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on 19-Aug-2018 (Sun)

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Flashcard 3111649152268

#deeplearning #embeddings #nlp
List three reasons to use Entity Embeddings of categorical variables.
  1. Entity embedding reduces memory usage
  2. ​​It speeds up neural networks training compared with one-hot encoding,
  3. More importantly by mapping similar values close to each other in the embedding space it reveals the intrinsic properties of the categorical variables

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Flashcard 3111650987276

#deeplearning #embeddings #nlp
What EDA and step is made possible with Entity Embeddings of Categorical Variables, otherwise only meaningfull with Numerical Features?
As entity embedding defines a distance measure for categorical variables it can be used for visualizing categorical data and for data clustering.

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill


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Flashcard 3126364605708

#deeplearning #embeddings #nlp
What is the main difficulty in applying neural networks to Structured Data?
  • Neural Networks maps the features to some continuous function.
  • Unlike unstructured data found in nature, structured data with categorical features may not have continuity at all and even if it has it may not be so obvious

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill


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Flashcard 3126366440716

#deeplearning #embeddings #nlp
Describe 2 shortcomings in using one-hot encoding of Categorical Variables
  1. When we have many high cardinality features one-hot encoding often results in an unrealistic amount of computational resource requirement.
  2. It treats different values of categorical variables completely independent of each other and often ignores the informative relations between them.

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Flashcard 3184292400396

In git, a [...] repository is an internet site that you get code from (and push code to)

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VECTEUR is a vector whose projection on the element plane, sets the local x axis of the coordinate system of the element. It is used to compute the principal stresses 2 , it should not be normal to ANY element in the group 3 !
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Just like any structural element, beam or discrete, a plate, or a shell, needs an associated local coordinate system in which: • local z axis is the normal vector, defined by the mesh topology it- self;
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local x axis is the projection of the above defined, VECTEUR, vector on the plane tangent to the element at its barycenter, this is unknown by the mesh topology andhas to be defined; • local y axis completes the trihedron.
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1. triangular shell element (1,2,3), with local z vector, normal, as given from mesher or ORIE_NORM_COQUE; 2. VECTOR given as VECTEUR=(0,0,1), projected on element gives local x axis; 3. complete local axis trihedron.
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PRES is a uniform pressure, acting along the normal of the element, but in the opposite direction, this can raise many errors or give unexpected results if the normals are not oriented as we think they are! For this kind of study I would rather use FORCE_COQUE, but for learning from the mistakes let’s try with F3.
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#here we define a pressure on the plate elements FORCE_COQUE=_F (GROUP_MA=(’panel’ ) ,PRES = 0 . 0 1 , ) , #next line would have meant a distributed force along x #equivalent if normals are in the right direction #FORCE_COQUE=_F(GROUP_MA=(’panel’),FX=-0.01,),
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Keyword SIGM_ELNO is here to calculate the stress in the plate ele- ment, but only in the neutral plane.
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Fourth group of lines prints SIPM_ELNO restricted to NOM_CMP=(’SIXX’,) giving it the name, NOM_CHAM_MED, ’sixx’ in the med file.
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A node belonging to a BARRE carries only translational DOFs, that’s why the boundary condition misses DRX, DRY and DRZ.
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winscp 服务器拒绝了SFTP连接,但它监听FTP连接。 想要用FTP协议来代替SFTP吗?最好是用加密的。 2017年04月18日 15:41:57 阅读数:15258

