your masters appear more brilliant than they are and you will attain the heights of power.

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#48-laws-of-power #interpretation #law-1-never-outshine-the-master #observance-of-the-law
Masters care about their name and glory.
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Galileo gained more with his new strategy than he had in years of begging. The reason is simple: All masters want to appear more brilliant than other people. They do not care about science or empirical truth or the latest invention ; they care about their name and glory. Galileo gave the Medicis infinitely more glory by linking their name with cosmic forces than he had by making them the patrons of some new scientific gadget or discovery. Sci

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#48-laws-of-power #interpretation #law-1-never-outshine-the-master #observance-of-the-law
intellectual powers can make the master feel insecure
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ame and glory. Galileo gave the Medicis infinitely more glory by linking their name with cosmic forces than he had by making them the patrons of some new scientific gadget or discovery. Scientists too must serve masters. And their <span>intellectual powers can make the master feel insecure , as if he were only there to supply the funds—an ugly, ignoble job. The producer of a great work wants to feel he is more than just the provider of the financing.

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Flashcard 1456881929484

#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
When you show yourself in the world and [...], you naturally stir up all kinds of resentment, envy, and other manifestations of insecurity.
display your talents

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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When you show yourself in the world and display your talents, you naturally stir up all kinds of resentment, envy, and other manifestations of insecurity.

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Flashcard 1456883502348

#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
This Law involves [...] rules that you must realize.

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This Law involves two rules that you must realize.

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Flashcard 1456885075212

#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
First rule:

You can outshine a master [...].
without knowing simply by being yourself

Some masters are really insecure; you may naturally outshine them by your charm and grace.

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First rule: You can inadvertently outshine a master simply by being yourself. There are masters who are more insecure than others, monstrously insecure; you may naturally outshine them by your charm and grace.

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Flashcard 1456888483084

#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master
[...] flattery is much more powerful.

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Discreet flattery is much more powerful.

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Flashcard 1456891628812

#48-laws-of-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master #reversal
[...] his strength. If he is weak, discreetly hasten his downfall: Outdo, outcharm, outsmart him at key moments.

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Gauge his strength. If he is weak, discreetly hasten his downfall: Outdo, outcharm, outsmart him at key moments.

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Flashcard 1456893201676

#48-laws-of-power #law-1-never-outshine-the-master #reversal
It is the natural course of things that power [...].
eventually fades and weakens

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It is the natural course of things that power eventually fades and weakens.

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Flashcard 1456894774540

To seduce, charm, deceive, and subtly outmaneuver your opponents are the [...]
arts of indirection

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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If you can master the arts of indirection, learning to seduce, charm, deceive, and subtly outmaneuver your opponents, you will attain the heights of power.

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Flashcard 1456896347404

[...] cloud reason, and if you cannot see the situation clearly, you cannot prepare for and respond to it with any degree of control.

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Emotions cloud reason, and if you cannot see the situation clearly, you cannot prepare for and respond to it with any degree of control.

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Flashcard 1456898182412

Half of your mastery of power comes from what you [...].
do not do

what you do not allow yourself to get dragged into.

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Half of your mastery of power comes from what you do not do, what you do not allow yourself to get dragged into.

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Flashcard 1456902114572

It is a game. Both of you behave as gentlemen. observing the rules of the game and [...]
taking nothing personally.

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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It is a game. Both of you behave as gentlemen. observing the rules of the game and taking nothing personally.

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Flashcard 1456913911052


[...], LEARN HOW


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Be wary of friends—they will betray you more quickly, for they are easily aroused to envy. They also become spoiled and tyrannical. But hire a former enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend, because he has more to prove. In fact, you have more to fear from friends than from enemies. If you have no enemies, find a way to make them.
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#48-laws-of-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #transgression-of-the-law
Once a young man named Michael III assumed the throne of the Byzantine Empire. His mother, the Empress Theodora, had been banished to a nunnery, and her lover, Theoctistus, had been murdered. The head of the conspiracy to remove Theodora and enthrone Michael had been Michael’s uncle, Bardas.

Michael was now a young and inexperienced so he needed someone he could trust as his councillor, and his thoughts turned to Basilius, his best friend. Basilius had no experience but he had proven his love and gratitude.

To have a good enemy, choose a friend: He knows where to strike.

They had met a few years before, when Basilius had saved Michael’s life. The groom’s strength and courage had impressed Michael, who immediately turned Basilius from being a horse trainer to the position of head of the stables and they became inseparable. Basilius was sent to the finest school in Byzantium became a cultured and sophisticated courtier.

Every time I bestow a vacant office I make a hundred discontented persons and one ingrate.
Louis XIV, 1638-1715

Now Michael was emperor, and trusted a friend who owed him everything.

Ignoring the advice of those who recommended the much more qualified Bardas, Michael chose his friend.

Thus for my own part I have more than once been deceived by the person I loved most and of whose love, above everyone else’s, I have been most confident. So that I believe that it may be right to love and serve one person above all others, according to merit and worth, but never to trust so much in this tempting trap of friendship as to have cause to repent of it later on.

Basilius was soon advising the emperor on all matters of state. The only problem seemed to be money—Basiiius never had enough. He became avaricious for the perks of power. Michael doubled, then tripled his salary, ennobled him, and married him off to his own mistress, Eudoxiaingerina. Keeping such a trusted friend and adviser satisfied was worth any price.

Bardas was now head of the army, and Basilius convinced Michael that the man was ambitious. Under the illusion that he could control his nephew, Bardas had conspired to put him on the throne, and he could conspire again, this time to get rid of Michael and assume the crown himself. Basilius poured poison into Michael’s ear until the emperor agreed to have his uncle murdered. Basilius killed him. Soon after, Basilius asked that he replace Bardas as head of the army, where he could keep control of the realm and quell rebellion. This was granted.

Now Basilius’s power and wealth only grew, and a few years later Michael, in financial straits from his own extravagance, asked him to pay back some of the money he had borrowed over the years. To Michael’s shock and astonishment, Basilius refused, with a look of such impudence that the emperor suddenly realized his predicament: The former stable boy had more money, more allies in the army and senate, and in the end more power than the emperor himself. A few weeks later, after a night of heavy drinking, Michael awoke to find himself surrounded by soldiers. Basilius watched as they stabbed the emperor to death. Then, after proclaiming himself emperor, he rode his horse through the streets of Byzantium, brandishing the head of his former benefactor and best friend at the end of a long pike.
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#48-laws-of-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #transgression-of-the-law

A snake chased by hunters asked a farmer to save its life. To hide it from its pursuers, the farmer squatted and let the snake crawl into his belly. But when the danger had passed and the farmer asked the snake to come out, the snake refused. It was warm and safe inside. On his way home, the man saw a heron and went up to him and whispered what had happened. The heron told him to squat and strain to eject the snake. When the snake snuck its head out, the heron caught it, pulled it out, and killed it. The farmer was worried that the snake’s poison might still be inside him, and the heron told him that the cure for snake poison was to cook and eat six white fowl. “You’re a white fowl,” said the farmer. “You’ll do for a start.” He grabbed the heron, put it in a bag, and carried it home, where he hung it up while he told his wife what had happened. “I’m surprised at you, ” said the wife. “The bird does you a kindness, rids you of the evil in your belly, saves your life in fact, yet you catch it and talk of killing it. She immediately released the heron, and it flew away. But on its way, it gouged out her eyes.

Moral: When you see water flowing uphill, it means that someone is repaying a kindness. AFRICAN FOLK TALE
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ched as they stabbed the emperor to death. Then, after proclaiming himself emperor, he rode his horse through the streets of Byzantium, brandishing the head of his former benefactor and best friend at the end of a long pike. <span>THE SNAKE, THE FARMER, AND THE HERON A snake chased by hunters asked a farmer to save its life. To hide it from its pursuers, the farmer squatted and let the snake crawl into his belly. But when the danger had passed and the farmer asked the snake to come out, the snake refused. It was warm and safe inside. On his way home, the man saw a heron and went up to him and whispered what had happened. The heron told him to squat and strain to eject the snake. When the snake snuck its head out, the heron caught it, pulled it out, and killed it. The farmer was worried that the snake’s poison might still be inside him, and the heron told him that the cure for snake poison was to cook and eat six white fowl. “You’re a white fowl,” said the farmer. “You’ll do for a start.” He grabbed the heron, put it in a bag, and carried it home, where he hung it up while he told his wife what had happened. “I’m surprised at you, ” said the wife. “The bird does you a kindness, rids you of the evil in your belly, saves your life in fact, yet you catch it and talk of killing it. She immediately released the heron, and it flew away. But on its way, it gouged out her eyes. Moral: When you see water flowing uphill, it means that someone is repaying a kindness. AFRICAN FOLK TALE<span><body><html>

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#48-laws-of-power #enemies #friends-learn #how #law-2-never #to #transgression-of-the-law #trust #use
When you see water flowing uphill, it means that someone is repaying a kindness.
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he bird does you a kindness, rids you of the evil in your belly, saves your life in fact, yet you catch it and talk of killing it. She immediately released the heron, and it flew away. But on its way, it gouged out her eyes. Moral: <span>When you see water flowing uphill, it means that someone is repaying a kindness. AFRICAN FOLK TALE<span><body><html>

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#48-laws-of-power #interpretation #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #transgression-of-the-law
Michael III staked his future on the sense of gratitude he thought Basilius must feel for him. Surely Basilius would serve him best; he owed the emperor his wealth, his education, and his position. Then, once Basilius was in power, anything he needed it was best to give to him, strengthening the bonds between the two men. It was only on the fateful day when the emperor saw that impudent smile on Basilius’s face that he realized his deadly mistake.