在用Winscp 连接Ubuntu是出现

原因是Ubuntu上没有安装 sshd


1, sudo apt-get install yum 安装 ,中间有输入:Y

2, sudo apt-get install openssh-server ,中间有输入:Y

3, sudo ps -e |grep ssh 回车可以看到sshd


如果没有启动可是输入: sudo service ssh start 启动

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winscp 服务器拒绝了SFTP连接,但它监听FTP连接。 想要用FTP协议来代替SFTP吗?最好是用加密的。 - CSDN博客
winscp 服务器拒绝了SFTP连接,但它监听FTP连接。 想要用FTP协议来代替SFTP吗?最好是用加密的。 - CSDN博客 博客 学院 下载 GitChat TinyMind 论坛 APP 问答 商城 VIP 活动 招聘 ITeye 写博客 发Chat 登录注册 我的博客 消息(3) 帐号设置 反馈 帮助 退出 原 winscp 服务器拒绝了SFTP连接,但它监听FTP连接。 想要用FTP协议来代替SFTP吗?最好是用加密的。 2017年04月18日 15:41:57 阅读数:15258 在用Winscp 连接Ubuntu是出现 原因是Ubuntu上没有安装sshd 解决步骤: 1,sudo apt-get install yum 安装 ,中间有输入:Y 2,sudo apt-get install openssh-server,中间有输入:Y 3,sudo ps -e |grep ssh 回车可以看到sshd 说明ssh服务已经启动。 如果没有启动可是输入:sudo service ssh start 启动 文章标签: ssh winscp 个人分类: 工具 ▼查看关于本篇文章更多信息 常州25岁美女手机做这个,1年存款吓呆父母! 华浩星 · 顶新 想对作者说点什么? 我来说一句 qq_419352922018-06-29 16:09:05#6楼 试了 不行 开了ssh 弄了一天了 脑子疼啊 举报回复 申明霜2018-01-02 19:15:20#5楼 试了这种方法不行




[imagelink] 步骤阅读 百度经验:jingyan.baidu.com 食物用途
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百度经验:jingyan.baidu.com 生活用途
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仔裤有什么用处? 比克大魔王 指甲油有哪些意想不到的用... 比克大魔王 喝苏打水有什么好处 秀艺场8 钥匙扣的用处有哪些? 比克大魔王 个性化的小制作,看看有何... 科技小黑箱 白酒包装盒有什么用处? 比克大魔王 小苏打巧去油污方法分享 秒懂生活视... 把肥皂与小苏打拌在一起,... 比克大魔王 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 分步阅读 百度经验:jingyan.baidu.com <span>小苏打也叫食用碱,在烹调方面,小苏打的用途很广。 比如煮大米粥、小米粥、玉米粥,做各种面食、点心等,都离不开小苏打。尤其是饭店里的厨师,更喜欢用小苏打来烹调各种食物。 步骤阅读 百度经验:jingyan.baidu.com 食物用途 1 用途一:煮大米粥、小米粥、玉米粥要加小苏打,煮绿豆粥更不能忘。 理论:为什么煮粥要加碱?这是因为碱能促进淀粉吸水糊化,促进淀粉粒外层的谷蛋白溶解入水,结果就能让粥更快地煮熟,还能让粥口感更粘稠。 鉴别:碱会让谷类中少量的类黄酮物质从无色转变成黄色。所以加碱的粥会或多或少地变成淡黄色或淡黄绿色。放多了还会有一种碱味,破坏了粥本身的清香气息。 步骤阅读 2 用途二:做各种面食、点心要加小苏打,让它们疏松、柔软、可口。从自发粉到蛋糕粉,从油条到苏打饼干,从蛋糕到玉米饼,大多都放碱。 原理:小苏打和酸式盐反应生成二氧化碳,产生气体,令面点多孔。同时,碱也让淀粉更容易烤熟或蒸熟,原理和煮粥一样。 鉴别:加碱的面食疏松多孔,但没有发酵产生的香气,或者只有香精的香气。加碱过多时,面食会带上一点黄色,加得不均匀时更明显。 步骤阅读 3 用途三:做各种肉类要加小苏打,从沾水牛肉、水煮肉到肉丸子,这个技术总是很受欢迎。水产品如虾和鱼丸也可以用。 原理:由于肉类蛋白质的等电点一般在弱酸性条件下,这时候肉的吸水性是最差的。如果加碱,就能让肉类蛋白质带更多的电荷,让肉和水的亲和能力加强。这样,一斤肉能吸进去三两水,自然会变得更加柔嫩。肉变得膨大了,成本也就降低了。 鉴别:加了碱的肉基本上吃不出肉丝儿来,连是什么肉都几乎吃不出来,特嫩,嫩到省牙的程度。 步骤阅读 END 百度经验:jingyan.baidu.com 生活用途 1 加强洗碗精的除油腻功能 加二汤匙的小苏打到稀释的洗碗精水中,可以帮助去除锅碗瓢盘上的油腻.如果器具上黏有的难洗的残余食物,先泡在小苏打∕洗碗精的水中,用海棉沾上乾的小苏打粉,轻轻刷洗就可以洗掉了. 步骤阅读 2 去除冰箱冷藏室和冷冻室的异味 用开口的容器,里面装约二杯的小苏打,放在冰箱冷藏室和冷冻室中(置於中间较后方),就可消除冰箱中的异味.最好每三个月就换新鲜的小苏打. 步骤阅读 3 清洁微波炉内部 在四杯水中加入四汤匙小苏打,用海棉沾小苏打水去擦拭微波炉的内部,擦完再用清水擦拭一遍,如果有难洗的痕迹,就直接用沾了小苏打粉的海棉擦拭,再用清水擦一遍. 步骤阅读 4 消除塑胶耐热容器的异味 装了食物后的塑胶容器.虽然洗乾净了但有时仍会有一股异味,所以平时用海棉沾小苏打粉来洗,对於较难消除的异味,再将容器浸泡在四杯水加四汤匙小苏打粉的温热溶液中,就能消除残存的异味了. 步骤阅读 5 消除砧板的异味 砧板切了洋葱,大蒜之后,异味很容易留在砧板上,甚至还会让别的食物也沾上了异味,用小苏打粉来刷洗就可以去除异味,保持砧板没有异味. 步骤阅读 6 恢复银器的光亮 银质餐具失去光亮的色泽时,用3:1(小苏打粉:水)的比例调成糊来擦拭银器,再用清水冲洗擦乾,就能恢复银器原来的光亮了. 步骤阅读 7 消除咖啡和茶垢 可用四杯水加四分之一杯小苏打粉清洗杯中的咖啡和茶垢,对於比较久而不好洗的咖啡和茶垢,可以泡在小苏打水中隔夜再洗. 步骤阅读 8 保持海棉清新没异味 把海棉泡在浓的小苏打水中,可以保持海棉清新没异味. 步骤阅读 END 百度经验:jingyan.baidu.com 药用用途 1 如遭蜜蜂或蚊虫叮咬,用小苏打和醋调成糊状,抹在伤处,可以止痒。在洗澡水中放一点小苏打,可以缓解皮肤过敏。 步骤阅读 2 在床单上撒一点小苏打,可预防儿童因湿热引起的皮疹。 步骤阅读 3 双脚疲劳,在洗脚水里放2匙小苏打浸泡一段时间,有助于消除疲劳。 步骤阅读 4 “苏打水”是属于碳酸饮料,是在经过纯化的饮用水中压入二氧化碳,并添加甜味剂和香料的饮料。 步骤阅读 END 百度经验:jingyan.baidu.com 苏打水的好处 1 苏打水属于弱碱性。人体内环境是弱碱性。我们每天吃很多肉类、鱼类,都是酸性食物。因此,需要进行酸碱平衡。那么,多吃些碱性食品更有利于身体健康(无肠胃病史)。 2 苏打水有利于养胃,因为苏打水能中和胃酸。如果胃酸分泌较少的话长期饮用苏打水也会造成伤害 。 3 苏打水有助于缓解消化不良和便秘症状。 4 美容:苏打水有抗氧化作用,能预防皮肤老化。柠檬+苏打水: 有助于增进食欲、预防皮肤老化、美容养颜。 END 百度经验:jingyan.baidu.com 注意事项 长期地喝应该小心人工甜味剂和香料摄入过多影响健康。 长期服用苏打水可能会引起碱中毒,轻则厌食、恶心、头痛、抽搐,重则昏迷,尤其老年人及肾脏病患者,长期服用更易发生碱中毒 。 经验内容仅供参考,如果您需解决具体问题(尤其法律、医学等领域),建议您详细咨询相关领域专业人士。 举报作者声明:本篇经验系本人依照真实经历原创,未经许可,谢绝转载。 投票(1)已投票(1) +1 有得(0) 我有疑问(0) ◆◆ 说说为什么给这篇经验投票吧! 写的太赞 帮到了我 作者很棒 因为任性 我为什么投票... 你还可以输入500字 ◆◆ 看了这篇经验,你有一些