He had created a monster. He had allowed a man to see power up close—a man who then wanted more, who asked for anything and got it, who felt encumbered by the charity he had received and simply did what many people do in such a situation: They forget the favors they have received and imagine they have earned their success by their own merits.

At Michael’s moment of realization, he could still have saved his own life, but friendship and love blind every man to their interests. Nobody believes a friend can betray. And Michael went on disbelieving until the day his head ended up on a pike. Lord, protect me from my friends; I can take care of my enemies. Voltaire, 1694-1778
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#48-laws-of-power #interpretation #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #transgression-of-the-law
Michael III staked his future on the sense of gratitude he thought Basilius must feel for him. Surely Basilius would serve him best; he owed the emperor his wealth, his education, and his position. Then, once Basilius was in power, anything he needed it was best to give to him, strengthening the bonds between the two men. It was only on the fateful day when the emperor saw that impudent smile on Basilius’s face that he realized his deadly mistake.
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Michael III staked his future on the sense of gratitude he thought Basilius must feel for him. Surely Basilius would serve him best; he owed the emperor his wealth, his education, and his position. Then, once Basilius was in power, anything he needed it was best to give to him, strengthening the bonds between the two men. It was only on the fateful day when the emperor saw that impudent smile on Basilius’s face that he realized his deadly mistake. He had created a monster. He had allowed a man to see power up close—a man who then wanted more, who asked for anything and got it, who felt encumbered by the charity he h

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#48-laws-of-power #interpretation #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #transgression-of-the-law
He had created a monster. He had allowed a man to see power up close—a man who then wanted more, who asked for anything and got it, who felt encumbered by the charity he had received and simply did what many people do in such a situation: They forget the favors they have received and imagine they have earned their success by their own merits.
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n power, anything he needed it was best to give to him, strengthening the bonds between the two men. It was only on the fateful day when the emperor saw that impudent smile on Basilius’s face that he realized his deadly mistake. <span>He had created a monster. He had allowed a man to see power up close—a man who then wanted more, who asked for anything and got it, who felt encumbered by the charity he had received and simply did what many people do in such a situation: They forget the favors they have received and imagine they have earned their success by their own merits. At Michael’s moment of realization, he could still have saved his own life, but friendship and love blind every man to their interests. Nobody believes a friend can betra

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#48-laws-of-power #interpretation #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #transgression-of-the-law
friendship and love blind every man to their interests. Nobody believes a friend can betray.
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what many people do in such a situation: They forget the favors they have received and imagine they have earned their success by their own merits. At Michael’s moment of realization, he could still have saved his own life, but <span>friendship and love blind every man to their interests. Nobody believes a friend can betray. And Michael went on disbelieving until the day his head ended up on a pike. Lord, protect me from my friends; I can take care of my enemies. Voltaire, 1694-1778<span><body></ht

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#48-laws-of-power #interpretation #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #transgression-of-the-law
Lord, protect me from my friends; I can take care of my enemies.

Voltaire, 1694-1778
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hael’s moment of realization, he could still have saved his own life, but friendship and love blind every man to their interests. Nobody believes a friend can betray. And Michael went on disbelieving until the day his head ended up on a pike. <span>Lord, protect me from my friends; I can take care of my enemies. Voltaire, 1694-1778<span><body><html>

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#48-laws-of-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #observance-of-the-law
For centuries in China army men would plot to kill a weak emperor, then would replace him with a strong general. The general, to ensure his own survival he would kill off his fellow generals. After some years, new generals would rise up and assassinate him.

To be emperor of China was to be alone, surrounded by a pack of enemies.

General Chao K’uang-yin became Emperor. He knew the probability that soon he would be murdered.

To break the pattern, he ordered a banquet to celebrate his triumph, and invited the most powerful commanders in the army. After drinking a lot, he talked alone to them, who thought they were going to get murdered.

Instead of killing them, he ask them if someone wanted to dethrone him. Drunk and fearing for their lives, the generals proclaimed their innocence and their loyalty.

But Sung offered them: "give up your commands, and I will give you houses, riches and bitches."

The next day, all of the generals tendered their resignations, and they retired as nobles to the estates.

In one stroke, Sung turned a pack of “friendly” wolves, who would likely have betrayed him, into a group of docile lambs, far from all power.

Over the next few years Sung continued his campaign to secure his rule.

In A.D. 971, King Liu of the Southern Han finally surrendered to him after years of rebellion. To Liu’s astonishment, Sung gave him a rank in the imperial court. Liu thought he was going to get poisoned. He said he didnt deserved death, then, Emperor Sung swallowed it himself. There was no poison. From then on Liu became his most trusted and loyal friend.

When Ch‘ien Shu, the king of one of little kingdom, was defeated, Sung’s ministers advised the emperor to lock him up. They presented documents proving that he was still conspiring to kill Sung. When Ch’ien Shu came to visit the emperor, however, instead of locking him up, Sung honored him. He also gave him a package, which he told the former king to open when he was halfway home. Ch’ien Shu opened the bundle on his return journey and saw that it contained all the papers documenting his conspiracy. He realized that Sung knew of his murderous plans, yet had spared him nonetheless. This generosity won him over, and he too became one of Sung’s most loyal vassals.

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#48-laws-of-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #observance-of-the-law
There are many who think therefore that a wise prince ought, when he has the chance, to foment astutely some enmity, so that by suppressing it he will augment his greatness. Princes, and especially new ones, have found more faith and more usefulness in those men, whom at the beginning of their power they regarded with suspicion, than in those they at first confided in.

Pandolfo Petrucci, prince of Siena, governed his state more by those whom he suspected than by others.

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d that instead of a life of anxiety and struggle Sung was offering them riches and security. The next day, all of the generals tendered their resignations, and they retired as nobles to the estates that Sung bestowed on them. <span>There are many who think therefore that a wise prince ought, when he has the chance, to foment astutely some enmity, so that by suppressing it he will augment his greatness. Princes, and especially new ones, have found more faith and more usefulness in those men, whom at the beginning of their power they regarded with suspicion, than in those they at first confided in. Pandolfo Petrucci, prince of Siena, governed his state more by those whom he suspected than by others.<span><body><html>

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#48-laws-of-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #observance-of-the-law
In one stroke, Sung turned a pack of “friendly” wolves, who would likely have betrayed him, into a group of docile lambs, far from all power.
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In one stroke, Sung turned a pack of “friendly” wolves, who would likely have betrayed him, into a group of docile lambs, far from all power. Over the next few years Sung continued his campaign to secure his rule. In A.D. 971, King Liu of the Southern Han finally surrendered to him after years of rebellion. To

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#48-laws-of-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #observance-of-the-law
A brahman, a great expert in Veda who has become a great archer as well, offers his services to his good friend, who is now the king. The brahman cries out when he sees the king, “Recognize me, your friend!” The king answers him with contempt and then explains: “Yes, we were friends before, but our friendship was based on what power we had.... I was friends with you, good brahman, because it served my purpose. No pauper is friend to the rich, no fool to the wise, no coward to the brave. An old friend—who needs him? It is two men of equal wealth and equal birth who contract friendship and marriage, not a rich man and a pauper.... An old friend—who needs him?

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contained all the papers documenting his conspiracy. He realized that Sung knew of his murderous plans, yet had spared him nonetheless. This generosity won him over, and he too became one of Sung’s most loyal vassals. <span>A brahman, a great expert in Veda who has become a great archer as well, offers his services to his good friend, who is now the king. The brahman cries out when he sees the king, “Recognize me, your friend!” The king answers him with contempt and then explains: “Yes, we were friends before, but our friendship was based on what power we had.... I was friends with you, good brahman, because it served my purpose. No pauper is friend to the rich, no fool to the wise, no coward to the brave. An old friend—who needs him? It is two men of equal wealth and equal birth who contract friendship and marriage, not a rich man and a pauper.... An old friend—who needs him? THE MAHABHARATA, C. THIRD CENTURY B.C. <span><body><html>

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Interpretation of the second law observance
#48-laws-of-power #interpretation #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #observance-of-the-law
A Chinese proverb compares friends to the jaws and teeth of a dangerous animal: If you are not careful, you will find them chewing you up. Emperor Sung knew the jaws he was passing between when he assumed the throne: His “friends” in the army would chew him up like meat, and if he somehow survived, his “friends” in the government would have him for supper. Emperor Sung would have no truck with “friends”—he bribed his fellow generals with splendid estates and kept them far away. This was a much better way to emasculate them than killing them, which would only have led other generals to seek vengeance. And Sung would have nothing to do with “friendly” ministers. More often than not, they would end up drinking his famous cup of poisoned wine.

Instead of relying on friends, Sung used his enemies, one after the other, transforming them into far more reliable subjects. While a friend expects more and more favors, and seethes with jealousy, these former enemies expected nothing and got everything. A man suddenly spared the guillotine is a grateful man indeed, and will go to the ends of the earth for the man who has pardoned him. In time, these former enemies became Sung’s most trusted friends. Pick up a bee from kindness, and learn the limitations of kindness. SUFI PROVERB And Sung was finally able to break the pattern of coups, violence, and civil war—the Sung Dynasty ruled China for more than three hundred years.

In a speech Abraham Lincoln delivered at the height of the Civil War, he referred to the Southerners as fellow human beings who were in error. An elderly lady chastised him for not calling them irreconcilable enemies who must be destroyed. “Why, madam,” Lincoln replied, “do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?”
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#48-laws-of-power #interpretation #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #observance-of-the-law
A Chinese proverb compares friends to the jaws and teeth of a dangerous animal: If you are not careful, you will find them chewing you up
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A Chinese proverb compares friends to the jaws and teeth of a dangerous animal: If you are not careful, you will find them chewing you up. Emperor Sung knew the jaws he was passing between when he assumed the throne: His “friends” in the army would chew him up like meat, and if he somehow survived, his “friends” in the go

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#48-laws-of-power #interpretation #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #observance-of-the-law
Emperor Sung knew the jaws he was passing between when he assumed the throne: His “friends” in the army would chew him up like meat, and if he somehow survived, his “friends” in the government would have him for supper.
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A Chinese proverb compares friends to the jaws and teeth of a dangerous animal: If you are not careful, you will find them chewing you up. Emperor Sung knew the jaws he was passing between when he assumed the throne: His “friends” in the army would chew him up like meat, and if he somehow survived, his “friends” in the government would have him for supper. Emperor Sung would have no truck with “friends”—he bribed his fellow generals with splendid estates and kept them far away. This was a much better way to emasculate them than killing th

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#48-laws-of-power #interpretation #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #observance-of-the-law
Emperor Sung would have no truck with “friends”—he bribed his fellow generals with splendid estates and kept them far away. This was a much better way to emasculate them than killing them, which would only have led other generals to seek vengeance.
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d them chewing you up. Emperor Sung knew the jaws he was passing between when he assumed the throne: His “friends” in the army would chew him up like meat, and if he somehow survived, his “friends” in the government would have him for supper. <span>Emperor Sung would have no truck with “friends”—he bribed his fellow generals with splendid estates and kept them far away. This was a much better way to emasculate them than killing them, which would only have led other generals to seek vengeance. And Sung would have nothing to do with “friendly” ministers. More often than not, they would end up drinking his famous cup of poisoned wine. Instead of relying on friends,

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#48-laws-of-power #interpretation #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #observance-of-the-law
nstead of relying on friends, Sung used his enemies, one after the other, transforming them into far more reliable subjects
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te them than killing them, which would only have led other generals to seek vengeance. And Sung would have nothing to do with “friendly” ministers. More often than not, they would end up drinking his famous cup of poisoned wine. I<span>nstead of relying on friends, Sung used his enemies, one after the other, transforming them into far more reliable subjects. While a friend expects more and more favors, and seethes with jealousy, these former enemies expected nothing and got everything. A man suddenly spared the guillotine is a grateful man

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#48-laws-of-power #interpretation #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #observance-of-the-law
While a friend expects more and more favors, former enemies expect nothing.
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“friendly” ministers. More often than not, they would end up drinking his famous cup of poisoned wine. Instead of relying on friends, Sung used his enemies, one after the other, transforming them into far more reliable subjects. <span>While a friend expects more and more favors, and seethes with jealousy, these former enemies expected nothing and got everything. A man suddenly spared the guillotine is a grateful man indeed, and will go to the ends of the earth for the man who has pardoned him. In time, these former enemies became Sung’s most tr

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#48-laws-of-power #interpretation #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #observance-of-the-law
A man suddenly spared the guillotine is a grateful man indeed, and will go to the ends of the earth for the man who has pardoned him.
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lying on friends, Sung used his enemies, one after the other, transforming them into far more reliable subjects. While a friend expects more and more favors, and seethes with jealousy, these former enemies expected nothing and got everything. <span>A man suddenly spared the guillotine is a grateful man indeed, and will go to the ends of the earth for the man who has pardoned him. In time, these former enemies became Sung’s most trusted friends. Pick up a bee from kindness, and learn the limitations of kindness. SUFI PROVERB And Sung was finally able to break the

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#48-laws-of-power #interpretation #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #observance-of-the-law
Pick up a bee from kindness, and learn the limitations of kindness.
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emies expected nothing and got everything. A man suddenly spared the guillotine is a grateful man indeed, and will go to the ends of the earth for the man who has pardoned him. In time, these former enemies became Sung’s most trusted friends. <span>Pick up a bee from kindness, and learn the limitations of kindness. SUFI PROVERB And Sung was finally able to break the pattern of coups, violence, and civil war—the Sung Dynasty ruled China for more than three hundred years. In a speech Abra

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#48-laws-of-power #interpretation #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #observance-of-the-law
Sung was finally able to break the pattern of coups, violence, and civil war—the Sung Dynasty ruled China for more than three hundred years.
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grateful man indeed, and will go to the ends of the earth for the man who has pardoned him. In time, these former enemies became Sung’s most trusted friends. Pick up a bee from kindness, and learn the limitations of kindness. SUFI PROVERB And <span>Sung was finally able to break the pattern of coups, violence, and civil war—the Sung Dynasty ruled China for more than three hundred years. In a speech Abraham Lincoln delivered at the height of the Civil War, he referred to the Southerners as fellow human beings who were in error. An elderly lady chastised him f

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#48-laws-of-power #interpretation #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #observance-of-the-law
In a speech Abraham Lincoln delivered at the height of the Civil War, he referred to the Southerners as fellow human beings who were in error. An elderly lady chastised him for not calling them irreconcilable enemies who must be destroyed. “Why, madam,” Lincoln replied, “do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?”
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ends. Pick up a bee from kindness, and learn the limitations of kindness. SUFI PROVERB And Sung was finally able to break the pattern of coups, violence, and civil war—the Sung Dynasty ruled China for more than three hundred years. <span>In a speech Abraham Lincoln delivered at the height of the Civil War, he referred to the Southerners as fellow human beings who were in error. An elderly lady chastised him for not calling them irreconcilable enemies who must be destroyed. “Why, madam,” Lincoln replied, “do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?”<span><body><html>

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
It is natural to want to employ your friends when you find yourself in times of need. The world is a harsh place, and your friends soften the harshness. Besides, you know them. Why depend on a stranger when you have a friend at hand?

Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit, because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.

TACITUS, c. A.D. 55-120

The problem is that you often do not know your friends as well as you imagine. Friends often agree on things in order to avoid an argument. They cover up their unpleasant qualities so as to not offend each other. They laugh extra hard at each other’s jokes. Since honesty rarely strengthens friendship, you may never know how a friend truly feels. Friends will say that they love your poetry, adore your music, envy your taste in clothes—maybe they mean it, often they do not.

When you decide to hire a friend, you gradually discover the qualities he or she has kept hidden. Strangely enough, it is your act of kindness that unbalances everything. People want to feel they deserve their good fortune. The receipt of a favor can become oppressive: It means you have been chosen because you are a friend, not necessarily because you are deserving. There is almost a touch of condescension in the act of hiring friends that secretly afflicts them. The injury will come out slowly: A little more honesty, flashes of resentment and envy here and there, and before you know it your friendship fades. The more favors and gifts you supply to revive the friendship, the less gratitude you receive.

Ingratitude has a long and deep history. It has demonstrated its powers for so many centuries, that it is truly amazing that people continue to underestimate them. Better to be wary. If you never expect gratitude from a friend, you will be pleasantly surprised when they do prove grateful.

The problem with using or hiring friends is that it will inevitably limit your power. The friend is rarely the one who is most able to help you; and in the end, skill and competence are far more important than friendly feelings. (Michael III had a man right under his nose who would have steered him right and kept him alive: That man was Bardas.)


King Hiero chanced upon a time, speaking with one of his enemies, to be told in a reproachful manner that he had stinking breath. Whereupon the good king, being somewhat dismayed in himself, as soon as he returned home chided his wife, “How does it happen that you never told me of this problem?” The woman, being a simple, chaste. and harmless dame, said, “Sir, I had thought all men breath had smelled so.” Thus it is plain that faults that are evident to the senses, gross and corporal, or otherwise notorious to the world, we know by our enemies sooner than by our friends and familiars.

PLUTARCH, C. A.D. 46-120

All working situations require a kind of distance between people. You are trying to work, not make friends; friendliness (real or false) only obscures that fact. The key to power, then, is the ability to judge who is best able to further your interests in all situations. Keep friends for friendship, but work with the skilled and competent.

Your enemies, on the other hand, are an untapped gold mine that you must learn to exploit. When Talleyrand, Napoleon’s foreign minister, decided in 1807 that his boss was leading France to ruin, and the time had come to turn against him, he understood the dangers of conspiring against the emperor; he needed a partner, a confederate—what friend could he trust in such a project? He chose Joseph Fouché, head of the secret police, his most hated enemy, a man who had even tried to have him assassinated. He knew that their former hatred would create an opportunity for an emotional reconciliation. He knew that Fouché would expect nothing from him, and in fact would work to prove that he was worthy of Talleyrand’s choice; a person who has something to prove will move mountains ...
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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
It is natural to want to employ your friends when you find yourself in times of need. The world is a harsh place, and your friends soften the harshness. Besides, you know them. Why depend on a stranger when you have a friend at hand?
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It is natural to want to employ your friends when you find yourself in times of need. The world is a harsh place, and your friends soften the harshness. Besides, you know them. Why depend on a stranger when you have a friend at hand? Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit, because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure. TACITUS, c. A.D. 55-120 The problem is that

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit, because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.

TACITUS, c. A.D. 55-120
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is natural to want to employ your friends when you find yourself in times of need. The world is a harsh place, and your friends soften the harshness. Besides, you know them. Why depend on a stranger when you have a friend at hand? <span>Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit, because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure. TACITUS, c. A.D. 55-120 The problem is that you often do not know your friends as well as you imagine. Friends often agree on things in order to avoid an argument. They cover up their unpleasant qua

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
Friends often agree on things in order to avoid an argument. They cover up their unpleasant qualities so as to not offend each other.
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13; Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit, because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure. TACITUS, c. A.D. 55-120 The problem is that you often do not know your friends as well as you imagine. <span>Friends often agree on things in order to avoid an argument. They cover up their unpleasant qualities so as to not offend each other. They laugh extra hard at each other’s jokes. Since honesty rarely strengthens friendship, you may never know how a friend truly feels. Friends will say that they love your poetry, adore

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
When you decide to hire a friend, you gradually discover the qualities he or she has kept hidden. Strangely enough, it is your act of kindness that unbalances everything. People want to feel they deserve their good fortune.
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her’s jokes. Since honesty rarely strengthens friendship, you may never know how a friend truly feels. Friends will say that they love your poetry, adore your music, envy your taste in clothes—maybe they mean it, often they do not. <span>When you decide to hire a friend, you gradually discover the qualities he or she has kept hidden. Strangely enough, it is your act of kindness that unbalances everything. People want to feel they deserve their good fortune. The receipt of a favor can become oppressive: It means you have been chosen because you are a friend, not necessarily because you are deserving. There is almost a touch of condescension

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
The receipt of a favor can become oppressive: It means you have been chosen because you are a friend, not necessarily because you are deserving.
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do not. When you decide to hire a friend, you gradually discover the qualities he or she has kept hidden. Strangely enough, it is your act of kindness that unbalances everything. People want to feel they deserve their good fortune. <span>The receipt of a favor can become oppressive: It means you have been chosen because you are a friend, not necessarily because you are deserving. There is almost a touch of condescension in the act of hiring friends that secretly afflicts them. The injury will come out slowly: A little more honesty, flashes of resentment and envy

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
There is almost a touch of condescension in the act of hiring friends that secretly afflicts them.
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act of kindness that unbalances everything. People want to feel they deserve their good fortune. The receipt of a favor can become oppressive: It means you have been chosen because you are a friend, not necessarily because you are deserving. <span>There is almost a touch of condescension in the act of hiring friends that secretly afflicts them. The injury will come out slowly: A little more honesty, flashes of resentment and envy here and there, and before you know it your friendship fades. The more favors and gifts you supply

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
The injury will come out slowly: A little more honesty, flashes of resentment and envy here and there, and before you know it your friendship fades. The more favors and gifts you supply to revive the friendship, the less gratitude you receive.
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he receipt of a favor can become oppressive: It means you have been chosen because you are a friend, not necessarily because you are deserving. There is almost a touch of condescension in the act of hiring friends that secretly afflicts them. <span>The injury will come out slowly: A little more honesty, flashes of resentment and envy here and there, and before you know it your friendship fades. The more favors and gifts you supply to revive the friendship, the less gratitude you receive. Ingratitude has a long and deep history. It has demonstrated its powers for so many centuries, that it is truly amazing that people continue to underestimate them. Better to

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
Ingratitude has a long and deep history. It has demonstrated its powers for so many centuries, that it is truly amazing that people continue to underestimate them. Better to be wary. If you never expect gratitude from a friend, you will be pleasantly surprised when they do prove grateful.
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ill come out slowly: A little more honesty, flashes of resentment and envy here and there, and before you know it your friendship fades. The more favors and gifts you supply to revive the friendship, the less gratitude you receive. <span>Ingratitude has a long and deep history. It has demonstrated its powers for so many centuries, that it is truly amazing that people continue to underestimate them. Better to be wary. If you never expect gratitude from a friend, you will be pleasantly surprised when they do prove grateful. The problem with using or hiring friends is that it will inevitably limit your power. The friend is rarely the one who is most able to help you; and in the end, skill and com

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
The problem with using or hiring friends is that it will inevitably limit your power. The friend is rarely the one who is most able to help you; and in the end, skill and competence are far more important than friendly feelings.
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ed its powers for so many centuries, that it is truly amazing that people continue to underestimate them. Better to be wary. If you never expect gratitude from a friend, you will be pleasantly surprised when they do prove grateful. <span>The problem with using or hiring friends is that it will inevitably limit your power. The friend is rarely the one who is most able to help you; and in the end, skill and competence are far more important than friendly feelings. (Michael III had a man right under his nose who would have steered him right and kept him alive: That man was Bardas.) PROFITING BY OUR ENEMIES King Hiero chanced

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
Michael III had a man right under his nose who would have steered him right and kept him alive: That man was Bardas.
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. The problem with using or hiring friends is that it will inevitably limit your power. The friend is rarely the one who is most able to help you; and in the end, skill and competence are far more important than friendly feelings. (<span>Michael III had a man right under his nose who would have steered him right and kept him alive: That man was Bardas.) PROFITING BY OUR ENEMIES King Hiero chanced upon a time, speaking with one of his enemies, to be told in a reproachful manner that he had stinking breath. Whereup

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
All working situations require a kind of distance between people. You are trying to work, not make friends; friendliness (real or false) only obscures that fact.
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melled so.” Thus it is plain that faults that are evident to the senses, gross and corporal, or otherwise notorious to the world, we know by our enemies sooner than by our friends and familiars. PLUTARCH, C. A.D. 46-120 <span>All working situations require a kind of distance between people. You are trying to work, not make friends; friendliness (real or false) only obscures that fact. The key to power, then, is the ability to judge who is best able to further your interests in all situations. Keep friends for friendship, but work with the skilled and competent.

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
The key to power, then, is the ability to judge who is best able to further your interests in all situations. Keep friends for friendship, but work with the skilled and competent.
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an by our friends and familiars. PLUTARCH, C. A.D. 46-120 All working situations require a kind of distance between people. You are trying to work, not make friends; friendliness (real or false) only obscures that fact. <span>The key to power, then, is the ability to judge who is best able to further your interests in all situations. Keep friends for friendship, but work with the skilled and competent. Your enemies, on the other hand, are an untapped gold mine that you must learn to exploit. When Talleyrand, Napoleon’s foreign minister, decided in 1807 that his boss was lea

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
Enemies, are an untapped gold mine that you must learn to exploit.

When Talleyrand, Napoleon’s foreign minister, decided the time had come to turn against him, he understood the dangers of conspiring against the emperor; he needed a partner, a confederate—what friend could he trust in such a project?

He chose Joseph Fouché, head of the secret police, his most hated enemy, a man who had even tried to have him assassinated.

He knew that Fouché would expect nothing from him, and in fact would work to prove that he was worthy of Talleyrand’s choice; a person who has something to prove will move mountains for you.

He knew that their relationship would be based on mutual self-interest.

And from then on, Talleyrand and Fouché had a fruitful working relationship.

Whenever you can, bury the hatchet with an enemy, and make a point of putting him in your service.
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iendliness (real or false) only obscures that fact. The key to power, then, is the ability to judge who is best able to further your interests in all situations. Keep friends for friendship, but work with the skilled and competent. <span>Your enemies, on the other hand, are an untapped gold mine that you must learn to exploit. When Talleyrand, Napoleon’s foreign minister, decided in 1807 that his boss was leading France to ruin, and the time had come to turn against him, he understood the dangers of conspiring against the emperor; he needed a partner, a confederate—what friend could he trust in such a project? He chose Joseph Fouché, head of the secret police, his most hated enemy, a man who had even tried to have him assassinated. He knew that their former hatred would create an opportunity for an emotional reconciliation. He knew that Fouché would expect nothing from him, and in fact would work to prove that he was worthy of Talleyrand’s choice; a person who has something to prove will move mountains for you. Finally, he knew that his relationship with Fouché would be based on mutual self-interest, and would not be contaminated by personal feeling. The selection proved perfect; although the conspirators did not succeed in toppling Napoleon, the union of such powerful but unlikely partners generated much interest in the cause; opposition to the emperor slowly began to spread. And from then on, Talleyrand and Fouché had a fruitful working relationship. Whenever you can, bury the hatchet with an enemy, and make a point of putting him in your service. As Lincoln said, you destroy an enemy when you make a friend of him. In 1971, during the Vietnam War, Henry Kissinger was the target of an unsuccessful kidnapping attempt, a

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
Whenever you can, bury the hatchet with an enemy, and make a point of putting him in your service.
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n who has something to prove will move mountains for you. He knew that their relationship would be based on mutual self-interest. And from then on, Talleyrand and Fouché had a fruitful working relationship. <span>Whenever you can, bury the hatchet with an enemy, and make a point of putting him in your service .<span><body><html>

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
As Lincoln said, you destroy an enemy when you make a friend of him.
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ause; opposition to the emperor slowly began to spread. And from then on, Talleyrand and Fouché had a fruitful working relationship. Whenever you can, bury the hatchet with an enemy, and make a point of putting him in your service. <span>As Lincoln said, you destroy an enemy when you make a friend of him. In 1971, during the Vietnam War, Henry Kissinger was the target of an unsuccessful kidnapping attempt, a conspiracy involving, among others, the renowned antiwar activist priests the Be

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
During the Vietnam War, Henry Kissinger was the target of an unsuccessful kidnapping attempt, a conspiracy involving, among others, the renowned antiwar activist priests.

In private, Kissinger arranged a meeting with three of the alleged kidnappers. Explaining to his guests that he would have most American soldiers out of Vietnam by mid-1972, he completely charmed them.

They gave him some “Kidnap Kissinger” buttons and one of them remained a friend of his for years, visiting him on several occasions.

This was not just a onetime ploy: Kissinger made a policy of working with those who disagreed with him. Colleagues commented that he seemed to get along better with his enemies than with his friends.
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on, Talleyrand and Fouché had a fruitful working relationship. Whenever you can, bury the hatchet with an enemy, and make a point of putting him in your service. As Lincoln said, you destroy an enemy when you make a friend of him. <span>In 1971, during the Vietnam War, Henry Kissinger was the target of an unsuccessful kidnapping attempt, a conspiracy involving, among others, the renowned antiwar activist priests the Berrigan brothers, four more Catholic priests, and four nuns. In private, without informing the Secret Service or the Justice Department, Kissinger arranged a Saturday-morning meeting with three of the alleged kidnappers. Explaining to his guests that he would have most American soldiers out of Vietnam by mid-1972, he completely charmed them. They gave him some “Kidnap Kissinger” buttons and one of them remained a friend of his for years, visiting him on several occasions. This was not just a onetime ploy: Kissinger made a policy of working with those who disagreed with him. Colleagues commented that he seemed to get along better with his enemies than with his friends. Without enemies around us, we grow lazy. An enemy at our heels sharpens our wits, keeping us focused and alert. It is sometimes better, then, to use enemies as enemies rather

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
Without enemies around us, we grow lazy. An enemy at our heels sharpens our wits, keeping us focused and alert. It is sometimes better, then, to use enemies as enemies rather than transforming them into friends or allies.
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iting him on several occasions. This was not just a onetime ploy: Kissinger made a policy of working with those who disagreed with him. Colleagues commented that he seemed to get along better with his enemies than with his friends. <span>Without enemies around us, we grow lazy. An enemy at our heels sharpens our wits, keeping us focused and alert. It is sometimes better, then, to use enemies as enemies rather than transforming them into friends or allies. Mao Tse-tung saw conflict as key in his approach to power. In 1937 the Japanese invaded China, interrupting the civil war between Mao’s Communists and their enemy, the Nation

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Flashcard 1457007496460

#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
Without enemies around us, [...].
we grow lazy

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Without enemies around us, we grow lazy. An enemy at our heels sharpens our wits, keeping us focused and alert. It is sometimes better, then, to use enemies as enemies rather than transforming them into friends or allies.</sp

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
Mao Tse-tung saw conflict as key in his approach to power. In 1937 the Japanese invaded China, interrupting the civil war between Mao’s Communists and their enemy, the Nationalists.

Some Communist leaders advocated leaving the Nationalists to fight the Japanese and recuperate meanwhile.

Mao disagreed: The Japanese would eventually be defeated and if they didnt fight they would rust. To fight would be the perfect training for the Communist army. Mao’s plan was adopted, and it worked.

Years later, a Japanese visitor tried to apologize to Mao for his country’s invasion of China. Mao interrupted, “Should I not thank you instead?” Without a worthy opponent, he explained, a man or group cannot grow stronger.
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13; Without enemies around us, we grow lazy. An enemy at our heels sharpens our wits, keeping us focused and alert. It is sometimes better, then, to use enemies as enemies rather than transforming them into friends or allies. <span>Mao Tse-tung saw conflict as key in his approach to power. In 1937 the Japanese invaded China, interrupting the civil war between Mao’s Communists and their enemy, the Nationalists. Fearing that the Japanese would wipe them out, some Communist leaders advocated leaving the Nationalists to fight the Japanese, and using the time to recuperate. Mao disagreed: The Japanese could not possibly defeat and occupy a vast country like China for long. Once they left, the Communists would have grown rusty if they had been out of combat for several years, and would be ill prepared to reopen their struggle with the Nationalists. To fight a formidable foe like the Japanese, in fact, would be the perfect training for the Communists’ ragtag army. Mao’s plan was adopted, and it worked: By the time the Japanese finally retreated, the Communists had gained the fighting experience that helped them defeat the Nationalists. Years later, a Japanese visitor tried to apologize to Mao for his country’s invasion of China. Mao interrupted, “Should I not thank you instead?” Without a worthy opponent, he explained, a man or group cannot grow stronger. Mao’s strategy of constant conflict has several key components. First, be certain that in the long run you will emerge victorious. Never pick a fight with someone you are not sure you can defeat, as Mao knew the Japanese would be defeated in time. Second, if you have no apparent enemies, you must sometimes set up a convenient target, even turning a friend into an enemy. Mao used this tactic time and again in politics. Third, use such enemies to define your cause more clearly to the public, even framing it as a struggle of good against evil. Mao actually encouraged China’s disagreements with the Soviet Union and the United States; without clear-cut enemies, he believed, his people would lose any sense of what Chinese Communism meant. A sharply defined enemy is a far stronger argument for your side than all the words you could possibly put together. Never let the presence of enemies upset or distress you—you are far better off with a declared opponent or two than not knowing where your real enemies lie. The man of power welcomes conflict, using enemies to enhance his reputation as a surefooted fighter who can be relied upon in times of uncertainty. Image: The Jaws of ingratitude. Knowing what would happen if you put a finger in the mouth of a lion, you would stay clear of it. With friends you will have no such caution,

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
Mao’s strategy of constant conflict has several key components:
First, be certain that in the long run you will emerge victorious. Never pick a fight with someone you are not sure you can defeat, as Mao knew the Japanese would be defeated in time.

Second, if you have no apparent enemies, you must sometimes set up a convenient target, even turning a friend into an enemy. Mao used this tactic time and again in politics.

Third, use such enemies to define your cause more clearly to the public, even framing it as a struggle of good against evil. Mao actually encouraged China’s disagreements with the Soviet Union and the United States; without clear-cut enemies, he believed, his people would lose any sense of what Chinese Communism meant. A sharply defined enemy is a far stronger argument for your side than all the words you could possibly put together.
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; Years later, a Japanese visitor tried to apologize to Mao for his country’s invasion of China. Mao interrupted, “Should I not thank you instead?” Without a worthy opponent, he explained, a man or group cannot grow stronger. <span>Mao’s strategy of constant conflict has several key components: First, be certain that in the long run you will emerge victorious. Never pick a fight with someone you are not sure you can defeat, as Mao knew the Japanese would be defeated in time. Second, if you have no apparent enemies, you must sometimes set up a convenient target, even turning a friend into an enemy. Mao used this tactic time and again in politics. Third, use such enemies to define your cause more clearly to the public, even framing it as a struggle of good against evil. Mao actually encouraged China’s disagreements with the Soviet Union and the United States; without clear-cut enemies, he believed, his people would lose any sense of what Chinese Communism meant. A sharply defined enemy is a far stronger argument for your side than all the words you could possibly put together. Never let the presence of enemies upset or distress you—you are far better off with a declared opponent or two than not knowing where your real enemies lie. The man of power

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#48-laws-of-power #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies
Never let the presence of enemies upset or distress you—you are far better off with a declared opponent or two than not knowing where your real enemies lie. The man of power welcomes conflict, using enemies to enhance his reputation as a surefooted fighter who can be relied upon in times of uncertainty.
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; Years later, a Japanese visitor tried to apologize to Mao for his country’s invasion of China. Mao interrupted, “Should I not thank you instead?” Without a worthy opponent, he explained, a man or group cannot grow stronger. <span>Never let the presence of enemies upset or distress you—you are far better off with a declared opponent or two than not knowing where your real enemies lie. The man of power welcomes conflict, using enemies to enhance his reputation as a surefooted fighter who can be relied upon in times of uncertainty.<span><body><html>

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Image: The Jaws of ingratitude.
#48-laws-of-power #image #keys-to-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies

Knowing what would happen if you put a finger in the mouth of a lion, you would stay clear of it. With friends you will have no such caution, and if you hire them, they will eat you alive with ingratitude.

Authority: Know how to use enemies for your own profit. You must learn to grab a sword not by its blade, which would cut you, but by the handle, which allows you to defend yourself. The wise man profits more from his enemies, than a fool from his friends. (Baltasar Gracián, 1601-1658)
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r off with a declared opponent or two than not knowing where your real enemies lie. The man of power welcomes conflict, using enemies to enhance his reputation as a surefooted fighter who can be relied upon in times of uncertainty. <span>Image: The Jaws of ingratitude. Knowing what would happen if you put a finger in the mouth of a lion, you would stay clear of it. With friends you will have no such caution, and if you hire them, they will eat you alive with ingratitude. Authority: Know how to use enemies for your own profit. You must learn to grab a sword not by its blade, which would cut you, but by the handle, which allows you to defend yourself. The wise man profits more from his enemies, than a fool from his friends. (Baltasar Gracián, 1601-1658)<span><body><html>

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#48-laws-of-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #reversal
Although it is generally best not to mix work with friendship, there are times when a friend can be used to greater effect than an enemy. A man of power, for example, often has dirty work that has to be done, but for the sake of appearances it is generally preferable to have other people do it for him; friends often do this the best, since their affection for him makes them willing to take chances. Also, if your plans go awry for some reason, you can use a friend as a convenient scapegoat. This “fall of the favorite” was a trick often used by kings and sovereigns: They would let their closest friend at court take the fall for a mistake, since the public would not believe that they would deliberately sacrifice a friend for such a purpose. Of course, after you play that card, you have lost your friend forever. It is best, then, to reserve the scapegoat role for someone who is close to you but not too close.

Finally, the problem about working with friends is that it confuses the boundaries and distances that working requires. But if both partners in the arrangement understand the dangers involved, a friend often can be employed to great effect. You must never let your guard down in such a venture, however; always be on the lookout for any signs of emotional disturbance such as envy and ingratitude. Nothing is stable in the realm of power, and even the closest of friends can be transformed into the worst of enemies.
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Use for friends
#48-laws-of-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #reversal
A man of power, often has dirty work that has to be done, but for the sake of appearances it is generally preferable to have other people do it for him; friends often do this the best, since their affection for him makes them willing to take chances.
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Although it is generally best not to mix work with friendship, there are times when a friend can be used to greater effect than an enemy. A man of power, for example, often has dirty work that has to be done, but for the sake of appearances it is generally preferable to have other people do it for him; friends often do this the best, since their affection for him makes them willing to take chances. Also, if your plans go awry for some reason, you can use a friend as a convenient scapegoat. This “fall of the favorite” was a trick often used by kings and sovereigns: They would let t

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#48-laws-of-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #reversal
If your plans go awry for some reason, you can use a friend as a convenient scapegoat.

This “fall of the favorite” was a trick often used by kings and sovereigns: They would let their closest friend at court take the fall for a mistake, since the public would not believe that they would deliberately sacrifice a friend for such a purpose.

Of course, after you play that card, you have lost your friend forever. It is best, then, to reserve the scapegoat role for someone who is close to you but not too close.
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xample, often has dirty work that has to be done, but for the sake of appearances it is generally preferable to have other people do it for him; friends often do this the best, since their affection for him makes them willing to take chances. <span>Also, if your plans go awry for some reason, you can use a friend as a convenient scapegoat. This “fall of the favorite” was a trick often used by kings and sovereigns: They would let their closest friend at court take the fall for a mistake, since the public would not believe that they would deliberately sacrifice a friend for such a purpose. Of course, after you play that card, you have lost your friend forever. It is best, then, to reserve the scapegoat role for someone who is close to you but not too close. Finally, the problem about working with friends is that it confuses the boundaries and distances that working requires. But if both partners in the arrangement understand the

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#48-laws-of-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #reversal
Finally, the problem about working with friends is that it confuses the boundaries and distances that working requires.
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ey would deliberately sacrifice a friend for such a purpose. Of course, after you play that card, you have lost your friend forever. It is best, then, to reserve the scapegoat role for someone who is close to you but not too close. <span>Finally, the problem about working with friends is that it confuses the boundaries and distances that working requires. But if both partners in the arrangement understand the dangers involved, a friend often can be employed to great effect. You must never let your guard down in such a venture, however; a

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#48-laws-of-power #law-2-never-trust-friends-learn-how-to-use-enemies #reversal
Finally, the problem about working with friends is that it confuses the boundaries and distances that working requires. But if both partners in the arrangement understand the dangers involved, a friend often can be employed to great effect. You must never let your guard down in such a venture, however; always be on the lookout for any signs of emotional disturbance such as envy and ingratitude. Nothing is stable in the realm of power, and even the closest of friends can be transformed into the worst of enemies.
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ey would deliberately sacrifice a friend for such a purpose. Of course, after you play that card, you have lost your friend forever. It is best, then, to reserve the scapegoat role for someone who is close to you but not too close. <span>Finally, the problem about working with friends is that it confuses the boundaries and distances that working requires. But if both partners in the arrangement understand the dangers involved, a friend often can be employed to great effect. You must never let your guard down in such a venture, however; always be on the lookout for any signs of emotional disturbance such as envy and ingratitude. Nothing is stable in the realm of power, and even the closest of friends can be transformed into the worst of enemies.<span><body><html>

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#48-laws-of-power #law-3-conceal-your-intentions
Keep people off-balance and in the dark by never revealing the purpose behind your actions. If they have no clue what you are up to, they cannot prepare a defense. Guide them far enough down the wrong path, envelop them in enough smoke, and by the time they realize your intentions, it will be too late.
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Flashcard 1457029778700

LAW 3 [...]

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LAW 3 CONCEAL YOUR INTENTIONS JUDGMENT Keep people off-balance and in the dark by never revealing the purpose behind your actions. If they have no clue what you are up to, they cannot prepare a defense. Guide them f

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Flashcard 1457033448716

#48-laws-of-power #law-3-conceal-your-intentions
Keep people off-balance and in the dark by [...].
never revealing the purpose behind your actions

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Keep people off-balance and in the dark by never revealing the purpose behind your actions. If they have no clue what you are up to, they cannot prepare a defense. Guide them far enough down the wrong path, envelop them in enough smoke, and by the time they realize your inten

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Flashcard 1457035808012

#48-laws-of-power #law-3-conceal-your-intentions
If people have no clue what you are up to, they [...].
cannot prepare a defense

Guide them down the wrong path, envelop them in smoke, and when they realize your intentions, it will be too late.

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Keep people off-balance and in the dark by never revealing the purpose behind your actions. If they have no clue what you are up to, they cannot prepare a defense. Guide them far enough down the wrong path, envelop them in enough smoke, and by the time they realize your intentions, it will be too late.

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Flashcard 1457038167308

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
The segment of code, type="l" (that’s a letter “ l” not a numeral “1”) tells R to [...]
plot connecting lines between the points, with no distinctive symbols marking the points.

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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The segment of code, type="l" (that’s a letter “ l” not a numeral “1”) tells R to plot connecting lines between the points, with no distinctive symbols marking the points.

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Flashcard 1457041313036

the [...] conformation is lower in energy and occurs more frequently

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the anti conformation is lower in energy and occurs more frequently

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Flashcard 1457042885900

n the standard Watson-Crick model of DNA, all of the sugar groups have the [...] conformation.
C2ʹ endo

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n the standard Watson-Crick model of DNA, all of the sugar groups have the C2ʹ endo conformation.

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Flashcard 1457044458764

If the 2ʹ hydrogen were replaced by a hydroxyl group, as in the ribose ring of RNA, the two oxygen atoms would [...]
repel each other strongly.

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If the 2ʹ hydrogen were replaced by a hydroxyl group, as in the ribose ring of RNA, the two oxygen atoms would repel each other strongly.

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Flashcard 1457046031628

If the 2ʹ hydrogen were replaced by a [...], as in the ribose ring of RNA, the two oxygen atoms would repel each other strongly.
hydroxyl group

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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If the 2ʹ hydrogen were replaced by a hydroxyl group, as in the ribose ring of RNA, the two oxygen atoms would repel each other strongly.

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Flashcard 1457047604492

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
To get a list of all sorts of online documentation, much of it written in readable prose instead of telegraphic lists, type [...]

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To get a list of all sorts of online documentation, much of it written in readable prose instead of telegraphic lists, type help.start()

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Flashcard 1457049177356

Both [types of ions and examples] have been found to interact with various sites on nucleic acids. Th ese interactions may be through direct metal-ion coordination or they may be mediated by water molecules
monovalent (sodium and potas- sium) and divalent (particularly magnesium) ions

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Both monovalent (sodium and potas- sium) and divalent (particularly magnesium) ions have been found to interact with various sites on nucleic acids. Th ese interactions may be through direct metal-ion coordination or they may be mediated by water molecules

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Flashcard 1457051798796

Both monovalent (sodium and potas- sium) and divalent (particularly magnesium) ions have been found to interact with various sites on nucleic acids. Th ese interactions may be through [...] or they may be mediated by water molecules
direct metal-ion coordination

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Both monovalent (sodium and potas- sium) and divalent (particularly magnesium) ions have been found to interact with various sites on nucleic acids. Th ese interactions may be through direct metal-ion coordination or they may be mediated by water molecules

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Flashcard 1457053371660

Both monovalent (sodium and potas- sium) and divalent (particularly magnesium) ions have been found to interact with various sites on nucleic acids. Th ese interactions may be through direct metal-ion coordination or they may be [...]
mediated by water molecules

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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y>Both monovalent (sodium and potas- sium) and divalent (particularly magnesium) ions have been found to interact with various sites on nucleic acids. Th ese interactions may be through direct metal-ion coordination or they may be mediated by water molecules<body><html>

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Flashcard 1457055206668

What needs to happen wrt phosphates/backbone to minimize electrostatic repulsion in DNA/RNA?
Th e backbones (specifi cally the phosphates) need to be separated as far as possible and be exposed to solvent to minimize electrostatic repulsions.

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Th e backbones (specifi cally the phosphates) need to be separated as far as possible and be exposed to solvent to minimize electrostatic repulsions.

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Flashcard 1457057565964

Why can't the C2' sugar pucker be adopted by RNA as it is in DNA?
because of steric hindrance between the OH group on C2 ʹ and the phosphate group on C3ʹ

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In RNA, however, the C2ʹ endo sugar pucker cannot be adopted because of steric hindrance between the OH group on C2 ʹ and the phosphate group on C3ʹ

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Flashcard 1457059925260

What is one purpose of the wider major groove (what does it allow for?)
allows regulatory proteins or other molecules to gain access to nucleotide functional groups on the edges of the groove.

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Th e wider and more accessible major groove (Figure 2.11) allows regulatory proteins or other molecules to gain access to nucleotide functional groups on the edges of the groove.

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Flashcard 1457062284556

Are the patterns of recognition elements in the major groove unique or identifical for each base pair?
Th e patterns of recognition elements in the major groove are unique for each of the four base pairs (G-C, C-G, A-T, and T-A).

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Th e patterns of recognition elements in the major groove are unique for each of the four base pairs (G-C, C-G, A-T, and T-A).

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Flashcard 1457064643852

What base pairs are distuingishable in the minor groove?
In the minor groove, however, the pattern for G-C is indistinguishable from that for C-G, and the pattern for A-T is the same as that for T-A

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In the minor groove, however, the pattern for G-C is indistinguishable from that for C-G, and the pattern for A-T is the same as that for T-A

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Flashcard 1457067003148

What is one measure of DNA deformability?
One measure of deformability is how easily DNA can be bent

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One measure of deformability is how easily DNA can be bent. Th e stiff ness of DNA is characterized by its persistence length.

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Flashcard 1457069362444

What is one characterization of DNA stiffness?
Th e stiff ness of DNA is characterized by its persistence length.

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One measure of deformability is how easily DNA can be bent. Th e stiff ness of DNA is characterized by its persistence length.

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Flashcard 1457071721740

Th e persistence length of B-form DNA is approximately [...]. Th is corresponds to 14 or 15 helical turns, or roughly 140–150 base pairs
500 Å

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Th e persistence length of B-form DNA is approximately 500 Å. Th is corresponds to 14 or 15 helical turns, or roughly 140–150 base pairs

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Flashcard 1457073294604

Th e persistence length of B-form DNA is approximately 500 Å. Th is corresponds to [...] helical turns, or roughly 140–150 base pairs
14 or 15

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Th e persistence length of B-form DNA is approximately 500 Å. Th is corresponds to 14 or 15 helical turns, or roughly 140–150 base pairs

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Flashcard 1457074867468

Th e persistence length of B-form DNA is approximately 500 Å. Th is corresponds to 14 or 15 helical turns, or roughly [...] base pairs

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Th e persistence length of B-form DNA is approximately 500 Å. Th is corresponds to 14 or 15 helical turns, or roughly 140–150 base pairs

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Flashcard 1457076440332

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
A matrix is simply [...]
a two-dimensional array of values of the same type.

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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A matrix is simply a two-dimensional array of values of the same type.

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Flashcard 1457078013196

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
A matrix can be created in R using the [...] command. The first argument specifies the contents of the matrix, in order. Other arguments specify the size of the matrix, the order in which the matrix should be filled, and, optionally, the names of the dimensions and rows and columns.

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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A matrix can be created in R using the matrix command. The first argument specifies the contents of the matrix, in order. Other arguments specify the size of the matrix, the order in which the matrix should be filled, and, optional

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Flashcard 1457079586060

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
A matrix can be created in R using the matrix command. The first argument specifies the [...], in order. Other arguments specify the size of the matrix, the order in which the matrix should be filled, and, optionally, the names of the dimensions and rows and columns.
contents of the matrix

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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A matrix can be created in R using the matrix command. The first argument specifies the contents of the matrix, in order. Other arguments specify the size of the matrix, the order in which the matrix should be filled, and, optionally, the names of the dimensions and rows and columns.</spa

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Flashcard 1457081158924

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
A matrix can be created in R using the matrix command. The first argument specifies the contents of the matrix, in order. Other arguments specify the [...], the order in which the matrix should be filled, and, optionally, the names of the dimensions and rows and columns.
size of the matrix

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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A matrix can be created in R using the matrix command. The first argument specifies the contents of the matrix, in order. Other arguments specify the size of the matrix, the order in which the matrix should be filled, and, optionally, the names of the dimensions and rows and columns.

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Flashcard 1457082731788

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
A matrix can be created in R using the matrix command. The first argument specifies the contents of the matrix, in order. Other arguments specify the size of the matrix, the [...], and, optionally, the names of the dimensions and rows and columns.
order in which the matrix should be filled

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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A matrix can be created in R using the matrix command. The first argument specifies the contents of the matrix, in order. Other arguments specify the size of the matrix, the order in which the matrix should be filled, and, optionally, the names of the dimensions and rows and columns.

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Flashcard 1457084304652

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
A matrix can be created in R using the matrix command. The first argument specifies the contents of the matrix, in order. Other arguments specify the size of the matrix, the order in which the matrix should be filled, and, optionally, the [...]
names of the dimensions and rows and columns.

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pan>A matrix can be created in R using the matrix command. The first argument specifies the contents of the matrix, in order. Other arguments specify the size of the matrix, the order in which the matrix should be filled, and, optionally, the <span>names of the dimensions and rows and columns.<span><body><html>

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#bayes #programming #r #statistics
How is a dataframe like a matrix?
A data frame is much like a matrix, insofar as it has several columns of equal length

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A data frame is much like a matrix, insofar as it has several columns of equal length. But each column can be of a different type, and, in particular, columns can be factors. A data frameisreallyatypeof list in which each component is thought of as a named column of a ma

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Flashcard 1457088236812

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
How is a dataframe different from a matrix? (2 ways)
But each column can be of a different type, and, in particular, columns can be factors.

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A data frame is much like a matrix, insofar as it has several columns of equal length. But each column can be of a different type, and, in particular, columns can be factors. A data frameisreallyatypeof list in which each component is thought of as a named column of a matrix, with different columns possibly of different types. The elements of a data frame ca

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Flashcard 1457090858252

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
What is a dataframe?
A data frame is a type of list in which each component is thought of as a named column of a matrix, with different columns possibly of different types

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A data frame is much like a matrix, insofar as it has several columns of equal length. But each column can be of a different type, and, in particular, columns can be factors. A data frameisreallyatypeof list in which each component is thought of as a named column of a matrix, with different columns possibly of different types. The elements of a data frame can be accessed as if it were a list or as if it were a matrix.

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Flashcard 1457093741836

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
A data frame is much like a matrix, insofar as it has several columns of equal length. But each column can be of a different type, and, in particular, columns can be factors. A data frameisreallyatypeof list in which each component is thought of as a named column of a matrix, with different columns possibly of different types. The elements of a data frame can be accessed as if it were [...or...]
a list or as if it were a matrix.

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ular, columns can be factors. A data frameisreallyatypeof list in which each component is thought of as a named column of a matrix, with different columns possibly of different types. The elements of a data frame can be accessed as if it were <span>a list or as if it were a matrix.<span><body><html>

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Flashcard 1457096101132

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
What are columns with nonnumeric entries in a dataframe turned into?

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>Thus, the columns of HGNdf are vectors or factors, named according to the words in the first row of the CSV file, and all of length equal to the number of data rows in the CSV file. It is important to note that columns with any character (non-numeric) entries are turned into factors<html>

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Flashcard 1457098460428

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
How do you get element i from a list? Will this also return its name?
We can get element i from a list, including its name, by putting i inside single square brackets.

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We can get element i from a list, including its name, by putting i inside single square brackets. We can get the contents of element i by putting i inside double square brackets.

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Flashcard 1457100819724

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
How do you get the contents of element i in a list?
We can get the contents of element i by putting i inside double square brackets.

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We can get element i from a list, including its name, by putting i inside single square brackets. We can get the contents of element i by putting i inside double square brackets.

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Flashcard 1457103179020

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
One way to save a data table is with the [...] function.

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One way to save a data table is with the write.csv function. For example, the command

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A list of length n is an ordered collection of n objects (which might be num- bers, other lists, or more abstract entities) separated by commas and surrounded by parentheses
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Flashcard 1457108159756

A list of length n is [...]
an ordered collection of n objects (which might be num- bers, other lists, or more abstract entities) separated by commas and surrounded by parentheses

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A list of length n is an ordered collection of n objects (which might be num- bers, other lists, or more abstract entities) separated by commas and surrounded by parentheses

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Flashcard 1457110781196

We will define a vector space to be a set V along with an addition and a scalar multiplication on V that satisfy the properties discussed in the previous paragraph. By an addition on V we mean [...]
a function that assigns an element u + v ∈ V to each pair of elements u, v ∈ V.

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We will define a vector space to be a set V along with an addition and a scalar multiplication on V that satisfy the properties discussed in the previous paragraph. By an addition on V we mean a function that assigns an element u + v ∈ V to each pair of elements u, v ∈ V.

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Flashcard 1457116810508

Now we are ready to give the formal definition of a vector space. A vector space is a set V along with an addition on V and a scalar multiplication on V such that the following properties hold:

u + v = v + u for all u, v ∈ V;

(u+v)+w = u+(v +w) and (ab)v = a(bv) for all u,v,w ∈ V and all a,b ∈ F;

additive identity
there exists an element 0 ∈ V such that v +0 = v for all v ∈ V;

additive inverse
for every v ∈ V, there exists w ∈ V such that v + w = 0;

multiplicative identity
1v = v for all v ∈ V;

distributive properties
a(u +v) = au +av and (a +b)u = au +bu for all a,b ∈ F and all u,v ∈ V.

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Now we are ready to give the formal definition of a vector space. A vector space is a set V along with an addition on V and a scalar multiplication on V such that the following properties hold: commutativity u + v = v + u for all u, v ∈ V; associativity (u+v)+w = u+(v +w) and (ab)v = a(bv) for all u,v,w ∈ V and all a,b ∈ F; additive identity there exists an element 0 ∈ V such that v +0 = v for all v ∈ V; additive inverse for every v ∈ V, there exists w ∈ V such that v + w = 0; multiplicative identity 1v = v for all v ∈ V; distributive properties a(u +v) = au +av and (a +b)u = au +bu for all a,b ∈ F and all u,v ∈ V.

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Flashcard 1457125199116

Proposition: Every element in a vector space has a unique additive inverse. Proof: [...]
Suppose V is a vector space. Let v ∈ V. Suppose that w and w' are additive inverses of v. Then w' = w' + 0 = w' +(v + w) = (w'+v)+w = 0 + w = w. Thus w = w', as desired.

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Proposition: Every element in a vector space has a unique additive inverse. Proof: Suppose V is a vector space. Let v ∈ V. Suppose that w and w' are additive inverses of v. Then w' = w' + 0 = w' +(v + w) = (w'+v)+w = 0 + w = w. Thus w = w', as desired.

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Flashcard 1457126771980

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
The summary function [...]
detects the type, or “class,” of the argument provided to it, and returns a summary appropriate for that class of object.

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The summary function detects the type, or “class,” of the argument provided to it, and returns a summary appropriate for that class of object.

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Flashcard 1457128344844

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
The aggregate function is very useful for [...]
summarizing data according to factor characteristics.

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The aggregate function is very useful for summarizing data according to factor characteristics.

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Flashcard 1457129917708

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
How do you write a function in R?
In general, a function in R in defined by code of the form: functionName = function( arguments ) { commands }

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In general, a function in R in defined by code of the form: functionName = function( arguments ) { commands } The commands inside the curly braces can extend over many lines of code.

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Flashcard 1457132277004

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
You invoke the function by commanding R thus: [...]
functionName( arguments=argumentValues )

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You invoke the function by commanding R thus: functionName( arguments=argumentValues )

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Flashcard 1457133849868

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
Where do the curly braces go in a conditional statement (if, else)?
In particular, the line containing “else” begins with a closing curly brace, which tells R that the “else” clause is continuing the preceding “if.” A line that begins with “else” causes an error

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Notice the arrangement of curly braces across lines in the if-else structure above. In particular, the line containing “else” begins with a closing curly brace, which tells R that the “else” clause is continuing the preceding “if.” A line that begins with “else” causes an error

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Flashcard 1457136209164

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
A simple way to measure processing time is with the [...] function, which returns the current computer-system time.

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A simple way to measure processing time is with the proc.time function, which returns the current computer-system time. To measure the duration of a process, use proc.time at the beginning and end of the process, and compute the difference between

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Flashcard 1457138568460

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
A simple way to measure processing time is with the proc.time function, which returns the current computer-system time. To measure the duration of a process, [...]
use proc.time at the beginning and end of the process, and compute the difference between the times

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A simple way to measure processing time is with the proc.time function, which returns the current computer-system time. To measure the duration of a process, use proc.time at the beginning and end of the process, and compute the difference between the times

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Flashcard 1457140141324

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
Which is faster? Loops or vectorized operations?
In general, for loops are slow relative to vectorized operations

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In general, for loops are slow relative to vectorized operations

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Flashcard 1457142500620

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
What is a sample space?
a set of possible outcomes in mind. This set exhausts all possible outcomes, and the outcomes are all mutually exclusive.

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Whenever we ask about how likely an outcome is, we always ask with a set of possible outcomes in mind. This set exhausts all possible outcomes, and the outcomes are all mutually exclusive. This set is called the sample space

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Flashcard 1457144859916

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
What is the technical term for heads in a coin?

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Many coins minted by governments have the picture of an important person’s head on one side. This side is called “heads” or, technically, the “obverse.”

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Flashcard 1457147219212

#matlab #programming
A more general form of for is [...] where v is any vector. The index moves through each element of the vector in turn, providing a neat way of processing each item in a list.
for index = v

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A more general form of for is for index = v where v is any vector. The index moves through each element of the vector in turn, providing a neat way of processing each item in a list.

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Flashcard 1457148792076

#matlab #programming
The MATLAB function [...] returns a six-element vector with the current date and time in the format year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds. Thus, t0 records when the calculation starts.

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The MATLAB function clock returns a six-element vector with the current date and time in the format year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds. Thus, t0 records when the calculation starts.</ht

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Flashcard 1457150364940

#matlab #programming
The MATLAB function clock returns a [...] Thus, t0 records when the calculation starts.
six-element vector with the current date and time in the format year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds.

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The MATLAB function clock returns a six-element vector with the current date and time in the format year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds. Thus, t0 records when the calculation starts.

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Flashcard 1457151937804

#matlab #programming
The function [...] returns the time in seconds elapsed between its two ar- guments, which must be vectors as returned by clock.

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The function etime returns the time in seconds elapsed between its two ar- guments, which must be vectors as returned by clock.

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Flashcard 1457153510668

#matlab #programming
The function etime returns the [...], which must be vectors as returned by clock.
time in seconds elapsed between its two ar- guments

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The function etime returns the time in seconds elapsed between its two ar- guments, which must be vectors as returned by clock.

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Flashcard 1457155083532

#matlab #programming
The function etime returns the time in seconds elapsed between its two ar- guments, which must be [...]
vectors as returned by clock.

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The function etime returns the time in seconds elapsed between its two ar- guments, which must be vectors as returned by clock.

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#matlab #programming
A complex number may be represented in polar coordinates: z =re
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A complex number may be represented in polar coordinates: z =re iθ angle(z) returns θ between −π and π ; that is, atan2(imag(z), real(z)). abs(z) returns the magnitude r

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Flashcard 1457159015692

#matlab #programming
A complex number may be represented in polar coordinates: z =re iθ angle(z) returns [...]. abs(z) returns the magnitude r
θ between −π and π ; that is, atan2(imag(z), real(z))

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A complex number may be represented in polar coordinates: z =re iθ angle(z) returns θ between −π and π ; that is, atan2(imag(z), real(z)). abs(z) returns the magnitude r

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Flashcard 1457160588556

#matlab #programming
A complex number may be represented in polar coordinates: z =re angle(z) returns θ between −π and π ; that is, atan2(imag(z), real(z)). abs(z) returns the [...]
magnitude r

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A complex number may be represented in polar coordinates: z =re iθ angle(z) returns θ between −π and π ; that is, atan2(imag(z), real(z)). abs(z) returns the magnitude r

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Flashcard 1457162161420

#calculus #mathematics #tensors #vectors
A vector is [...]
the mathematical representation of a physical entity that may be characterized by size (or “magnitude”) and direction

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A vector is the mathematical representation of a physical entity that may be characterized by size (or “magnitude”) and direction

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Flashcard 1457163734284

#calculus #mathematics #tensors #vectors
In other words, if you were to move the vector shown in Figure 1.1(a) to a different location without varying its length or its pointing direction, would it still be the same vector? In some applications, the answer is “yes,” and those vectors are called [...]
free vectors.

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