[imagelink] 步骤阅读 百度经验:jingyan.baidu.com 工具/原料
  • 小苏打粉
百度经验:jingyan.baidu.com 小苏打的妙用
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什么作用 泰白传媒 小苏打粉的妙用 秒懂生活视... 艾草泡脚有什么作用 百姓健康网 香蕉皮有什么好作用 秒懂生活视... 食用纯碱和小苏打有什么区... 秒懂生活视... 洗洁精+小苏打能做成史莱... 有招小视频 小苏打巧去油污方法分享 秒懂生活视... 把肥皂与小苏打拌在一起,... 比克大魔王 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 分步阅读 百度经验:jingyan.baidu.com <span>生活中,总有一些小窍门,善于使用,就会为我们的生活带来便捷。常听人说“万能的小苏打”,那么,小苏打到底有什么作用呢?下面我们就来了解一下小苏打的用途。 步骤阅读 百度经验:jingyan.baidu.com 工具/原料 小苏打粉 百度经验:jingyan.baidu.com 小苏打的妙用 1 去除蔬果农药残留。给水里放一汤匙的小苏打粉,再把水果蔬菜放进去浸泡2--3分钟,然后清洗,就可以吃了,既方便又快捷。 步骤阅读 2 防止青菜叶绿素流失。在烫青菜前加一点小苏打粉,可以防止叶绿素流失,烫好的青菜也不会变黄。 步骤阅读 3 治疗高血压。给烧开的水里放两三勺小苏打粉,然后等水温差不多时开始泡脚,每次20--30分钟左右。一般洗五、六次就见效。 步骤阅读 4 洗衣。在洗衣服时,倒入三分之二量米杯的小苏打粉,跟洗衣液一同倒入,可以将衣物洗得更干净,而且不会伤衣料。在清洁衣领、袖口时,将小苏打溶入五六十摄氏度的热水中,再搓点肥皂,效果超级棒,而且又快速。 步骤阅读 5 清洁环境。用抹布沾点小苏打溶液后拧干,用来擦拭门窗、衣柜、洗脸盆、金属水龙头、地板、冰箱等,不仅能够擦拭干净,而且会使它们保持光亮如新。 步骤阅读 步骤阅读 6 清洁抽油烟机。油烟机是比较难清理的物件,现在,有了小苏打粉,你就再也不用担心了。只需要将小苏打膏涂抹在抽油烟机的脏污处,静置一会儿,就可以清除干净了。 步骤阅读 7 除臭。用开口容器装点小苏打粉,置于鞋柜、衣橱等处,就可以除臭。经常用小苏打粉清洗餐具,还可以避免洗槽排水产生臭味。给垃圾桶撒点小苏打粉也能除臭。当然,如果是鞋子,可以给里面撒一点小苏打粉,不但能除臭,而且在下一次清洗鞋子的时候更容易清洁。 步骤阅读 END 百度经验:jingyan.baidu.com 注意事项 用量一定要控制好 经验内容仅供参考,如果您需解决具体问题(尤其法律、医学等领域),建议您详细咨询相关领域专业人士。 举报作者声明:本篇经验系本人依照真实经历原创,未经许可,谢绝转载。 投票(0)已投票(0) +1 有得(0) 我有疑问(0) ◆◆ 说说为什么给这篇经验投票吧! 写的太赞 帮到了我

Flashcard 3209617607948

In Linux, folder that stores configurations is?

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Flashcard 3209620229388

In linux, create new user kaveh
sudo adduser kaveh

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Flashcard 3209622850828

In ubuntu, create user kaveh without setting password (will use ssh for login): sudo adduser kaveh [...]

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Flashcard 3209625472268

In linux, get list of users and their info (such as home directories)
cat /etc/passwd

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Flashcard 3209628093708

In linux, delete user "kaveh"
sudo deluser kaveh

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Flashcard 3209630715148

In linux, create group called sales.
sudo addgroup sales

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Flashcard 3209633336588

In Linux, add user "kaveh" to group "sales"
sudo adduser kaveh sales

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Flashcard 3209635958028

In linux, delete user "kaveh" from group "sales"
sudo deluser kaveh sales

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Flashcard 3209641200908

In linux, how to get list of groups and their users?
sudo cat /etc/group

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Flashcard 3209643822348

In linux, first place to look for to see if user has sudo access?
sudo cat /etc/sudoers

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Flashcard 3209646443788

In linux, file permission 777, first 7 from left signifies [...] owner permission

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Flashcard 3209649065228

In linux, file permission 777, the second middle 7 signifies [...] owner permissions

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Flashcard 3209651686668

In linux, file permission 777, the last 7 from left signifies [...] permissions
everybody/all users

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Flashcard 3209654308108

In linux, give read/write/execute permissions to file test.txt across all levels (user/group/all).
sudo chmod 777 test.txt

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Flashcard 3209656929548

In linux, following command applies the access to "test" folder and all its subfolders:
sudo chmod [...] 777 test

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

#english #game #strauss
The opinion opener I used was the RSD classic, "Who lies more, men or women?"
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last reprioritisation on suggested re-reading day
started reading on finished reading on


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#english #game #strauss
The other thing I learned is to challenge or intrigue HBs right away instead of trying to be logical or factual.
statusnot read reprioritisations
last reprioritisation on suggested re-reading day
started reading on finished reading on


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Flashcard 3209664269580

In linux, change ownership of file "test.txt" to user "kaveh"
sudo chown kaveh test.txt

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Flashcard 3209666891020

In linux, assign/change group ownership of file "test.txt" to group "sales"
sudo chgrp sales test.txt

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

#english #game #strauss
Rapport equals trust plus comfort.
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last reprioritisation on suggested re-reading day
started reading on finished reading on


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#english #game #strauss
"Hang out with us," I said. "We're more fun than your friends." It was a line I'd learned from David DeAngelo. And it worked.
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last reprioritisation on suggested re-reading day
started reading on finished reading on


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#english #game #strauss
"How good of a kisser are you, on a scale of one to ten?" "I'm a ten," she said. "I like soft, slow, teasing kisses. I hate it when someone rams their tongue down my throat." "Yeah, I had a girlfriend who did that. It was like making out with a cow." "I give amazing blow jobs," she said. "Respect." That one-word answer had taken me months to figure out. Some women like to make extremely sexual comments after meeting a man. It is a shit test. If the guy becomes uncomfortable, he fails; however, if he takes the bait and gets excited or says something sexual in response, he also fails. Af- ter watching the British television character Ali G, I discovered the solution: Just look her in the eye, nod approvingly, and, with a slight smile creeping across your face, say, "Respect," in a smart-ass tone.
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started reading on finished reading on


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#english #game #strauss
I fell silent and did what the PUAs call triangular gazing, looking slowly from her left eye to her right eye and then to her lips to create suggestive sexual tension.
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started reading on finished reading on


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#english #game #strauss
I loved seeing what new person emerged in bed, and then talking with that new person after our mutual orgasms. I guess I just like people.
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started reading on finished reading on


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#english #game #strauss
This director had captured her heart by playing push-pull. He'd walk her home, make out with her, and then tell her he couldn't come inside. Whether by accident or design, he was following David DeAngelo's tech- nique of two steps forward and one step back.
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#english #game #strauss
community philosophy (approach indirectly, send mixed signals, appear to be an object of desire, isolate the victim).
statusnot read reprioritisations
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#english #game #strauss
"He's great. He once called me and said, 'Hey, it's me,' as if I should have known who it was. Then he tried to convince me to come over to his house that night. When I finally say yes, he laughed and said he was in Paris. It's a total mindfuck. He'll blow his nose and then hand the dirty tissue to his date."
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Flashcard 3209688124684

In linux, number associated with read file permission is: [...]

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

#english #game #strauss
"I'll tell you something about yourself that other people probably don't know," I began. "People sometimes see you as shy or bitchy offstage, even though you aren't." "Totally," she said. "Do you want to know why?" "Yeah." I was creating what's called a yes-ladder, capturing her atten- tion by asking questions that require an obvious affirmative answer.
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#english #game #strauss
"I'm watching your eyes when you talk. And every time you think, they go down and to the left. That means you're a kinesthetic person. You're someone who lives in her feelings." "Oh my God," she said. "That's totally true." Of course it was. It was one of the value-demonstrating routines I'd de- veloped. The eye goes to one of seven different positions when someone thinks: Each position means the person is accessing a different part of their brain.
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#english #game #strauss
"Who told you this?" I wanted to tell her, "A secret society of international pickup artists." "It's something I observed from doing lots of interviews," I answered. "In fact, by watching the direction peoples' eyes move when they speak, you can tell whether they're telling the truth or not."
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Flashcard 3209695464716

In linux, number associated with write file permission is: [...]

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

#english #game #strauss
"I'll show you something really cool and then we'll get back to the in- terview," I said, throwing in a time constraint for good measure. "It'll be an experiment. I'm going to try to guess something that's in your thoughts." Then I used a simple psychological gambit to guess the initials of an old friend she had an emotional connection to—someone I wouldn't know and hadn't heard of. The initials were G. C. And I got one letter out of two cor- rect. It was a new routine I was still learning, but it was good enough for her. "I can't believe you did that! I probably have so many walls in front, so that's why you didn't get them both," she said. "Let's try it one more time."
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Flashcard 3209698872588

In linux, number associated with execute file permission is: [...]

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill